LI- Imagine having to meet up with Legolas in secret

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Imagine having to meet up with Legolas in secret

Your father had lived in Mirkwood ages ago when it was named Greenwood and when King Thranduil was merely a prince. Coming from a noble family, your father knew the Prince of Greenwood, and you could only presume the King and your father had been close; for now, the King had asked your father to live in Mirkwood and be his advisor. You had thought it was a joke when your father happily accepted the offer. Having lived in Lothlórien your whole life, you did not want to leave behind your friends. You pleaded with your father, but he had already made up his mind, and when he made up his mind, there was no way to change it.

The first day you had arrived in Mirkwood, you noticed that the forest felt sickly. It was hard to unsettle you, but you felt that way immensely when you first entered the gate. Your father seemed unfazed, so much so that the only thing on his mind was this: "I do not want you to get close to the Prince. Eru forbid that you both end up on bad terms and ruin my friendship with the King," he had said.

How dare he think I would go around frolicking with the Prince, you had thought. Except, that was what you would be doing later and unashamed at that because anyone that had met the Prince at least once would have agreed with you that he was one of a kind.

That was a month and a week ago today. You bit your tongue to keep from telling your father that you had been meeting the Prince in secrecy for the past twenty-one moon falls, as he once again went over all the consequences that would occur if you and the Prince were courting. What is the worst that could happen if Father found out?

You were great at keeping secrets, and Legolas and yourself were cautious about not being seen by anyone when you would both meet in secret, but Father always knew (or thought he knew) when you were keeping something from him. Instead of coming forth with the truth, you replied with, "I have not spoken to the Prince. Not even once, Father." I have spoken to him hundreds of times.

After your ada left, your smile finally returned to your face. You could not wait to meet up with Legolas come nightfall. You wished for everything to go smoothly, just like every other meet-up you both have had. For the following hours, you stayed in your chambers attending to the flowers the King had ordered his messengers to bring you and more or so singing happily.

You did not know the exact time, but it was late for now the noise of elves walking around the King's cave had died down. You opened your door slightly and peered outside, looking in both directions. When you noticed no one was there, you quickly but silently strode down the hallway and turned left. After many other turns, you finally reached the doors that led to the back of the King's halls. If it were the correct time, no guards would be outside the doors at this hour. You had an excuse in the back of your head in case anyone asked where you were going, but you were still nervous when you opened the doors as quietly as you could. When you saw that there were, in fact, no guards, you let out a breath.

You were walking as quickly as you could down the steps toward the secret location when suddenly a hand covered your mouth. You felt your stomach drop and tried to jerk away.

"It's okay," you heard a familiar voice whisper. You finally relaxed, and Legolas let go of you.

"You scared me," you whisper-shouted at him.

"I apologize. I did not want to startle and make you scream," he smiled. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your head against his warm chest while he wrapped his arms around your waist. You always felt so secure in his arms. You never wanted to let go of him.

"I heard your singing today when I walked by your chambers," he said quietly as you both, sadly, let go of each other. You felt some heat rising to your cheeks and opened your mouth to respond when Legolas held up a finger in front of his mouth, gesturing for you to keep quiet. You furrowed your eyebrows until you finally heard the sound of people speaking in the distance. The voices grew louder as the beings got closer to where you and Legolas were standing. You gave him a startled look prompting him to grab your hand and bring you close. He slid down the tree and sat on top of some fallen leaves. Legolas tugged at your hand, and you followed suit.

"Oh, curse me," you whispered as you heard the voices grow even louder. "I thought I wanted to let my father know that we were courting but not anymore."

"If they catch us, I am dea—" you did not get to finish what you were saying because Legolas' lips were on yours in an instant. You would have been lying if you said that you had not thought of this moment since the first time you saw Legolas. You thanked the skies that you were already sitting down because if you were not, you swear that you would have fallen. All thoughts of getting caught slipped your mind as both of your lips moved in synch. When you pulled apart, Legolas put his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes and smiled.

"Maybe getting caught would not be such a bad thing," you said.

"We could kiss whenever we wanted," Legolas added, making your smile grow wider. As if to demonstrate, the palms of his hands lay on either side of your face. He tenderly connected his lips with yours. No matter what happened when your father found out, you would never let anyone end your relationship. 

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