LI- Imagine Legolas finding out that you're expecting his baby

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Imagine Legolas finding out that you are expecting his baby

You grabbed onto the stone pillar closest to you as another wave of dizziness hit you. You had been feeling woozy for a couple of days now but had not told anyone, for it had slipped your mind. It was only dizziness anyway; there was no need to panic, you had thought. You let go of the stone pillar when you heard footsteps. You were afraid of Legolas finding out. You did not want to worry your husband. He was always overprotective of you. You smiled as you remembered the time you cut your finger, and Legolas insisted that he carry you to a healer. Whosever footsteps they belonged to were growing louder as the person got closer.

"My Love," you heard Legolas calling. He gently kissed you when he approached. "Are you waiting for someone?" he asked with a small smile.

"No. I was heading to our room, actually," you replied. You took a few steps toward the room you shared when suddenly, another wave of dizziness hit you. You instinctively reached out to grab Legolas as he did to you.

"What is wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Legolas asked with panic in his voice. His eyes roamed over your body, searching for a wound.

"I am fine, My Stars," you replied unconvincingly. He gave you a stern look. "Help me to the room, please," you said. He looked unsure of what to do. Deciding that he would help you instead of carrying you as he wanted, Legolas offered his arm as support. Once in the room, he helped you sit.

"Maybe you should lay down instead," Legolas said in a soft voice. You smiled kindly at him and did as he suggested. "Gandalf will be arriving at Mirkwood today. He has some business to attend to with my father. I will have the healers and him check up on you when he gets here. Maybe he will know how to heal you with his abilities," he said as he kissed you.

Legolas sat next to you with an arm over your shoulder. He stayed with you the whole morning even after you insisted that you would be okay. You argued that Thranduil would be furious if he found out that Legolas had not done what he was instructed to do, but Legolas did not care. You were more important to him than anything Thranduil had sent him to do.

You heard a commotion outside long after and assumed Gandalf had arrived. Not really wanting to leave, Legolas got up slowly and walked to get the wizard. You heard them talking outside, a conversation which quickly turned into an argument from what you could hear. You could only assume that Gandalf had told Legolas to wait outside. Knowing your husband, he was angry that he could not be in the room with you. You laughed.

"Stubborn elf," the wizard grumbled as he walked inside the room. "But I am more stubborn," he said with a light laugh. His laughter ceased when he saw you lying in bed. You began feeling nervous. Did you look that ill? You were about to ask him that same question when the sides of his mouth turned upward into a knowing smile.

"I hear you have not been feeling well," he said.

"No, I-" you started to say; however, you were rudely interrupted.

"That is perfectly normal for someone who is with child," he stated.

"But-" you insisted, what he said not sinking in. "With child?" you stood up quickly, which was a bad idea; for now, you felt a little nauseous. A noise of shock escaped your lips. Legolas came barging in, looking worried.

"Is everything alright?" he asked you while looking into your eyes.

"We are having a baby," you said breathlessly. "We are having a baby!" you repeated louder as the thought finally clicked. Legolas stood still, staring at you with a blank face. He made a noise from the back of his throat that sounded to you like a mixture of a laugh and a yelp.

"I am going to be a father?" he asked loudly—a huge grin on his face. You did not have the words to speak as you saw Legolas' reaction. The only other time you had seen him this happy was when he proposed to you, and you had said yes. You only nodded your head as you bit your lip, smiling.

He gave a breathless shaky sigh of content as his eyes watered with glee. You knew that yours were the same way. He placed his hands on either side of your face and kissed you deeply. Even after years of being together, his kisses still made you weak at the knees. You did not realize when Gandalf had left, but you were happy that he did. You only wanted to share this moment with your love.

Legolas began kissing you all over your face. On your forehead, then on each cheek. You could not help but giggle. He kneeled in front of you and kissed your tummy, and if you had thought that you could not have fallen more in love with your prince, you were proven wrong at that moment.

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