LI- Imagine being in love with Legolas but him being in love with Tauriel

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Imagine being in love with Legolas but him being in love with Tauriel

Caution: angst
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The arrow went flying swiftly from your hands. You did not need to check whether it had hit its target. You never missed.

Reaching behind your back, you grabbed another arrow while taking a 180-degree turn and released another deadly blow. The spiders were growing in number, more and more every day, but you were not complaining. You loved hunting vile creatures.

There was something euphoric about the danger behind what you considered a sport. You liked joining the guards during a hunt, but everyone knew that you did not belong here with them. You were the daughter of the King's advisor, Gweithir*. Killing spiders was their task to everyone else in the group, but you did it for fun.

Some feared you for that, finding you rather odd. They would even get out of your way if they saw you approaching. Others would talk about you, speaking of how wild you were but nothing anyone ever said bothered you. Those that were close to you never seemed to mind. Legolas did not care that you liked killing spiders, neither did the King. The King found it rather amusing and even offered you a place as a captain of the guard, but you had declined, knowing full well that it would have taken the fun from it all. He instead had offered the open position to someone else who you, unfortunately, did not like.

"Two!" you shouted loud enough for Legolas to hear you. He grunted with arrogance and shouted a number in response.

"Three," he replied.

"You have not killed three spiders," you disbelievingly shouted as you slid down a broken branch, jumping and landing on another tree.

"I have," he responded matter of factly. From his tone, you knew he was telling the truth. Your competitiveness kicked up a notch, and you released arrow after arrow, aiming at an enormous spider and killing it.

If he won, you would not hear the end of it. You had grown up with Legolas and knew exactly how he would taunt you for losing.

You searched wildly around the forest, but you could see no more spiders. Many had left when they had the chance, knowing well that they were not a match for the best guards in the group. In total, you had killed three spiders—the same amount as Legolas. You had not won as you had wished, but you did tie, and he would not have the satisfaction of making fun of you.

You laughed as you both stood on the ground. It was rare to see Legolas with messy hair. He swiped at his locks, managing to tame them, but it did not last long. You stood on your toes and messed up his hair with your hand, getting out of his reach before he could get you back.

"Legolas," the Captain of the Guard called in the sickeningly sweet voice she used when talking to your best friend. Your face contorted with annoyance unconsciously. Tauriel rushed toward you both, successfully ruining the moment. You hated her. You knew you should not, but you did. It was not entirely her fault that Legolas liked her, and because of it, he did not reciprocate your feelings for him. It bothered you to admit that the real person who you were unhappy with was with Legolas. He liked her when she did not like him. Even when knowing that you, the person who had known him since you were both children, loved him.

They began talking, but you stopped listening, not bothering to join the conversation. You stood with crossed arms, almost tapping your foot impatiently. You studied the manner she presented herself. The way she would reach out now and then to touch Legolas' arm. It was almost as if she liked him, and it would have fooled you if you had not been watching the way she looked at him. She did not like him. She only found him interesting.

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