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Travis walked to school nervously. He couldn't believe he had had a dream like that. What was it..a wet dream? God no- that label just make it worse. Travis was terrified at what this meant. He was scared, and couldn't seem to get out of his own head. He tried to come up with any sort of reasoning of what this meant other than he was a fag. It was just a dream, right? Dreams are where things that are impossible happen, stuff one doesn't normally do, right? No- that's a nightmare. He had a nightmare. Yeah-yeah, that's what it was. Travis went through his first two classes with no problem, well-except he couldn't get his mind off the dream. He hadn't had one in a while, so of course it plagued his mind at every moment his mind wandered. It wasn't until he bumped into someone in the lunch line that he had paid attention "oh-uh- sorry-" Travis quickly muttered, brushing blue hair out of his face, until he realized it was Sal, and turned red. God, he smelled so much like lavender and it drove Travis right to the thought. But now he had to interact with the real world-
"Travis, earth to Travis?" Sal said, a tray of food in one hand, and his other waving in Travis' face "you okay..?" He asked and Travis smiled nervously and nodded. "Y-yeah Sal, I'm fine, how are ya?" He said and Sal took a strawberry milk cartain out of an ice tray near the end of the line. Travis took notice of this. It seemed strawberry milk was his favorite. "good actually! I've had an amazing day and Larry and I are gonna hang out with-" but he stopped himself and continued "uh- Todd and we're just gonna study for a test later This week." Sal continued, and Travis nodded "ah, right. I get it." He smiled and looked at the bologna sandwhich before remembering Larry's words- and deciding against it. He grabbed a pizza, what Sal was having, and was going to turn to go to his own table when Sal took his shoulder. "Hey uh..why don't you come over to our table?" Sal suggested. Travis looked to his eyes, one pupil looked larger than the other. He didn't know why. "I-you-really?" He asked and looked to him, an excited smile on his face. He didn't even realize people a few feet away were watching the whole scene play out, and Sal didn't notice either "well- yeah. You always sit alone, and we have classes together and see each other afterward so..why not ya know?" Sal said. Larry on the way to school had told him that Travis could come over to the table- they really did think about it. They decided it would be better- but it still was a big step. Travis nodded shyly, and followed Sal to their table. Travis' heart was beating out of his chest. This new experience made a whole new kind of nervousness that temporarily dismantled the reoccurring thought of the Dream.

The whole table looked to him. Larry, Todd, Neil, Maple, Chug, Ashley- all of them. Travis gulped and went mute in nervousness as Travis was introduced as if he was the new kid at school. But he wasn't, and they all knew who he was, and what he had done. It was a big step to accept him, even if it was like Neils situation- where he sat down with the group every now and again and left some days to sit with his friends. Ashley looked at him, before slowly moving and sliding to the next seat. "Come on asswipe, sit down already." Larry said, and Travis smiled, sitting down. In that moment, the group broke into normal conversation- and Travis had joined in- feeling a sense of belonging he had never felt before. Todd and chug traded deserts from home packed lunches, and ashley chuckled with Sal about their art class and how Larry knocked over a cup of paint water- Larry defended himself harshly at first, but they all ended up laughing about his clumsy-ness..and it was nice, Travis looked at the group and welcomed the feeling of being at peace, visibly relaxing. Sal noticed this, and smiled behind his prosthetic. Usually, Travis used Sal as a crutch for conversation, but lately Travis had expanded his conversation impressively fast, maybe it was the fact he had been given the chance to..

Sal and Travis talked together happily when they left the cafeteria- the members of the group slowly dispersing to their 3rd period classes. "And Gizmo, Being the chubby cat he is got himself stuck in the air vent.Lisa had to come in and cut him out- we didn't have hot air for a month!" Sal joked, and Travis belted out in laughter. Sal loved Travis' laugh. It was such a true laugh, You could tell it was real. "I'll see you in fourth?" Sal said, and Travis nodded.
They walked into their respective classrooms, Travis with a happy smile on his face. It was then when he sat down that the morning thought came back to him, and he just decided to shut it out. It didn't mean a single thing. It was a dream, and dreams were things that weren't real. Easy as that. Done and done. Travis' grades had been better then ever. He had As in most classes, getting his work done so he could enjoy his afternoons at the apartments. When the bell rang- Travis quickly shuffled through the school with other students and squeezed into his fourth period algebra class. When he saw Sal already sitting and getting his books out, Travis waved at him.

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