LI- Imagine Legolas' reaction when he finds out that you fell off...

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Imagine Legolas' reaction when he finds out that you fell off the cliff along with Aragorn

     Aragorn and Gimli were having a quiet conversation. However, you were too focused on cleaning your throwing knives to follow along. After laughing loudly for the third time, someone amongst the men and women trying to sleep shushed Gimli loudly. You looked up from your knives to quietly chuckle along with Aragorn and Legolas. Gimli grumbled in defeat and made himself comfortable on the floor.

The settlement was eerily quiet after. Most, if not all, of the men and women from your company were exhausted after trekking the entirety of one day to reach Helm's Deep. If all were to go well, you would reach the destination soon. Aragorn stood to stretch and sat once again, slowly sinking down to get some sleep.

"I will take the second watch," you whispered to no one in particular. Although, seeing as Legolas was also an elf, he was the only other person who could reasonably take watch duty in the night.

"No, I will take the second watch. You take first," he replied. Of course, he could not agree with you on this matter also.

"I will take the second watch because I said I would take the second watch, first," you retorted. You had stopped cleaning your knives completely and turned your head to glare at him from the position you had taken on a log.

"How about you keep watch together? Put both your skills to good use," Aragorn pitched in.

"I have had to put up with him all morning. I will not do it all night. Surely one of us would end up dead," you replied. You badly needed to take a walk alone.

"Is that a threat?" Legolas asked, sitting straighter.

"You would not be unsure if I had threatened you!" Aragorn sighed loudly.

"Why could you not have stayed in Imladris?" Legolas sounded defeated.

"Because Lord Elrond required at least one capable elf in this mission," you replied. Scoffing loudly, he looked away, cueing you to leave.

"Do not go too far," you thought you heard him say before you left. However, knowing that Legolas hated you, you thought it was highly unlikely that he cared for your safety. The feeling of hatred was mutual.

He needn't even speak to upset you. The way his eyebrows drew together when he was thinking, or how the left one would rise whenever he spoke, or whenever his nose would crinkle when he did not like something was enough to get you in a bad mood.

You sighed in exasperation. The worst part of it all was that even if you tried to think of something else, all you could think about was his annoying self.

    You found yourself thinking back to the argument with Legolas as you walked further and further away from the settlement. It was useless going for a walk when the reason you had taken one was to get away from him. It seemed he would never be able to leave you alone.

When you were far enough from the settlement to your liking, you chose a place uphill to lay. You settled on the grass, looking up at the beautiful glistening sky. The darkness made the stars shine brighter than usual. In that moment, nothing else mattered. No one existed except yourself and the stars far in the distance.

Every once in a while, a moving star would shoot across the sky which you would follow with your eyes. Breathing the fresh air deeply, you allowed yourself to close your eyes. This was the most relaxed you had been in a while, but just like everything else good that had happened in your life, it had to come to an end.

"Y/N!" Legolas' voice startled you. His tone, a mixture of emotions, instantly notified you that something was wrong. You quickly stood up, trying to gather more information on the situation from Legolas' demeanor.

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