LI- Imagine Legolas acting as a matchmaker between Haldir and you

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Imagine Legolas acting as a matchmaker between Haldir and you

Rivendell had been your home since birth. Ever since you could remember, Rivendell had been filled with joy and merry elves. It was great, but it was time for you to move. Upon your father Arphen*, who was part of Elrond's council, talking to the Elvenking, Thranduil had agreed to let you live in his lands.

Your father was not happy about your decision, saying that it was yet still too early to be sure that no more evil lurked in Mirkwood, but the ring had been destroyed. It could not get more certain than that. Regardless, it was not like Thranduil's guards, your childhood friend Legolas, or you could not protect yourself.

You smiled at the thought of living in the same place as your close friend. With your help, he could maybe finally find someone who could reciprocate his feelings. Your smile grew even more prominent when you heard him calling your name.

"Over here!" you yelled in response from your chamber. You were in your room choosing the garments you were going to be taking with you. Legolas had come down from Mirkwood when he heard that his father had accepted you living there. He wanted to escort you. You were both planning to leave when the guests of Lothlórien left. They had still not arrived, but it had been some time since Lord Elrond announced that Lady Galadriel and some of the elves of Lothlórien were on their way.

"They have arrived," Legolas stated as he walked into your chamber, seeming as if he had read your thoughts. You looked up from the cape in your hands.

"I was wondering when they would arrive," you replied, returning to look at the royal blue-colored garment.

"I think your father would want you to greet them at the entrance," he said, sitting down.

"He has not specified anything. Like you, I believe I shall wait until the feast to greet the guests," you set the dress on top of the growing pile of garments you were planning to take with you.

"If my good friend Haldir has guided the Lady, it has not been known by me," Legolas said, looking out toward the ledge. The scenery was splendid. Your chamber faced the mountains from which a waterfall poured down. You were surely going to miss the view.

"The elf you have spoken highly of; he carried Lord Elrond's message to the people of Rohan in the Battle of Helm's Deep, correct? He barely made it out alive, I heard. I've also heard his name brought up in many conversations, but why is it that I have never seen or met this Haldir?"

"You have probably seen the elf the name belongs to but perhaps did not know that name belonged to him," he replied, looking at you with a mild shrug. A lot of elves did reside or visited Rivendell. Chances were that you had seen him before.

"Well, I am hoping to meet him soon. He seems like an honorable elf with what everyone says about him." You walked toward the door and called behind you when you noticed Legolas had not followed you. "Are you coming?" you shouted behind your shoulder.

You wanted to stay out of view the whole morning until you could formally greet all the visitors during the feast. You and Legolas sat on a bench outside, on the opposite side of Elrond's home. The view was not much different than the one from your chamber. Even if you wanted to move, you were still going to miss this place. It had been your home for your entire life. You closed your eyes, resting your mind and listening to the sound of the roaring waterfalls. You and Legolas sat in silence for what seemed like ages. That was until you were interrupted.

"Legolas, son of Thranduil," a flat, throaty, yet appealing voice said from behind. Legolas smiled and answered without turning.

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