LI- Imagine arguing with Legolas

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Imagine arguing with Legolas

The door satisfyingly slammed behind you. Good, you wanted him to know you were angry.

"What is—"

"Do not ask me what is wrong, Legolas Thranduilion," you shouted, using his full name to express your anger further.

"How dare you tell Elladan that I would not help him! What gave you the right?" your finger tapped against Legolas's chest.

You had just encountered your close childhood friend Elladan, Lord Elrond's son, who, after speaking to you, had asked why you would not help him interpret some passages of a scroll he was currently working on reading. You had thought his question was a joke until he had mentioned that Legolas had told him that you would not be helping him.

Why Legolas had told him that, you could not fathom. You did not understand why he thought it was his place to make decisions for you without your permission.

"I do not trust him," he replied, crossing his arms.

"What does that— since when do you not trust Elladan?" you asked disbelievingly. "What did he do to you that causes you not to trust him?" your voice grew louder still.

"I do not trust him around you," he said, his voice rising as well. You almost wanted to groan. It was all out of jealousy.

"You decided for me, making me look like some fool just because you were jealous?"

"Why are you so upset? Are you in love with him?" Your eyes grew wide in disbelief at his question, and your face slowly contorted into a cold glare.

"What do you take me for, Legolas? Do you think I would give my love to someone else while being with you? Do you think that low of me?" His features began to soften, and a sudden look of regret crossed his face, but he could not take back what he had assumed.

"I am not mad about missing some pitiful interpreting session with Elladan. I am mad that you decided on my behalf! Only I can speak for myself. I am sorry if this comes as a shock to you; you do not own me! If you had a problem with the idea of me spending time with him, you should have talked to me first. I would have happily refused to help him."

Your voice had grown softer as you finished talking. You were no longer angry, just disappointed. You wanted to be left alone. It did not matter that Legolas had been in the room first. You wanted him to leave. You deserved at least that, given that the argument was his doing after all.

He stepped closer to you, only for you to step away. He took the hint and walked out of the room. You had suspected that he would have stayed, but he knew it was a lost cause. You were very stubborn and usually required some time alone after upsetting matters.You were sitting at the desk. The one Legolas had asked to have set in your private study and were scribbling when you heard the door open. You did not need to look to know it was him. You felt him walking toward you and felt the heat of his body beside you. Your gaze did not waver from the desk.

"Can you accompany me?" he asked softly beside you. You did not want to reply. "Please, it is important," he pleaded. You looked up when hearing the severe tone of which he spoke. You began to get worried after looking at the expression on his face. You stood then, following him once he started walking.

He led the way down several flights of stairs, and when the route became more familiar, you knew then that it was not important. You knew where he was taking you. He continued walking and led you outside to the location where you both had confessed your feelings to each other for the first time.

"I thought you said this was important," you pretended to be disinterested, but you were secretly curious.

"It is," he replied matter-of-factly. "Do you remember the last time we were here?"


"You were standing right here." He grabbed you by the shoulders and moved you clockwise. 

"And I was standing right here." He took a step back. He smiled, remembering the occasion. "I was so nervous," he confessed. "You still make me feel nervous," he said in a whisper. "Do you remember what I told you?"

"No," you replied, remembering well but wanting him to repeat what he had said.

"Well, before saying anything, I grabbed your hand," he replicated what he had done the first time. "And I looked into your eyes," he did what he said. "I then said, 'Eru knows you can find someone better suited, but I do not believe anyone could ever feel the way I do about you. I knew from the moment I spoke to you that I could never live in a world in which you were not in,' and you replied with—"

"Oh," you repeated the word you had said, and you could not help but laugh a little, making Legolas smile in return. "I think I was more nervous than you," you acknowledged.

"Your answer made me afraid that I might have interpreted your actions wrong, but then you told me that you knew fate had brought us together and that you could not live in a world without me neither. I have not heard anything better since," he paused to look at you for a moment.

"I would not find it surprising if you no longer feel that way after today's events. I said some things that I did not mean and should have never said, no matter how upset I was. I also did something that I should have not. I am sorry. I truly am. Someone so beautiful should not be treated the way I treated you today," he breathed, kissing your hand and using your arm to pull you closer to him. You felt your resolve slip, and you stepped even closer to him.

"Of course, I still feel that way, Legolas. I forgive you," you said quietly. "But never do that again," you finished in a stern voice. He placed his forehead on yours and smiled softly.

"Never again," he promised, finally leaning down and kissing you on the lips. His kisses never failed to make you feel weak at the knees.

"And I could never think lowly of you," he said before giving you a deeper kiss. "Ever. I could shout it at the sky to prove it."

"And why don't you?" you asked while playfully smirking. He gave you a mischievous grin before taking a deep breath and began screaming, 'Legolas Thranduilion could never think lowly of-,' except he never got to finish because you covered his mouth immediately. He chuckled at your blushing.

"Hush! Do not start another argument that you cannot finish," you told him playfully. 

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