LI- Imagine Legolas returning home after leaving you for many years

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Imagine Legolas returning home after leaving you for many years

This is the second part of "Imagine being in love with Legolas but him being in love with Tauriel"

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Many years had passed since the day Legolas had left after Tauriel, yet you still remembered everything clearly. You remembered how your world came crashing down because of the unexpected events that occurred after his departure. The King had gathered his best warriors not long after Legolas left. No one told you more than, "the King was on a mission to reclaim something that belonged to him."

Something had not felt right. You begged your father to let you go, yet he refused. He had even gotten the King to command you to stay. You had wanted to go and join your King, Bainor, and Legolas especially, but you had stayed behind with your father in the end. It was not until much later that you found out that the mission had turned into an unforeseen battle. You were a lonely worried elf walking through the halls waiting for their return that did not occur for much later.

You had been sitting in the King's study with your father, who had been left in charge when there came a knock on the door. A maid had entered to tell your father of their arrival. You were out of your chair and running down the hall before she could finish.

There was a moment in which you stopped running when you were close enough to see the incomers. The first one to walk in was the King. A feeling of desperation overcame your body when you noticed his expression was full of despair. You searched wildly for Legolas, finding only Tauriel who looked far more heartbroken than the King. The desperation that had clawed within you turned into utter hate. If something had happened to Legolas, you would never forgive Tauriel. Your eyes still searched for him when there came a hand on your shoulder. The King had reached you.

"Legolas?" was the only thing that came out of your lips.

"He is fine," he replied. For the first time, you felt you could breathe. Your searching became less frantic now, and you walked toward the entrance to meet Legolas. When your eyes met large honey colored ones instead, a smile formed on your lips.

"Bainor, I am glad you are well," you said as you put your arms around him. It was the only greeting that felt appropriate at the moment. Your hug faltered when you heard him hiss in pain, finding that his arm was badly wounded. Even wounded, he cared about your well being instead.

"Have you heard?" he asked you, earning one of your confused expressions. It had become almost customary for him to deliver you the bad news, which he was not fond of doing whatsoever. He did not like looking at your saddened expression. "I am sorry Y/N, the Prince will not be returning."

Much had changed since then. Slowly you had stopped yearning for Legolas' return and affection, and you began forgiving him and even stopped disliking Tauriel. Days that you usually spent hoping for Legolas to surprisingly return, turned into days in which you looked forward to spending with Bainor. Bainor had given you the affection you had wanted. It did not take long for you to fall head over heels for him as he had with you.

You leaned closer when you felt Bainor placing a kiss on your cheek and smiled at him as he sat beside you, leaning on you. "I do not suppose you have heard?" he said once again delivering the news that in his opinion was considered bad. He continued speaking before allowing you to answer that you had not.

"The Prince is returning," he said. You had not been expecting that.

"Oh," was the only thing you could say. "I am sure the King is ecstatic.

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