LI- Imagine being arranged to marry Legolas

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Imagine being arranged to marry Legolas

    "I do not know what you both think you will get out of this visit. I already said that I will not wed the King's son." You clutched the reins of the white horse you were riding as you told your parents for the tenth time of what you planned. Your parents and yourself were being escorted to the Elvenking's halls. The King had invited the family who he thought was going to be his extended family real soon, over. Only he had no idea that you were hard headed and you would stop at nowhere to cancel the arrangement the King and your parents had made without your knowledge. You bit the inside of your lip that felt quite sore after biting it many times for the same reason. It angered you how your parents had given your life away so easily. They would only laugh at your 'dramatic' demeanor.

"We are not giving your life away," they would say. Were they not? If you wed the Prince, your whole life would be shared with him. Your life was your own to share with whom you wished not with someone who they chose. They did not seem to understand that.

Both your parents tried speaking to you on your way to the King's palace, but you remained quiet. It was for the best. You did not want to unintentionally say something rude. After a while, they stopped trying to get your attention and sighed deeply. Would it be possible to purposefully make everyone get lost and have to return home? You thought to yourself. If only the King's guards had not come to find you all. They knew the forest like the back of their hands.

You spent your time looking at the forest though there was nothing to see except plants. Riding on the horse, you looked at the greenery with a vacant stare, and before long, another group of guards joined you all. These guards were on foot meaning that the King's halls were close. The idea made your head spin with fury. 

All too soon, a guard helped you down from your horse and led you and your parents into your doom. There were two figures waiting for your presence when you entered. The eldest, who you assumed was the King, was tall and grave. He had an aura of confidence and authority about him. His form was covered in an exquisite robe made of fine silk, and his hair was light and flowed freely down his shoulders. Beside him was, who you believed, his son. The son was much shorter in stature and had a thinner build. He was dressed as a guard and had darker hair; half held up by braids. There was nothing special about him. You were too busy criticizing him that you had not realized your father had started the introductions.

    "—this is my daughter Y/N," your father said as he gestured toward you. Happily, you greeted the King, but that was the most you would do. When it was your turn to greet the Prince, you did nothing and remained quiet. After realizing you were not going to say anything, the Prince went ahead and greeted you instead.

 "I am Legolas. It is a pleasure to meet you." His voice was sickeningly kind, you thought. Legolas placed his palm against his chest and extended it toward you, yet you could not muster a smile. Feeling the awkwardness in the room, the King dismissed your family, claiming that a maid would shortly show you all to your chambers. As your parents were escorted, you decided to remain back and explore the King's halls. You were minding your own business and admiring the architecture when the Prince, who you thought had left, spoke to you.

    "If you please, I would love to show you around," he said.

"I do not want anything from you," you replied smoothly, even though you did want a tour. Legolas was quite taken aback by your response. He could only stare with risen eyebrows. "I am not going to pretend to like you. This arrangement was made without my consent, so I do not want anything to do with it, but I will play along for now. That does not mean we have to act friendly. I do not want to. Do you understand?" you stated. He did not reply.

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