LI- Imagine Legolas after you've had his baby

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Imagine Legolas after you've had his baby

This can be considered the second part of "Imagine Legolas finding out you are expecting his baby."

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Time is a funny thing. When you anticipate something, time seems to drag on, but when you are not anticipating anything, the days seem to go by in a blur. So you stopped anticipating the day your baby would arrive, and the days passed by incredibly fast. Before you knew it, a room was set up specifically for the birth of your child. You did not know how much longer you had to wait to see your bundle of joy, but the midwife kept saying not much longer.

Unlike you, Legolas thought the time was going by slow. Of course, it was for him; he was anticipating the baby from the day you both found out you were with child. Saying he was excited was an understatement. You were delighted that the time was almost near. The pregnancy had taken a sort of a toll on him because he chose to, that is. Legolas had made it his life mission to be by your side the most he could. The only time he would leave your side was when Thranduil demanded that he do what he was told. Even then, he would not leave without Thranduil promising to care for you. Whenever you walked up or down the stairs, Legolas was by your side, holding your hand and making sure that you did not fall. It was a surprise to you that he let you walk into the bathroom alone.

"Do I look as fat as I feel?" you asked out loud as you looked at yourself in the large glass. You grabbed your tummy and turned sideways, huffing when you realized just how big you looked.

"I am as big as a horse," you said, defeated. Your head shook in disapproval.

"You look beautiful, My Love," Legolas replied, coming from behind and wrapping his arms around you. He kissed you on the back of the head, causing you to lean toward him. Your hands held to his as his arms were securely wrapped around you. You stood there for a while, looking at each other's reflection in the glass.

"I am craving lembas," you spoke up when you felt the desire randomly. Legolas laughed. Sudden cravings were not uncommon throughout your pregnancy.

He let go of you, making his way to the kitchen to get some for you. You followed, wanting to get out of the chamber. Legolas was a fast and graceful walker; normally, you were much faster than he. With the pregnancy, you couldn't even walk at half his speed. He stopped and turned back many times to wait for you to catch up as you tried your hardest to waddle faster. Legolas's lips turned upward into a small amused smile. You scowled at him, but it only delighted him more.

"You look lovely," he said reassuringly, which you responded to with a grumble.

At the base of the stairs, Legolas held out his hand to help you down.

"You treat me like a child, My Stars," you told him sternly. You appreciated the help from him, but you were tired of people treating you like a fragile gem. If you moved the slightest, several arms would reach out to grab you as if something bad were to happen to you.

He had asked you to take no part in dangerous activities either. You had promised to stop using the bow and arrow when your tummy began to grow more. You missed it. You missed the feel of the bow in your hands and the feeling of releasing the arrow, the noise as the arrow traveled through the air, and the stricken sound as it hit a practice target.

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