LI- Imagine Legolas' reaction after you got hurt orc hunting

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       Imagine Legolas' Reaction after you got hurt orc hunting

Caution: Angst

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Legolas never objected to you tagging along on spider hunts back in Mirkwood. Not that you needed his permission at all. There had been a sighting of a pack of orcs close to the border of Rivendell, and Lord Elrond had asked the best warriors to get rid of any danger. That meant that he had asked for your assistance as well. You grabbed your pack of arrows that was located on top of the table in the chamber you resided in while Legolas was trying unsuccessfully to convince you to stay behind.

You found it rather odd that he was doing this, even though you understood that it was dangerous. Between spiders and orcs, orcs were more likely to cause harm, but they were not that great of a danger to you. Legolas knew this as well. You were a skilled fighter like he, if not better.

"Please, just this once. Stay behind," he pleaded, looking at you with those adorable pleading eyes that he knew you were a sucker for. You pretended to think about it, but you had already made up your mind when Lord Elrond had asked you for your help, and oh, were you stubborn.

"Legolas, after all the hunts we have been on, why now?" you asked him.

"I have a bad feeling," he said. You smiled at him reassuringly and pulled him in close.

"I will be fine," you whispered, your lips hovering over his. You kissed him, but he did not kiss back. A giggle escaped your lips because of his actions.

"You are acting childish," you stated. In response, he looked at you displeased.

You had to drag Legolas by the arm to catch up to the group of guards. The other elves were already waiting by the gate on their horses when Legolas and yourself finally joined. You walked toward a white and grey horse that a fellow elf had said you would be riding. As you were about to get on, Legolas turned you toward him by the waist. Without skipping a beat, his lips crashed onto yours hungrily. He rested his forehead on yours as you parted.

"At least stay by my side, please. If anything were to happen to you-" he shook his head, unable to finish his terrifying thought. He placed both of his hands on either side of your face and kissed you once more. With that, he helped you get on your horse even though he knew you could get on yourself.

It did not take long to reach the pack of orcs, for you were all riding fast. You realized that it would have been to all your advantages if you had snuck in on them, but it was too late for that. Some of the orcs had already shot arrows before anyone in your group could dismount from the horses.

You came to a halt, grabbed your bow, and dismounted off your horse with a jump. You ducked as an arrow came flying toward your head. When you fully stood up, you grabbed an arrow from your pack and shot at the orc who had shot at you. The arrow flew straight, hitting the vile thing between the eyes. It was not a quiet battle- if it could be called one. All around, there were orcs and elves shouting.

There was a clinking sound of metal hitting metal close to you, and you turned, frightened, to find Legolas aiming at something behind you. An orc had sent a blade flying toward you, and Legolas had shot it down. He jogged toward you, his bow aiming at his surroundings.

"Stay close," he shouted at you over the commotion. You both fought with your backs against each other, both shooting arrow after arrow and never missing.

You were thinking of your tired arm when you saw two orcs running toward you. You shot the one closest first. As the arrow went flying, you grabbed another from your pack and released it, aiming at the other thing.

Your focus had been intent on the two orcs that you had not noticed the other monstrosity coming at you diagonally from the right.

The arrow hit you before you could move. A jolt of pain shot through your leg, and an anguished cry escaped your lips as your leg gave up, making you fall on one knee.

Legolas shouted your name. He growled while quickly releasing an arrow and killing the orc that had shot you. Legolas knelt beside you. You were busy clutching your thigh to notice anything around you. You could barely make out the commands Legolas was shouting in elvish, over a buzzing noise that was in your ears.

Legolas was kneeling in front of you, his eyes roaming your face worriedly. You could see his lips moving, but anything he was saying went unheard by you. You were suddenly picked up by him, and you tried to say something, to tell him that you would be okay. Anything to erase the crushed expression he was looking at you with. You did not like seeing him with harsh expressions on his face. You were used to seeing him happy. Even then, he still looked handsome to you.

Before everything slowly turned black, the last thing you saw was his watery sky blue eyes looking down at you. You knew in your heart that you would be okay, you had to be, but there was no way for him to know that at the moment as you lay bleeding in his arms.

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