It's Not Your Fault.

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February 18th, 1994:

12:00 P.M.

Elkhart General Hospital:

Sal slept the most of the next few days away. Larry stayed as long as he could through those days, but he left the night before. Sal understood, they all needed to go home, rest. Staying at a hospital without a bed isn't the most..comfortable stay. Sal was fully rested after a couple days, and was making progress with his healing. His lungs were fine, but his entire body was covered in deep bruises, gashes, and scratches from the stone collapsing. Through some question asking he was informed that his original prosthetic was (for the most part) burnt in the fire. Sal  was saddened to hear the news, his prosthetics were one of the only constant things in his life.

Sal knew that today, he was going to try and see Travis. He had tried to ask the doctors and nurses anything he could about him, but they gave up very little information other than he was on life support. Sal couldn't do with that, he just couldn't. Travis saved his life, he saved his fucking life. He, out of anyone should get to see him, should get to know exactly what was wrong with him. Sal slowly walked out of his hospital room, and made his way down the hall. 

It was the early afternoon, nurses and patients were in the cafeteria for lunch at that moment. He had to go to the floor above and find him. Sal went into the elevator, and looked to the bottoms. damn it- he needed a key card in order to get up there. Why didn't he think of that? It was where the worst patients went. Sal went out of the elevator, and slowly walked down the hall, wondering where the hell he could find a key card. 

"And now that you all have gotten out of your pre-med programs, you will be entering a program here at Elkhart Hospital. Most high risk surgeries in the state of Indiana are done here, and you will be climbing up the food chain from being nurses to hopefully one day doctors." Sal heard from the hall, and he looked at an open doorway. "You all can take a lunch before you start your twenty-four hour shift. you're going to need all you can get." Sal scooted around the corner as he heard the group's footsteps leave the room. When all of them were out, sal quickly walked up and caught the door before it closed, and looked around before walking in. 

Sal realized quickly after walking in that it was most likely the nurses locker room. he had no idea nurses even had locker rooms, but he guessed that it made sense. Though, it was messy. From what it looked like, the med students had left it this way. Sal realized that maybe one of the med students could have left one of their key cards behind, and he slowly began looking through their belongings mostly their regular clothes, some car keys. Damn, maybe these people should not be med students if they can't even keep their own stuff together. after lifting up a white lab coat strung across a bench, he found it. a one: Johnathan Mark-Smith's keycard. 

Sal took it with him, and went back out to the hall. After he got into the elevator, he scanned the keycard and up he went to the next floor. When the doors opened, sal looked around, and slowly  walked out to the hallway. Compared to the floor below it, this hall was quiet, uncomfortably quiet. made up of a couple of hallways of door after door after door. How the hell was he going to find Travis??

Sal sighed, and slowly began looking at the doors, noticing they had last names on them. This..was going to take a while. Two hallways and a bunch of last names later. Sal saw the word 'Phelps' on a door, and quickly went to the door, and opened it. The room was dark, and there was a clear plastic tarp surrounding Travis' Hospital bed. Sal could make him out in the web of wires he was tangled in. He was about to rush in, but he knew  better than that. Sal looked at the chart and began to read through the papers. 

Travis Phelps: 

Date of Birth: 08/16/76

Sex: Male

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