The Execution

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December 31st, 1993:

11:00 P.M. 

The Phelps Temple: 

"MY VESSELS! GATHER IN THE NAME OF THE ENDLESS ONE!" Kenneth's voice rang through the stone halls of the temple, and Sal immediately heard the rush of the followers footsteps heading towards him. Sal had to hide, and fast. currently, he had two choices, go flush against the wall in the very corner of the temple, or go into the room ashley was in. Neither of them seemed like a good choice. He was at the midway point for either, and he was sure that once he went one way, there was no going back. He hoped the others would light the fire, or the bomb travis made would go off. Sal looked around, before making the choice to lay flat against the corner wall. Though the room would typically be the safer option, Sal knew that confrontation was inevitable at this point. All he wanted was for Travis to get out, why wasn't he back yet?? Sal quickly rushed to the corner, looking at either sides of the wall to wait for anyone to come his way. 

Larry panted as he ran into the woods, ashley over his shoulder as he ran for safety. Looking back, he didn't see Sal. "Larry! Over here!" He heard Todd's voice in the woods, and looked to the left of him, where Neil was laying in the grass, on his back. Larry set Ash on her feet "Hey, are you okay?" He asked his girlfriend. Ashley nodded slowly, whispering out. "I think it bruised my larynx.." "It? what do you mean-" "You mean you saw The red eyed demon?" Todd asked. Ashley nodded in response, coming to stable herself on her feet. "Shit, oh god- ashley, we got to you just in time.." Larry said, checking her neck. "Wheres Sal?" Todd asked. "He- he said he wouldn't leave without Travis, Travis led it away from Ash." "Travis saved my fucking life.." Ashley grunted out, rubbing her neck. " hurts..." Neil whispered, looking to his boyfriend. Todd was at Neils side, Zyanya kept her distance. "Boy, you need to move away from him- you can be infected just as easily, even if he's not a full host.." Zyanya said.  She looked toward she door, mumbling to herself. 

"I will not be doing that, Neil is my boyfriend and i'm sticking by him..we're going to figure out a way to cure you, Neil..we..-" "There is no cure." Zyanya said, looking down at the man laying on the soft grass, and knelt beside him. "It is a sickness that has destroyed infinite amounts of civilizations and races..some way more advanced than we it, we humans are primitive.its a miracle we've survived this long." She said. "That's not true! We HAVE to cure him!" Todd yelled at her. Larry looked at Todd with a concerned expression. Yelling was something that Todd didn't do..he was always so calm and collected. "It is true Todd...That..thing, it showed me. it showed me...a lot more than i needed or wanted to know..but, me and Larry are immune to it." "What?? So you two are immune but Neil isn't? That makes NO scientific sense!" Todd said, a hand rising into his hair as he looked down at his boyfriend. Larry looked to Ashley  in confusion "Ash, what are you talking about?"

Ashley let out a squeaky groan. "I don't have the voice to go into the specifics. its something about your dad and our kid Lar. The point is, the red eyes can't affect us." She said, looking back to the building. "We need to go back in there." She said. "I second that, i'm not leaving my son in that place. He was talking about a bomb-" "Guys we don't have time for this, lets go! Sal and Travis needs us!" Larry yelled, and made a break for it toward the back of the church again.  Zyanya picked up her long skirt in her hand, and ran after him. Ashley wasn't too far behind, but Todd stayed with Neil. "I never wanted you to be a part of this Neil, im sorry" he said. "Just..stay with me Todd..please.." he said, and todd quickly nodded. 

The three went through the back door, only to come face to face with two followers, to which Larry pulled out his pistol, and shot them both- headshots. they fell to the ground, and ashley busted down the door to the closet the entrance to the temple was in. "Are they dead?" larry asked. "They already were, they are down but they won't be down for long. i've seen it, hurry!" Zyanya yelled, and they all rushed down the stairs and into the temple. They slowed down once they entered. "Go left, when the bomb explodes we'll need to grab travis in the chaos before they strap him to the podium." the woman said, looking around. "Find your friend, i'm going to get Travis." Zyanya said, and walked around the corner and into the main center area of the temple. 

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