LI- Imagine Legolas' reaction when he finds out you're a criminal

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Imagine seeing Legolas without the King's knowledge and his reaction when he finds out you're a criminal

Caution: angst

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None of it was supposed to have gone this way—none of it. You were supposed to live in Mirkwood and retrieve information, and that was it.

You told yourself, "do not get attached—to this place or anyone." But then there was the Prince with his soft blonde hair, his piercing blue eyes that made you shiver whenever he set them on yours, and his friendliness.

He was the only elf that was friendly to you. So you thought, maybe I'll let him in. Just as friends. But now you were in it too deep. His father never approved of you, always telling you that his son deserved better and he was right. Legolas deserved the best, but you could not stay away from him, and he could not stay away from you, so you both began courting in secret, and now everything was too far gone. You fell in love with him, and the worst part was that he had fallen in love with you.

The orc knew, and it was going to tell his master. His master because Azog was not your master. Sure, you did what he said. You spied on the Elvenking Thranduil for him, but not because you wanted to. You were not like his other spies in Mirkwood. He held your adar captive, and that was his advantage. How you wished there was some way to save your ada from Azog, but the only thing you could do was Azog's dirty work in return for your father's safety.

"You are in love with the Elven Princeling," the orc hissed and cackled a noise so unpleasant it made you want to stab your ears. You felt a sunken feeling in your stomach upon hearing his words.

"Do not be ridiculous!" you barked, trying to lie your way out of it.

"Are you here for some news or to waste time? I do not think Azog would be happy to know that you are not doing your job." The orc's face contorted with fury at the thought of getting in trouble because of you.

He brought a blade toward your neck and hissed, spittle flying and landing on your face. The movement did not startle you. You lifted your chin, looking at the creature from the tip of your nose. You smirked.

"Do it! I would be glad to bring you down with me because if you kill Azog's best spy, he will certainly kill you." The orc gave you one last hiss before withdrawing his blade.

"You are going to tell your master that the Elvenking is planning to visit Rivendell. On his way there—"

"I knew there was something off about you," a monotonous voice intervened, followed by the swishing of a sword being removed from its sheath. A chill went down your spine. You knew that voice all too well. Without making much movement, you removed a blade from the inside of your sleeve and brought it toward the orc.

"My King," you said breathlessly. "I was walking alone when I found this filth. I was thinking of a way to bring him to you," you lied pathetically. Your eyes averted from the orc when you heard the sound of many bows creaking. A dozen elves were pointing their arrows at you and the monster. You swallowed, knowing full well that they never missed their mark.

"Take this vermin away," the King spat with a flick of his arm. Two of the elves lowered their bows and walked toward you, ready to grab your arms. You escaped from their hold.

"No, please!" you begged and reached to grab onto the King. He brought forth his sword and placed the tip on your chest near your heart. He lifted his chin in the same manner you had done earlier. His eyes went to the blade that was in your lowered hand.

"Drop it." You complied, opening your hand so that the blade fell with a dull thud. "To the dungeons," he ordered, turning his attention to the orc.

"And tell my son," he said lastly. Your breathing hitched, and your legs rooted on the ground at the thought of Legolas. The impatient elves pushed you forward, almost making you fall on your knees.

In the palace, there was no need for anyone to tell the Prince. He saw you being escorted by the guards when you entered the Elvenking's halls. There was anger in his eyes when he saw the way the guards were holding you.

"Release your hold!" he shouted, making his way quickly toward you. You had never seen him this furious. One of the guards tried to reason with him, but Legolas heard none of it. You could not look at his roaming eyes which you knew would be replaced with hurt and disgust once he found out.

"Are you okay?" he whispered when the guards had released their restraints. He now clung onto you by both shoulders. You avoided his gaze. He waited for an answer from you but did not get a response.

"Let the traitor go, Legolas," his father said in a calming tone as he entered his own home. You felt your knees give in, and Legolas gripped you tighter, keeping you from falling.

"What is going on?" he demanded.

"I caught this detestable elf in the woods speaking to this orc," he grabbed the creature and pushed him so that it fell with a growl to the floor.

"It seems that she has been spying on me." There was a pause before any reaction came from Legolas.

"No," he said sternly.

"She would not do that," he added, but he knew his father would not lie of such matter. "You would not do that. Not to me," he choked out. You shut your eyes tightly and felt yourself falling to the floor. Legolas had let go of you. You could hear his footsteps getting quieter as he walked away from where you knelt on the floor.

"Not only are you a traitor, but you went against my word. I told you to stay away from my son! Take this lowly elf to the dungeons. Do not bother being friendly," the King said as he spun on his heels and walked to his throne. The guards made it their duty to push you around. Once reaching your cell, they shoved you inside, causing you to fall on the floor. You lay there, letting the tears finally fall.

It felt like centuries had gone by, but you knew that you had only been in the dungeons for a few moon falls. In those days, no one spoke to you. The guards who brought you food came for that one purpose and left right after. Legolas had not stopped by, with every right not to, but your heart yearned for him.

It was hard keeping track of the days far below in the dungeons, but on the day after the fifth moon fall of your imprisonment, Legolas came down and stood in front of your prison cell.

"My father has promised to keep you alive, but you will be sentenced to stay imprisoned for a millennium," Legolas said. He stood stiffly, his profile toward you. He did not look at you. His eyes were looking straight forward. You could only see part of those bright blue eyes you loved so much. You felt guilt all over again.

"He is not going to keep me here alive," you replied, knowing that the King must have only said that to please his son, who must have pleaded. Even when you had betrayed him, Legolas was still trying to protect you.

"I trust that he will keep his promise," he stated sharply.

"Did he not promise the orc life before he decapitated him?"

"My father will keep his promise!" he shouted, making you flinch. "I have more trust in him than I will ever have in you again. He would never betray me. Not like you did!" He swiftly turned mid-sentence and was now glaring at you with so much hate. You felt like you had been physically hit. All the air that was in your lungs escaped, and you could not breathe.

"Legolas pleas—" you said, choking back a sob.

"Don't. Do not say my name. I do not want to hear my name coming from your lips!" He looked away and stood there a moment. When he finally gathered what he was going to say, he softly said, "I hope with all my heart that you had a good reason to do it."

"I want to hate you. I do, but I cannot," his voice cracked in the end. He swallowed. "I am going to help you escape, but you can never come back here again," Legolas stated sternly, leaving you alone with a broken heart in the cold dungeon once more. 

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