He Lives.

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February 16th, 1994:

6:13 A.M.

Elkhart General Hospital:

Sal felt..sore, his back felt sore; everything felt just...sore. The first thing he could think about was just how sore he was..Sal opened his eye, and slowly sat up. The first thing he recognized clearly was the sound of the heart monitor next to him. Ah, well, he was alive. Being alive was a literal pain in the ass at the moment though..The light was bright, and Sals good eye blinked a couple times to adjust as he sat up, feeling around. There were so many wires and gadgets clipped to his body and his face...his face. 

Sal's hands quickly felt over his face, the only thing covering it was a clear breathing mask. Sals eye trailed over the bedside table and his bed, searching for his prosthetic like he always did in the morning, but it was a bit frantic. The hospital room was empty- and that was even worse. Where was his prosthetic?? What time was it?? Where was Travis??- he gasped.


His voice sounded hoarse and squeaky- and when he took a breath through his mouth, he coughed. Water, he needed water. Sal slowly began to scoot himself out of his hospital bed, getting a bit of deja vu from when he was in the hospital as a child. He felt..feeble, weak. Weaker than he normally was getting up and out of bed. The need to hydrate was so bad, he didnt care what he had to take off to get to the sink, stripping himself of the wires before he tried to walk forward, only to have his IV tugged out of his arm, to which he quickly yelped as he watched the tube attached to the needle hang from where the half empty bag was hung. Sal let out an annoyed huff as he turned around and continued his unstable shuffle to the bathroom- and looked around for a cup. He let out another annoyed noise and instead held his palm under the faucet, and drank out of it as the water ran into and out of his palm. He felt..greasy, he felt like he needed a bath, with his shampoo and conditioner from home. Where was his dad??

Sal then heard loud footsteps, and a bang through the door as a small group of nurses burst in with a crash cart. At the sound of the loud noise, his legs buckled- and he immediately fell to the floor, his mind being brought back to the moment where the church was collapsing around them. Sal pushed himself back against the wall and curled up, the flashes of death, and the fire- and the screams of Travis as the rocks piled onto his back. Sal felt the noise ring in his ears, and when the nurses realized that Sal was not in fact crashing, they found him in the bathroom. "He's okay! page Dr. Linkletter down immediately though!" a nurse said, crouching down. "Hey buddy, are you okay??" She asked. 

Sals hands were covering his face. "Where's my prosthetic?? I- I need my prosthetic." Sal said, looking away from her. "I want my mom, wheres my brother??" Sal asked. "Your name is Sal, right??" she said, and looked around. "We don't have your prosthetic, but we do have a surgical mask and..uh, how about some hospital brand sunglasses? They come in our care packages and-" 

"I don't have a nose to  put them on..Please, get Lisa. I want Lisa and Larry." Sal said. "oh..uh-right..Okay, my team is gonna call them right now- but how about we get you back into bed and get that monitor attached to you so we can see if you're having any trouble, I know this is a lot to process right now.." 

"please go away. I..please." Sal said, starting to get upset "I really need you to get up Mr. Fishe-" 

"I SAID GO AWAY!" Sal suddenly yelled, jumping as he realized he had even yelled in the first place.  Sal couldn't see her, but he could hear her sit up and walk out of the room, the door squeaked, but he could tell it wasn't all the way shut. Sal wanted to move, he wanted to get up and be fine, but he couldn't. Sal knew this feeling well, like when dogs barked loudly or when he smelled cheap beer. They were ingrained into his brain. The overwhelming fear made him stay curled up while the nurses and doctors talked outside. 

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