A Shoulder To Lean On..

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Sal got through the afternoon and night with Larry by his side. They had a sort of cuddle sesh every now and again, since both of them needed a good hug every now and again (especially Sal, who was touch starved), and had a bromance like no other. Sal and Larry both took notice at the small actions Travis had done, the dishes, the dinner, and the coco. Larry of course taste tested it- and after a bit of feeling okay, Sal could have it. Sal of course, told Larry about the apology. And even though Larry was still on the edge about him, he could definitely see progress "and you're sure he-" "no.Larry- I'm serious, 100 percent serious. He didn't do anything." He said, and sighed. After spaghetti night, the two spent the night together in Larry's room so Sal didn't have to suffer in the thunder.

The next day- their group of usual friends talked about sals experience, with the information that Travis would now be around the apartments every day. The group was uncomfortable with that informations "I honestly have no idea how I'm gonna get used to this.." Larry sighed. "How about we just give it a chance? It's just a couple of months- no need to panic" Sal said and shrugged "you're really calm about this Sal. I know you're really trusting, but just..please be careful." Ashley said and put her hand on sals shoulder, opening the door for the men and they walked into the school. Travis was in the bathroom, washing his face of the tiredness. Waking up this morning was a pain.. a few of the basketball players walked in, and immediately locked the door, cornering Travis "come on guys-" Travis started in a hoarse voice, but it earned a punch to the jaw. the boys decided to get all their own frustrations out on Travis, leaving him. Travis let out only a few cries during the beating. He needed to be stronger, to stop being such a pussy. When it was over, he dragged himself into the handicapped stall and stayed close to the wall, hugging his knees and letting out a silent sob. Sal was hanging out with his friends, of course thinking Travis was in his class somewhere. But he wasn't, and after the bell rang, Travis dried his eyes and went to his class
((Hey i just realize this- this'll be a lot better if you know everyones schedules. Might change in future
1st: art with Ashley and Larry
2nd: Algebra support alone
3rd: history honors II with Todd
4th: Algebra II with Travis
1st: religious studies II
2nd: honors Lit II alone
3rd: Basic Ag II alone
4th: Algebra II with Sal

Much better))

Travis wanted class to pass fast, just like it did yesterday, but the more he thought about it, the longer the time spanned. Travis looked to the board and wrote down his notes for the day- though the chatter of the class really did go one ear and out the other. Sal was enjoying a class period with Ashley and Larry, sketching their newest drawings on their canvas. Sal found art easy and therapeutic- especially with the stress in the morning. It helped, just having soft conversation with his friends and painting. The so simple yet so complicated worries of a teenager fading away. In Algebra support- Sal half regretted choosing 2 classes that had it do with math- but he knew it was easy as long as he could keep his grades up in one, he could keep up in another. That's what he counted on anyway. Travis was starting the poem sector of his Honors lit curriculum. Writing, readying, studying. But he didn't put so much effort into the class, his body was aching badly. It was not part of the Healing process in which all the bruises and cuts started healing, but with the beating from this morning, everything just hurt so much more. That mindset of pain continued through third and fourth period. Travis could barely pay attention over the headache and body ache he had.
"Okay everyone, good morning! Today we'll be partnering up for a project, the project will last about a week or two- depending on the progress we've made. I know a few of you are in Algebra support, nothing to be afraid of! Just do your best. I'll call out the names now.
Jeremy and Clark
Denise and Derrick.
Nerris and Jack."
On and on and on
"Sal and Mary- is Mary here? Mary is out sick, right..okay Sal- I'll just pair you with who we have left, so that meansss- oh okay! Sal and Travis! I think we're done."
Travis perked up at his name, and looked around as students moved around to different seats. Travis didn't pay attention until now- crap-what was he doing? He didn't realize what was happening until Sal sat down with his things "hey Travis." He said, taking out his Algebra notes and setting them on the table. Ms packerton began to explain the project, and Travis realized what had happened.

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