LI- Imagine attending the Feast of Starlight with Legolas

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Imagine attending the Feast of Starlight with Legolas

It was time for the Feast of Starlight again. It was your favorite celebration. Not that many ever occurred in Mirkwood. There was still a lot to prepare, but you could not stop talking about it weeks before the celebration was even held. Even if Legolas would laugh at your excited state, he never once stopped you from talking and would listen intently to you as you described how you imagined everything would turn out over and over again.

"Before you say no," you clasped your hands together and brought them against your mouth, giving Legolas your best pleading look. "I want you to know that this would mean a lot to me. Although you do not have to do anything you do not want to, if you did, however, I would be delighted becau—" you paused from your ramble that was beginning to get off-topic. You giggled and blushed when you noticed Legolas looking at you like you had just said the words he ever wished to hear.

"I know it is just a feast, but would you mind matching garment colors with me?" you asked sheepishly. You were given a look of disbelief in response.

"Of course, I would not mind," he said, almost sounding offended that you would have thought he would. "Anything for you," he smiled widely.

When he had gone, you immediately went in search of the dressmaker. She did not question whether the Prince had agreed with your plan. Everyone in Mirkwood knew how close you and Legolas were.

Time went by infuriatingly slow, but when it was finally the day of the feast, you awoke early from excitement. You spent the day tending to the horses' stables until it was time for you to get ready for the celebration.

Your handmaidens helped style your hair, both opting for simple braids.Two braids from either side of your head met on the back, as the hair on the back connected with two other braids that were placed lower than the first two. The hairstyle was simple yet elegant. When they had finally finished, they helped you get into your gown.

The silvery gown, like your hair, was effortless and graceful. The neckline of your dress began at your collarbone but plunged low on the backside, halfway down your spine. The sleeves expanded wider as they reached your hands, and the length of the dress was long, reaching the floor.

When you finished dressing, there was a knock at your door. You had no idea who it could be. Not many elves ever bothered you. You were surprised to see Legolas standing in the doorway when you opened the door. You both had agreed to meet at the feast.

"You look—" you both laughed as you realized you had spoken at the same time. Legolas was wearing a tunic made from the same silvery fabric of your gown. The top half of his hair was tied at the back, and adorning his head was a silver crownlet.

"You look beautiful," he said, offering you a genuine smile.

"And you look handsome," you returned his smile with one of your own.

"I know we said we would meet each other at the feast, but I thought I would come by and escort you instead," he said, offering you his arm to hold. You linked your arm in his and together walked to join the other elves in the Feast of Starlight.Everything looked much better than you could have imagined, and there was more food than you could have ever anticipated. Legolas guided you to a table that surprisingly was not where his father was seated, but then you saw some of the familiar faces of your friends. You smiled at everyone at the table as they turned to look at you and him. Some of the elleths on the table gave him flirty glances. It only made you feel better that he had asked you to attend the feast with him. After helping you in your seat, the waiters instantly served their Prince and you.

"If you could live in any other place in Middle-earth, where would you live?" Legolas asked after sipping on his glass of wine. You bit your bottom lip as you thought about your answer. There wasn't any other place you would rather live. Even if Mirkwood was not exactly as safe as it used to be, it was still home. Out of all the places on Middle-earth, there was just one other you would consider.

"Lothlórien," you replied, thinking of all the wonderful things some of the elves that had been there before would say of the place.

"You?" Legolas grinned.

"As my father's son, I should say nowhere else, but I trust you not to tell him." You giggled at his words. "Lothlórien as well."

"Pass time activity. Reading or," you thought of another option, "drinking?" You laughed, already anticipating the answer.

"Reading, of course," he answered, feigning bafflement and purposefully brought his glass of wine to his lips, giving you a quick wink. You could not help but laugh loudly. You were positive everyone could hear you, even over the music, but you did not care. Legolas joined in the laughter.

Throughout the feast, a few elves danced. The later the day and drunker the rest got, the more elves moved about rhythmically to the melodies. You could not help but smile at the happy elves whose only attention was their partner in front of them. Most of them moved ungracefully because of their drunken state.

"It seems like your date might want to dance," an elf that was sitting by Legolas spoke to him. You had never seen him before. You turned toward Legolas with a questioning look. You did not quite know if he was speaking to Legolas about you because you certainly did not want to dance in front of everyone, and Legolas knew this.

"I am sure she does not," Legolas responded to the elf and looked at you, laughing lightly. You smiled at him in agreement.

"Well, if you do not want to dance with her, I certainly do," the elf stood suddenly and walked your way. Your smile disappeared from your face when the elf got closer.

"No, thank you," you replied, turning your head to gaze back at the other dancing elves. After feeling his grasp on your arm, you turned with a lifted brow. The elf was swaying on his feet.

"Come on," he said, a slight slur in his speech. You glared up at him for a moment, giving him the best death glare you could muster. Beside you, Legolas had stood up and was reaching over to take the elf's hand from your arm.

"Either you release my arm right now, or this will be the last time you use your hand," you spat before Legolas could get to him. From this proximity, you could smell that he reeked of alcohol. The elf's eyes grew in size, and he immediately released his hold.

"That is a threat," the elf said, pointing to you and looking at Legolas as if silently telling him that he should imprison you.

"A threat that she would not have made if you had not touched her without her permission. I advise you to return to your chambers before I let her fulfill her threat," Legolas said with authority.

The elf swayed on his spot, but even in his drunken manner, he knew better than to disregard the Prince's orders. That and the King had already spotted the confrontation. Thranduil seemed ready to figure out the source of the commotion. You breathed deeply, still glaring after the elf when he had left.

"Let us not let that ruin this night for us," Legolas said sweetly. When you looked at him, your anger immediately began to subside. Slightly nodding your head in approval, Legolas helped you scoot in your chair. After minutes of talking and laughing with Legolas, you completely forgot the confrontation. You had such a good time that you had not noticed many of the elves had already left. There were only a few remaining, but the music still played loudly.

"Come on," Legolas stood quickly and offered you his hand. He had not told you where he wanted to go, yet you had already placed your hand in his. After walking a while, you ended up in a clearing under the open sky. The stars shone brightly, and you could not help but be breathless at the view.

"I know you well," Legolas spoke softly beside you as not to startle you while you gazed up, mesmerized.

"I know you like dancing, but I also know you do not like dancing in front of large crowds. There is no one else here but us." You looked away from the stars and into his eyes which were equally as bright.

"Will you dance with me?" A smile formed on your lips.

"Of course," you said, putting your hand in his for the second time that day. At that moment, you knew you wanted him to be the one you danced with and held on to for eternity.

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