Campbell Family Drama

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December 29th, 1993

6:15 P.M.

Ashley Campbells' Bedroom:

"Ashley, you make sure that bedroom door stays open!"

"Yes ma'm!" 

Ashley yelled down to her mother, sighing as she sat down on her bed. Ashley's room consisted of a relatively normal teenage girls room. Posters of rock stars, polaroids, Cassettes- along with a lengthy collection of paintings from throughout the years stacked in neat (yet chaotic) piles on the floor. Though, Sal was sure Ashley would have an edgy-er space if allowed. Come to find out, Ashley's parents were, really strict. Out of all of their friends, Ashley definitely had a wealthier family. Upper middle class, since her father was a military supervisor at the nearest military airport, and her mother was a co-owner of a salon in the next town over. Sal glanced over to see a little boy peaking through the crack of the door into Ashley's room. "Get out of my room Ben!!" She yelled. "I'm not even in your room!" he yelled back. Ashley groaned "MOOOOM, Tell Ben To get away from my room!" Ashley yelled loudly, to which Larry and Sal both glanced towards each other. "Benjamin Campbell, If I  have to come up there- you Both are grounded!" their mother yelled from downstairs, and the young boy quickly ran down stairs and outside to escape his mother's wrath. "you're uh...a lot like your mom sometimes.." larry stated, leaning against her desk. "Ugh, don't say that.."  she said, looking outside to the snow on the ground, and her brother playing with his toy cars in the side yard. Sal Looked at Ashley, and watched as she  went back to sit back down onto her bed. When they caught eyes, Sal could see just how stressed Ashley Truly was about her pregnancy. Even the world ending and the cult didn't bring this much stress down on her. Ashley was the bravest among their friend group, but with the dawning reality of her recent pregnancy- she was weaker and more vulnerable than she had ever been in her life. On one hand, Ashley didn't have time to deal with her pregnancy, and on the other, what else could be more important??

Sal didn't want to know when they even did it...Okay he kind of wanted to know. When in the last two weeks have they even had time for that?? Sex was a weird thing for Sal to think about. He couldn't even show people his face, how was he supposed to show people his body- much less do the devil's tango. He didn't find it unappealing, sal just found the ability of arousal..difficult without a deep considering relationship behind it. Ashley had lost some of the color in her face, and it was clear she was losing sleep over the past couple of days. Ashley took in a deep sigh. "Thanks for coming to dinner, Honestly my family doesn't do dinners together as often anymore. Its always kind of awkward, so thanks for being here with me..Even when the worlds kind of ending.." she muttered, and larry slowly sat down beside her. "Even when the world is ending, We'll always sit and eat some mediocre spaghetti with you.." larry said, trying to find humor in the situation, Ashley smiled, and leaned against his shoulder. "I love you Lar.." Ashley whispered, and larry gently held her hand. "I love you too Ash.." larry tenderly whispered back, pressing a kiss into her hair. Sal smiled behind his (hot glued) prosthetic. Ashley was never the type of gal to be all lovey dovey, and usually had a hard time saying 'i love you' be fair, her family could win championships for having the worst communication on the planet.  

"Alright Guys! Dinners' Ready!" Mrs. Campbell Yelled out from downstairs. Ashley and Larry jumped a little, and separated. Sal looked out Ashleys window, and saw a Truck pull up. "I think your dads' here." Sal mentioned, looking down from the window to the ground. "Hey ash.." Sal asked quietly. "how do you sneak out?? That's a long ass drop." Sal questioned. Ashley chuckled. "there's a study room slash office slash library at the end of the hall with a way down and up." She said, and Sal hummed. No wonder She kept such good shape, woman was a climber..The Trio made themselves look a little more  decent as they walked downstairs, greeting Ashley's' Father as he walked in the door, his young son basically clinging to his leg. "Evening everyone, hello Mr. Johnson, Hello Mr. Fisher." He said, walking into the kitchen to kiss his wife on the cheek. "Dinner ready?" he asked. "Yep! making your plate as we speak!" Mrs. Campbell responded. It actually seemed pretty normal, and nice..a slice of life that Sal had never had... "And that is how I like my Women,  Making my plate! bring me a beer while you're at it." He said, sitting down at the head of the table...

annnd there it was...

Everyone sat and waited as Mrs. Campbell made everyone's plates and drinks, serving them with a smile on her face. From the look of the expression she had, Sal could guess she was tired. When the food, bread, water, and lemonade was placed on the table, Sal was happy with the plate of home cooked food on top of a freshly pressed tablecloth. "Alright! Honey, here's your beer.." she said, popping the cap and handing the bottle too him. She sat down, and sal looked to her. "Thank you so much for the food Mrs. Campbell, It looks amazing." Sal said, and Larry, quickly nodded in approval, buttering a piece of the bread from the table and taking a bite out of the slice. "Oh! Thank you so much dear-" "Now Mary, don't get too ahead of yourself, pride isn't good for a housewife." Mr. Campbell stated, looking over the paper as he ate from his plate. His wife smiled, and picked up her fork "Of course dear, I know also making 70 percent of our income isn't as important, so lets stick with the label of 'housewife'". She smiled at him, with a tone that was too happy. Ashley let out a long sigh as she dug her fork into her Pasta...damn, Now the two could see what Ashley was talking about when she said that her household was...complicated. Ben sat next to his mother, playing with his food. It was clear that he was more concerned with his cars than his food, and that rolling a bright blue monster truck across the table and into Ashleys plate was the best way to express this. "Mom, can you please tell your son to not roll his disgusting toys around our food?" She sneered, setting her fork down at the sight of the dirt covered truck in her pasta. Her mother sighed, and pet her sons head. "Boys will be boys Ashley, You don't need the calories anyway." She said. Sal and Larry both choked, Larry on his patsa, and sal on his juice that he was slurping up the bottom of his prosthetic through a straw. sal coughed a little as the table became silent. Ashley gritted her teeth, took the toy from her plate, and snapped the cars' plastic wheel off its axle. Upon seeing this, Benjamin began to cry. "Damn it Ashley, look what you did! I can't Enjoy one dinner without one of you little brats ruining it!" Mr. Campbell yelled, slamming his paper onto the table and walking into the living room, turning on the Tv. "Mary. Beer. NOW." he yelled, and Mrs. Campbell groaned as she tried to calm her spoiled son. "Boys, it was lovely to see you, but please get my daughter out of this house, and don't bring her back until she can behave like an adult." she said, refusing to look at Ashley. Ashley responded by standing up quickly, her chair falling back, and she stomped out of the house. Larry and Sal were quick to follow. 

As they walked back to the apartments, the snow crunching under their feet on the salted sidewalks, Ashley cursed and muttered underneath her breath. "fuckin' bitch, god i hate this fucking family..." she grunted out. Sal slowly leaned to whisper to larry. "should we say something?" sal asked. Larry watched his girlfriend for a few seconds before leaning to whisper back "Absolutely not." They both remained silent as they walked into the apartment building and down into Larry's Apartment. Lisa was folding laundry when she saw the Teens walk out of the elevator, Ashley storming into the apartment door (and most likely into Larry's room).

"..dinner did not go good did it?" "No it did not." "...Ill get the Coco.." she said, setting the basket down and walking into the apartment. 

(Hey! just wanna let you know my chapters are gonna be a bit shorter now, aiming for 1,500 instead of 3,000-4,000. I know I kind of disappeared but...Im finishing this book once and for all! Thank you all for this support-Lee/Low))

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