-A Twisted Fate..

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Sal and Travis had gotten all bundled up for the day ahead. It was turning to be a very cold and snowy winter in Nockfell. Travis and Sal had cleaned up from breakfast (and had a cupcake or two cuz what the hell), and went downstairs for Lisa to drop them off at the movie theater. "Oh there's my two little rays of sunshine!. Happy birthday Sal!" She said, and planted kisses all over his prosthetic face "Lisa!!"He said, laughing. She smiled and happily went into the kitchen where she was baking some cookies and making lunch "I'm making Pozole for lunch- so I'll be picking you up as soon as the movie ends!" She said, and Travis raised an eyebrow over what that was. He glanced to the kitchen to see a pot on the stove with pork and peppers on a chopping board beside it- so he was guessing is was some sort of soup. Sal smiled "that's my favorite, thanks Lisa" Sal said, and went out to the car with Travis, shivering and slipping into the back seat. "Jesus Christ..so cold.." Travis said, and Sal wrapped an arm around the teen, making him blush. Travis smiled and gently leaned against him. Lisa got in and smiled at the two, knowing that things had changed between them (also because Larry told his mama everything). She started the car and drove them to the movie theatre the next town over, smiling "have fun boys!! Don't have too much popcorn!" She said, and drove away.

Sal was bouncing on the balls of his feet "come on come on! I wanna get the best seats!" Sal giggled. Travis smiled and followed him inside, looking around to make sure there weren't people he didn't know before taking sals hand, they got a bag of popcorn and a soda, and went to their seats, excitedly giggling like children and theorizing what's going to happen. They waited through the previews and when the movie started, Sal looked around, seeing if it was dark enough to take his mask off so he could see better, both of them watching the movie happily. Travis had inner theories of who would die first, of course he was right, ghost face wasn't exactly unpredictable. Travis was enjoying himself, just eating his popcorn, sipping the soda, and holding sals small cold hand a little tighter when a scare would happen during the movie. Sal and Travis felt so..happy. Collectively happy that they were holding each other's hands, and Sal turned to look at Travis fully. He didn't know what he was thinking..but Travis' focused stare, the screams and gore in the background- every collective eye contact, smile, chuckle, blush, touch, hug, kiss...

Sal didn't think it could happen to him...not again.

he remembered when his mom was in the hospital, brief- fleeting memories of her blondie hair, caked and matted in dry blood as she laid in her hospital bed, motionless. For years Sal blamed himself, blamed himself for all the bad things happening in his life- hated himself, because once his mother died- he realized the first person that could ever love him was gone, And all the things she built had fallen with her. Sal didn't think he could truly be loved again, he didn't think he could truly love someone, if not his mother than who at all? Diane Fisher payed the ultimate price of love to her son, and that's all that was left of her. So when Sal felt the slight feeling of a hand on his back, from something he thought he imagined- Sal knew.

Sal knew what he felt for Travis.

Many say it takes three months for the average person to fall in love. Sal thought it was weird, that someone could decide who they were going to spend the rest of their life with in 3 months. He thought it ended in failure, a cheesy gimmick to convince people to get married and have children and live the nuclear family life style..but...he got it now. He understood.

He had fallen in love with Travis Phelps.

Sal gulped in the last bit of courage he could ever have, glancing around the mostly empty movie theatres and fully slipped off his prosthetic. Sal tapped on Travis' shoulder slowly, and when Travis didn't respond Sal didn't know what to do to next. Travis handed Sal the soda cup, thinking that's what he wanted...Now it was awkward. Sal took Travis by the jaw and faced him. And in those few seconds it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders....
He had never gotten to show anybody his face on purpose, it was always someone forcing their way in. And Sal did love his friends and would go to the ends of the earth with them, but it all was just- rushed, forced. Ashley broke sals boundaries, and Sal couldn't really trust Ashley too much after that- but then again they didn't have a choice, they were thrown into the red eyed demon situation, and then the cult..they didn't have time to fix things and set respectful boundaries, But Travis didn't care what was happening around them- Travis didn't dare break boundaries until it was right. Travis just...knew. This was a big deal for Sal. Sal opened his eye and looked to Travis, and in the changing light on the large screen, he could see a smile through the darkness..

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