LI- Imagine meeting Legolas for the first time

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Imagine meeting Legolas for the first time

Being the child of two farmers, you never really had any reason to go near nor much less enter the Elvenking's palace. In all honesty, there were days where you forgot there was even a palace. There were much more important things to worry about then that far away place. Well, it was not necessarily far away, but it sure felt that way.

Today was different, the Elvenking's home was the only thing on your mind. You wondered if his home was as regal as he. Maybe there were a lot of diamonds and crystals embedded in the walls that would cast a rainbow of light throughout the floor. It seemed a little ridiculous but having seen the King; it was hard to imagine anything else. You sighed with a smile. There was no use in imagining the palace when you were already on your way to it. If they allowed you to become a maid, you would soon come to know the inside of the palace like your own home.

With a huff, you reached the top of the hill and rested your palm on one of the trees at the edge of the forest. It was quiet except for conversation here or there that sounded far away. You continued walking but stopped when a voice shouted from nowhere. Had the voice spoken up much sooner maybe you would have had time to move, but you stood rooted to the spot you stood.

You felt pain flaring from your foot up to your calf before you could process why. You fell backward, your legs giving up from under you. The only thing that came out of your mouth was an elongated "ow." It did not help when you noticed the arrow embedded in your foot. Someone came running to your side, his face surprised or maybe frightened at your furious expression. He had not yet reached you when you were already yelling at him.

"Did you just shoot me?" you screeched at him. Had it been in any other instance you might have swooned when you noticed the fair elf, but all those thoughts were pushed aside. His blue eyes roamed over you quickly, his sight landing on your foot.

"I am so sorry," he said with wide eyes. Your breathing came in pants now. You were beginning to panic.

"You just shot me with an arrow," you said in a repetitive whisper trying to believe the sight before your eyes.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. You are going to be fine," he told you.

"Calm down? You just shot me with your arrow, and you want me to calm down?" you shouted. He turned red. in embarrassment, perhaps?

"You were not supposed to be standing there," he said.

"It is not my fault you are the worst archer ever," you replied in anger. The elf chuckled loudly. You stared at him, mouth agape. He was actually laughing at you. He only sobered up when he saw your expression.

"Look. I am very sorry. I was not paying attention when I released the arrow. I was having a mild conversation—"

"Clearly you were not paying attention." You made a whining noise when your foot felt as if it were pulsating.

"Prince Legolas," a redhead said. You had not seen anyone approaching. The male elf turned to her direction, and he yelled out commands. Something about a healer, you were not sure, you were busy contemplating what she had said. It was your turn now to turn red in embarrassment. You had not realized he was the Prince, though it did not matter. It did not change the fact that he had shot you. You were still angry.

"I have to carry you," he stated.

"What?" you asked confused.

"I am going to carry you," he tried not to smile amusedly at your facial expression. "That is the only way I can get you to a healer," he stood watching you. You rose an eyebrow and scowled.

"What?" you asked again, this time in annoyance. You didn't know why he stood there staring.

"Do I have your permission to carry you?"

"I suppose so," you grumbled. You did not have to tell him twice. The Prince knelt and put one arm under your knees and the other behind your back. Out of instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck. The action made heat rise to your cheeks, and your heart beat faster. You thought of something to say as you both walked quietly and awkwardly through the clearing. "You owe me new footwear," you told him, looking away. You could feel his eyes on you as he once again laughed.

"You are something else, you know that?" he told you.

"What is that supposed to mean?" you replied, turning to look at him. You had no idea how close you would come to the Prince's face. You leaned back to make room making the Prince stumble forward with the shift in balance. You clutched onto him harder, eyes closing in the process. "Do not drop me!"

"Do not move," he retorted. You slowly opened your eyes only to find him grinning. You would have scowled had you not been doing so already. What was with the Prince being so happy?

The palace turned out to be entirely different than what you had imagined. There were no diamonds or crystals on the walls that cast light. The walls were made of bark or rock, and the palace was cold and dark, yet there was a serene feel and beauty to it. You looked around, up and down, everywhere, in awe as the Prince looked at you with curiosity. "Have you never been here before?" You had almost forgotten about him.

"No. I have not. I was on my way here for the first time, today, before you shot me," you replied. He let out an exasperated sigh.

"You are never going to let that go, are you?" He spoke as if this would not be the last time you both saw each other. You blushed.

"Considering that the arrow is still in my foot, I cannot forget it," you told him.

"It will not be there for long, I promise" he replied, opening the door to the healers' room. He did not leave your side throughout the removal, and for that you were grateful. Though he probably wished he had left you when you began holding onto his arm tightly, nails digging into his skin.

After the removal, you were not in the best state of mind. Not after all the herbs the healers had you take. You wanted to go home. You moved to sit up, only to have the Prince put a hand on your shoulder telling you to lay back down.

"I have to go home." You told him that your parents would be waiting for you— or maybe you hadn't, you could not think straight.

"I hate to do this. I do, but under my orders, you cannot leave the palace until you are properly healed," you heard him say though he sounded anything but apologetic. You were too busy thinking about his eyes to wonder if he sounded happy about the prospect. "I will have someone tell your family about what has occurred." You hummed in return, your head groggy with medication. Turning your head on the pillow, you looked at the smiling Prince who was sitting next to the cot you were laying on.

"You have such pretty eyes," you told him in a slur. A cheeky grin replaced his small smile.

"You do too," you thought you heard him say before you peacefully fell unconscious.

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