LI- Imagine having to explain to Legolas who Santa is

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Imagine having to explain to Legolas who Santa is

There was a light knock on your chamber door even after you asked to be left alone for a while. You quickly made another full circle around the "Christmas" tree, making sure the garland stayed in place. The knocking continued, and you sighed lightly.

"Coming," you called out a little too rudely. You yanked the door open and laughed a little when you noticed Legolas' surprised expression. You had known Legolas for most of your life. Of course, to him, it was only a mere few years, but in that time, you had learned that it was rare to see him startled.

"My apologies, I know you wanted to be left alone, but I wanted to know if I could assist you in any way."

"Actually, yes, you can," you replied, smiling at him. You turned around and left him standing in the doorway. "Are you coming?" you giggled, prompting him to nod and follow you.

You stood proudly in front of your half-decorated makeshift Christmas tree. With both fists on your hips, you turned to grin at Legolas. "So?" you asked him, a little giddy. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he looked at the tree.

"This is why you wanted a tree from the forest?" he asked you.

"Yes," you said, dragging out the word. You turned your attention back to the tree and remembered all the Christmas celebrations you had had with your family. This was the first year you were not going to celebrate with them. Legolas still had not said anything about the tree, and you were starting to get embarrassed. Maybe you were not as great of a decorator as you thought.

"This is not what humans consider a Christmas tree. I have not finished decorating it, and you must think it is strange given that your kin do not celebrate Christmas or know a lot about Christmas except for what I told you, but this is a human custom and I jus—" you rambled on, making excuses for the tree that you now thought looked ugly.

"I think it looks wonderful," Legolas interrupted you.

"You think so?" you asked loudly, earning a chuckle in response.

"Yes," he said reassuringly, making you feel better about the tree, but you decided that it still needed a few touch-ups. You handed a small box of ornaments to Legolas and asked him to help you decorate. He grabbed an ornament and turned it over in his hand, inspecting it.

"I think I will put this one here," he said, placing the ornament near the top. You continued to place the very few ornaments left in your box haphazardly. When you finished, you noticed that Legolas still had a lot left in his. He grabbed the same ornament he had placed at the top and moved it toward the middle. Setting the box on the ground, he took a step backward, tilted his head, and shook it. He grabbed the ornament again and placed it a little lower.

"Legolas, it does not have to be perfect," you told him with a big smile. He smiled shyly.

"I know this is the first year you will not celebrate with your family, and I want you to have a perfect time here," he said. Without a second thought, you stood on the tips of your toes and kissed him on the cheek, successfully surprising him for the second time that day.

"Thank you," you smiled at him. A cheeky smile was on his face before his expression went grave. Coughing, Legolas looked toward the floor.

"I wanted to ask you," he paused. "Who is Santa Claus?" You suppressed the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You had thought that he was going to ask you something else.

"Santa Claus? Well, Santa is a merry old man that dresses in red and white and brings toys to all the nice well behaved children. It is often said that he brings the misbehaved children coal. He rides on a sleigh one night a year pulled by eight flying reindeer and—"

"Flying reindeer?" he asked, bewildered. "That is ridiculous. Reindeer do not fly. My father knows much about reindeer, and that is impossible."

"Well, Santa's reindeer do," you said, trying to keep a straight face despite what you were going to say next. "Rumor has it that Santa gets help from many elves. They help Santa make toys," you finished, biting your lip to keep from laughing at his expression.

"Elves making toys? No, dwarves make to—" you could not keep it in anymore. You began laughing loudly. 

Legolas looked at you very confused, which made you laugh even louder. After a few more seconds, he finally understood that none of it was true, and he began laughing with you. You were glad that you would at least have Legolas by your side this Christmas. He always seemed to find a way to make you forget about all bad things.

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