LI- Imagine trying to read around cute needy Legolas

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Imagine trying to read around cute needy Legolas

Time had completely slipped your mind as you became engrossed in Mordor folklore. Someone cleared their throat beside you, and you clutched at your chest, dropping the leather-bound book.

"Legolas," you said breathless, "you scared me."

"I'm sorry," he said, leaning in to kiss you. His lips always tasted so sweet, making you sigh contentedly.

"You have been here for quite some time now. How about we take a walk under the stars?" Legolas placed a kiss on your cheek. That sounded tempting to your ears, but you were barely reaching the excellent part of the folklore, and you wanted to read some more. You picked up the book that was still on the ground by your feet and gave Legolas a small apologetic smile.

"Can I finish this last section?" you asked timidly, looking at him from beneath your eyelashes. He scowled at you, pretending to be mad, and then laughed.

"Okay," he said. He could never say no to you. Legolas scooted forward and lay his head on your extended legs. You leaned your back on one of the many bookshelves in Thranduil's library and began reading:

'There is a magical cave near Mount Doom that is said only to be seen by a selected number of persons. Only those worthy enough can see the cave entrance, and even less are the persons who can enter it. No being has step foot inside, but many have repeated that many treasures lie within the cave walls. Like any other treasu—'

Beside you, Legolas began snoring very dramatically, pulling your attention away from the book. He acted as if he slept that way. Legolas stopped snoring as he realized that your attention was drawn back to the book. After reading another passage and flipping the old, frail page, Legolas began humming. You recognized the tone. It was the song that Gimli would sing. The song of the Misty Mountains.

You searched the words in front of you, for you had now lost your place. When you found where you left off, you continued. Legolas grabbed your left hand, making you place the leather-bound book in your right hand. Your eyes opened wide at the word "dragon," and you yelped. Legolas looked up at you, smiling coyly with his mouth hovering over your hand."Did you bite me?" you asked him, bewildered.

"Are you almost done?" he asked with a mischievous smile.

"Yes," you lied. There were still five pages left. Legolas's head lifted from where they rested on your legs. You flipped to the next page, covering the bottom portion of the page just in case your eyes wandered downward. You did not want to spoil the good part. Your eyes scanned wildly at the page, reading along.

Suddenly, the book escaped from your grasp, and you were left looking at your bare hands. "Legolas!" you whined, looking up at him. You stood and reached for the book. He was much taller than you, and he used that to his advantage. He lifted the book as high as he could and laughed at your attempts to reach the book. You jumped to try and get it, but he was too fast.

"Legolas, please," you said, feigning sadness. You knew he would not be able to resist your plead. Just as you had thought, he handed the book back to you. You sat back down on the floor and began reading.

"Are you almost done now?" he asked, kissing your right cheek.

"No," you grumbled. He kissed your forehead.

"How about now?" you felt his lips on your left cheek. All the while, you tried your hardest to continue reading. You heard him sigh and settle next to you. From your peripheral vision, you could see him sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. You could not help but laugh at his childish demeanor. You closed the book and turned to him.

"Fine! Let's go," you told him, trying not to smile. He grinned and stood up quickly, extending one arm toward you.

"I don't want to walk. I only wanted your attention all to myself," he said sheepishly, pulling you close to his body. You rolled your eyes, but in all honesty, you could not stay mad at him even if you tried.

"You have my full attention forever and always," you replied, kissing him softly.

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