Self Discovery Pt.1

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Sal nuzzled into Travis as they both slept, limbs tangled together in the blanket fort. Henry and Lisa had gone to the bedroom so they didn't have to sleep on the couch, Todd and Neil went to Todd's apartment- And Larry and Ash decided they didn't want to sleep on the floor later in the late hours of the night, and groggily went into Larry's bedroom to sleep on his bed. They seemed to be much closer lately- But back problems or no- Sal and Travis didn't budge, hidden from the world in the comfort and soft plush. No one could see that they were pressed together so closely. Travis had Sal in his arms, but the feeling of Sals touch made him curl up to him, wrapping his legs around the bluenettes smaller body. Things were perfect..

until his dreams caught up to him.
Or was it just a replay of the events of a few days earlier..?

Travis was held up against the wall, choking and crying "I'm sorry-"
"Dont apologize- selfish brat!" His father hissed "don't you DARE forget your god damn are an embarrassment to your family, look at your mother." He said. She shook only a few feet away, watching her son be abused. Travis was loosing oxygen- his mind started to ache and go fuzzy. He made eye contact with his mother. "LOOK AT HER!" He yelled and Travis flinched, foaming at the mouth, choking as the blood vessels in his face broke and turned the whites of his eyes pink. Travis made eye contact, and she didn't say a single thing. Travis was just about to close his eyes, he was dropped. "A failure.that's what you are. You'll never be good enough for anything." His father grunted, and stomped away through a door to his office, slamming the Door behind him. Travis wheezed and choked and struggled to breath, reaching his hand out to his mom, but she simply covered her mouth, and shuffled away to her room, leaving Travis in pain-

"Travis? Travis hey- look at me, wake up-" he heard, and his eyes shot open. Travis was crying- his face being held by Sals hands "hey hey- look at me, breath in and out- okay? In and out.." he cooed- and Travis let out a little sob. "It was a nightmare- I know.." he whispered. Travis was now at least a little comfortable with sharing his feelings, But this was completely new. Travis was hugged tightly- and he hugged Sal back "I'm sorry, I'm-" "nuh uh. Don't be sorry, it's okay- it's okay.." Sal said gently, and Travis shook in his arms. "Is there anything I can do? Anything I can get for you?" Sal asked, knowing that nightmares and the aftermath could be torture. Travis thought for a second and hugged him tighter. "Just please.." Travis whispered, almost begged- and he looked into Sals eyes. "Stay." He whispered. Sal blushed and slowly nodded, holding Travis close as Travis shook in shock and fear, while Sals pale fingers stroked through the blonds hair. They stayed like that- and it was okay.

Travis was more than appreciative, this was the first time he had someone to help him, and Travis was never- ever going to take advantage of Sals help. Never again. He sighed into his chest. "I think I may need to give you a prescription of hugs." Sal joked gently to help lighten the mood, and Travis sniffled for a second before chuckling. "Oh really? And why is that?" Travis looked up to him and rolled his eyes. Sal snickered "cuz we've been hugging left and right ever since the first time." He said, and Travis rolled his eyes and playfully pushed him away, but they were still close to one another, sitting up in the blanket and pillow fort in the very early hours of the morning, whispering to each other like children. "Well that's because it had a good cause- you needed to get your feelings out" Travis said. And Sal looked at him and held his hand. "Well- you do too..if you ever need to talk to me Travis, seriously don't be afraid to ask, okay??" Sal said seriously, and Travis nodded. "We've already determined that, dingus" Travis whispered, and Sal giggled, adjusting his prosthetic on his face.

He looked down at his hand enterlaced with Sals and blushed, to which Sal gently separated from him "sorry." He chuckled. Travis let out a little laugh as well, and then thought for a minute. "So Sal, um. Could you one day maybe..bring me with you when you go like, talk to ghosts or something?" Travis asked, and Sal looked to him "I don't know..I mean- a Christian finding out that ghosts are actually real is a pretty big deal Travis- you fainted when you saw Megan"

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