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Class was going slower than Travis could have ever expected. Sal and Travis sat in opposite sides of math class. Algebra II, He could tell Sal hated Algebra-He used to find joy in the feeling, but now it's..weird. He felt like he could trust a way? It was weird. He didn't know if he liked it or not. When the bell rang for the last class- Travis realized his entire day spun in a blink of an eye. He was growing more and more nervous as he packed his things and moved out of the school, having his bookbag pushed or pulled to make him fumble by other students, hearing chuckles on the way. He ignored them, sighing, and finally walked out of the entrance, where buses waited for the other students.

Usually Sal and his friends walked on the sidewalk back to the apartments. Travis knew it would be weird to be following them- so he rushed. But every second he grew more and more anxious. He started running, running all the way into the gloomy apartments. Travis pulled a key card from his pocket and sighed, - pushing it into the elevator slip. As he went down, he found himself with a sense of nervousness. He walked up to a basement door, and knocked. A brown haired woman with a large nose opened the door. If Larry was a woman, he'd look just like his mom. She raised an eyebrow at the blond, until it clicked. "Oh! Are you the boy thats helping me for the next few months?" She asked, moving aside to let him in "y-yes ma'm.." he said quietly. She looked to Travis happily. Travis slowly walked in, it seemed Larry's mom had been reading with a cup of coffee in her hands. The apartment permitted with a light scent of coffee. "We were supposed to start off with some yard work- but I'm not gonna make you work out in the rain, so we're gonna fix some pipes today in apartment 402." She smiled. Travis nodded "okay ma'm" he said. "Well? You wanna sit down? It's cold today- you want some coffee?" She said, trying to welcome the troubled teen a little. Travis looked to her and slowly sat down.

"I-um.n-No thanks." He said gently, and looked to the table as he set down his bookbag. "Well- I'm Lisa Johnson, my son goes to your school- his names Larry." She said, and he nodded "I know, he looks a lot like you." Travis said, and she chuckled "well ya know, those strong Mexican genes." She joked. A little tension released in his shoulders. Something about Lisa just had a feeling of..home. Travis felt it within minutes of being in her presence, but that peace was wildly interrupted by Larry and Sal walking in through the door, the two looking a tad rained on.

"What. The. Fuck." Larry stated, looking to Travis.
"Larry! Language!" Lisa said. "THIS is the kid that's helping you?? Travis?? Out of ALL the people that damn school could have sent you-"
"Larry you stop that right now!" Lisa said, giving him a fierce look. Larry was very angered by this, and looked to Travis before taking sals wrist and stomping to his room, almost slamming the door behind him. "Oh dear- Travis I am so sorry about that- I don't know what caused- " "n-no. It's my fault.." he started "We don't have a good history. I've done some bad stuff to Larry and his friends.." Travis admitted "Im surprised he didn't tell you, I didn't expect you to be so nice to me if he did..I tried to tell them this is where I was ending up for my punishment..I just couldn't." He said, looking down into his hands. Lisa looked at him before sighing. "Well- at least you're honest." She said, standing up. " you're here for a reason. It might not be what you want but You need to if you're ever going to succeed in the real world." She said, giving it to him straight. "Whatever you did to my sons, and his friends- cuz Sals my son too-  youre gonna make up for it." She said, and Travis looked up "I can't, I don't- I don't know how. It's weird but- it doesn't matter, they're never going to forgive me even I did-"
"I'm not saying you're going to be." Lisa simply stated. It kind of clicked for Travis then. "You can do it, you look like your minds in conflict but...I think that once you get your inner demons past you- you can change for the better.I see it in you" she stated, setting down a cookie "Think of this as a new slate. Give Larry his own time, he keeps grudges.." she said. Travis nodded nervously, and took a small bite..

Real Care :  A Sal x Travis Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now