LI- Imagine Legolas betraying his father and you

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Imagine Legolas betraying his father and you

Caution: angst
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You had not seen Legolas since he left after the redheaded she-elf. Sure, you both had had your differences before he left but you never thought he would go after her. Before then, he had promised that nothing was happening between him and the redhead. He had even gotten mad at you for believing in such a thing while you both were courting. But someone would not go after another person if they had no feelings for them. You were not dense. Even after the facts, you fought through the Battle of Five Armies with worry over Legolas. You hoped he was well.

You followed your King through the blood spotted snowy floor until you reached a section overly covered in fallen warriors. A sob managed to escape your lips though it was no time for embarrassment. The King looked as overwhelmed as you. As if coming out of a haze, he told his guard to recall his warriors.

"I need to find Legolas," you told the King in a trembling voice. You quickly left after he nodded his approval. Tightening the grip on your bow, you walked the opposite way of the king, turning right at the corner. You were walking fast, looking at your surroundings for a glimpse of Legolas. Though it broke your heart, you looked to the floor of fallen warriors as well.

An orc jumped from a nook on the wall, too fast for you to place an arrow on your bowstring. You drew your last arrow still, and with it, jabbed at the orc, embedding the weapon in its eye. It screeched something foul to the ears and clutched its wound with both hands until it stumbled backward and fell. You continued walking, turning right at a corner again. The path would lead you back toward the opposite end of the alleyway where Thranduil was.

The redheaded elleth blocked the path. She had her bow drawn and pointed at something, or someone you could not see. It made you sick to admit it, but chances were she would know where Legolas was. You got nearer, and that is when you heard her arguing.

"You cannot feel love. You are heartless," you heard her saying. The person she was aiming for was Thranduil, your King, a second father to you. You felt enraged, something fiery that burned from the pit of your stomach. You reached behind you but ended up grasping at nothing. You had forgotten that you ran out of arrows.

Your hand reached to unsheathe your sword when you heard another one slicing through the air. Tauriel's bow, now cut in half, clunked to the floor. At the mention of a dwarf, you dropped your weaponed hand to your side. You were utterly confused.

"You do not love that dwarf, and now you will die for it," Thranduil pointed his sword at the she-elf, but in an instant, his sword was pushed away by another. Legolas was standing beside his father with a look of fury that you were sure he had never used toward your defense.

"You will have to kill me before you harm her." Your sword was pointed at the elleth's neck before he could finish his sentence. Legolas looked at you with surprise. You returned his gaze while holding back tears.

"You would betray your King, your father, and me for her?" Your hand was shaking with pent-up anger.

"Put the sword down, Y/N. You do not want to do this," he said.

"I do want to do this. I really do," you admitted, holding the sword closer to the redhead.

"Then you are not the person who I thought you were."

"I am not the person who you thought I was? I never thought you were capable of betraying your father and here we are! You promised me, Legolas," by now tears were freely running down your cheeks. "You promised me nothing was happening between you two. You lied to me." Tauriel meant to say something, but you pressed the sword against the back of her neck. "Nevertheless, she has committed treason, and as a Lady, it is my duty to rid the realm of her."

"Y/N." It was Thranduil. "Put down your weapon." You did as he told, giving Legolas a look of despair. He looked away from your eyes, turning his body to leave. Thranduil was now behind you as Legolas began walking.

"Legolas!" you shouted at him. His steps faltered, though he did not turn around. "If you leave— we will never be the same again." He paused, contemplating, then turned and continued walking away. You released a sob, one equivalent to someone stabbing you in the chest. Thranduil clutched onto you, keeping you from falling to the ground; keeping you from showing them all more weakness.

An arrow flew past Tauriel first. Had it been slightly to the right, she would have been struck. Catching a breath, you yelled at Legolas to move and ran as fast as you could toward him. You had not thought about what you would do once you reached him but something in you wanted fiercely to keep him safe. The action caused the orcs to turn their attention toward you. You saw arrows flying every which way. Time had seemed to slow down.

You continued running.

An impact jolted you backward, but you fiercely continued. Legolas screamed, running in your direction as arrows relentlessly flew. You fell on both knees, breathless. Legolas skidded to a halt, dropping in front of you. He held onto you, almost in a hug, and laid you down. You knew something was wrong, but you did not have the heart to look down at the arrow sticking out from your abdomen.

"Get a healer!" he yelled at anyone.

"Legolas," you said breathlessly.

"Do not speak, please," he replied shakily and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"Legolas, I want to go home," you sobbed.

"I know. I know," he said, and you wondered if this was the first time you had ever seen tears in the Prince's eyes. He pushed your hair back from your face.

"I am sorry—"

"No. You do not need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. I am the one who is sorry, truly. I did not leave because of Tauriel. I left to help. I did it because it was the right thing to do. She means nothing to me. Not compared to you." You tried to reply but could feel something you had never tasted before, invade your mouth. You turned your head, coughing up blood.

"Please," he was trembling now, clutching onto you with his life. Two elven guards came to detach him from your wounded body to allow the healer space to do his job. Legolas thrashed in their hold, shouting profanities you never thought you would ever hear a prince say. His pleas were the last thing in your head before your whole world faded away.

Warmth radiated throughout your arm. Starting from your palm to just above your elbow. You felt a weight there and closed your eyes tight, not in discomfort but slightly in annoyance. Slowly, you began opening your eyes. You blinked at the ceiling completely disoriented and tried to remember where you were. Home, you thought. Though you had no recollection of getting there. You turned, noticing the source of your warmth.

"Legolas," you said his name in a croaky voice. He held onto your arm with eyes closed in serenity. At the mention of his name, he turned to you in utter surprise. A smile spread on his face.

"You are finally awake. I thought—" he looked away, his eyes glimmering with fresh tears. You took his hand, reaching out for it as best as you could. A groan emitted from your lips at the pain on your abdomen.

"You cannot get rid of me so easily," you told him breathlessly. Legolas placed his forehead against yours. The feeling of his closeness and the tickling of his breath on your skin made your heart beat faster.

"Good," he muttered. You held him tight as you felt one of his tears touch your cheek. "I do not know what I would have done had I lost you," he said with a shaky voice, clinging on you as if you would disappear. "Never do that to me again," he said sternly. "Do you promise?"

"I promise," you replied with a whisper, drying the tear from his cheek with your thumb. 

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The dialogue is meant to be different from the movie.

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