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December 31st, 1993:

10:00 P.M. 

The Phelps Ministry:

The teenagers parked a mile or so away in an empty parking lot where an old store used to be, headlights off the entire way. When Larry parked in the corner of the lot, he pulled the keys out of the ignition, and looked into the rearview mirror, before they all simultaneously exited the car. Larry tucked the keys under the front tire, knowing that the keys could be their undoing if they were lost while the plan was executed. Sal opened the trunk, and looked over the gas containers all spray painted black. Each teen took two canisters in each of their hands, sal putting his guitar on his back, before taking his own canisters, and shutting the trunk. Sal stepped in front of them and looked toward the woods- letting out a shaky sigh before looking back to his friends. "Alright. Let's finish this.." Sal said, and they silently began the walk into the woods and towards the phelps ministry. As they all walked, Ashley looked to todd, and smiled nervously at him. He looked back at her and nodded. They all had the mutual understanding of what exactly they had to do, but this risk was greater than anything they had risked before. They were going to put their lives at risk, and they had no idea what to expect other than what Travis wrote to them a week ago, and a good portion of it was travis' mental state being completely fucked. Sal had been afraid, but Travis was there- and he was suffering. The man he fell in love with was suffering, and he couldn't beat this alone. He had no idea what his lover had been through. As they came up to the church from behind, they looked through the trees, watching as most of the people exited their cars and walked into the front doors..

Once the coast was clear, the teens split up, and began pouring the gasoline against the wooden frame of the church, thankfully not having to worry about being seen from the windows, due to the fact that they were stained glass. The four of them could hear the music, the talking, the laughter coming from inside. Todd was very clearly uncomfortable, since he still wasn't sure that the people inside were all infected. But, he trusted his friends enough to follow them. "Todd, get out of here and wait at the tree line for the signal from Ash, do you have the lock and the lighter?" Larry whispered. Todd nodded and pushed his glasses up. "Yes, i'll be waiting." He said, and left as Ashley poured out the rest of her canister gasoline into a hole in the wood wall. "Aright Ashley, go inside and we'll see you at the back door." Sal said, and Ashley quickly wrapped herself up in a scarf. Ashley was dressed modestly, and with her new haircut- she looked like a completely different woman. The two brothers were sure that she'd be able to sneak by. As she turned around, Larry took her hand and kissed it. "Be careful.." He said, and Ashley smirked at him. "I can handle myself Lar- i'm the badass in this relationship.." she said, leaning up to kiss him sweetly before turning around, walking close to the wall and looking out for any passers by. "Alright Lar, let's wait by the shed while she goes in.." Sal said, and poured the rest of the gasoline out, before taking the gas containers and putting them by the shed to keep suspicion low. "And now..we wait.." Larry said shakily, before pulling out something from his waistband. "Holy shit- Lar, is that-" A pistol. An actual.Fucking. Pistol. "Where the hell did you get something like that?" Sal asked, looking at its metal surface. It was old, like- wartimes old. "Mom's dad gave it to her i think. She keeps on the side of her bed just in case..Don't think shes ever even shot it..but...I think now's as good of time as any to use it. Got a box of ammo in my pocket.." He said, before putting it back into his waistband, rubbing his hands together to keep warm. 

Ashley wrapped her scarf around her neck a little tighter, looking around before slowly walking into the church, swiping a bible from a table as she walked in. Everyone was talking, humming along to the music, reading out of their bibles in small groups. Ashley ran a hand through her hair, trying to tuck a strand behind her ear like she was used to doing, but it was too short. Ashley slowly moved, trying not to make eye contact with anyone and simply move with the crowd..There were so many people- they filled the church to its entirety. She couldn't believe that this many people had been killed and replaced under the cults' watch. Entire family trees were destroyed. She knew it was a lot of people, but she had no idea how many that it was this much...what was weirdest though? It was freezing cold..All of these bodies and it was like no one was even here. That's how she knew that Sal wasn't in the wrong. These people..weren't people. She had grown up with these people, some of them went to Nockfell high, middle school- hell elementary with her... People shes known her entire life were going to be wiped off the earth in its entirety...But, she knew it had to be done, or much more people were going to die. Ashley moved through the crowd, trying to remain as frigid at their movements. She held her breath, trying to remain as cold as psychically possible like them. suddenly, she bumped into someone. out of habit, she turned around and said "excuse me" gently, walking backwards, until her back bumped into a large form. It was silent then, the entire church going silent and all at once turning their heads to face ashley as she looked up, and backed away, realizing just who she bumped into. Kenneth Phelps, the devourer of gods leader himself: she knew she had to think fast:

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