LI- Imagine being children and Legolas taking the blame when you accidentally...

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Imagine being children and Legolas taking the blame when you accidentally break a vase in the king's halls

You swept your hand under the drawer looking for the ring that had fallen from your hand. Instead of feeling something small, your hand touched a piece of paper. You picked it up and inspected it. The letters on the paper were fading, but you could make out some of the words:

Leggy, I am sor tha yo are tr ble ecau me...

You smiled at the word "Leggy," it had been your nickname for Legolas when you were both younger. You had not called him that in many many years. You pondered on the letter until you finally remembered what it was from. The memory came flooding back. You could not help but feel guilty all over again.

+ + +

"I thought of you as my best friend first than you did," said Leggy, who was sitting on a chair swinging his legs that did not reach the floor, back and forth.

"Nuh-uh, I thought it first" you stuck your tongue at him, and he returned the same gesture. Legolas stood up suddenly and pranced toward you. You were sitting on the floor, so he tapped the top of your head and said, "tag, you are it," as he ran away laughing. By the time you reacted, he was a long way ahead.

Leggy was generally faster than you, but you could sometimes catch up to him. You ran after him. He turned right down the hall, and when you turned the same corner, you could not see him anymore but could still hear his laughter. You giggled in response as you took another turn and caught a glimpse of him running into the kitchen. When you went inside, he was waiting on the opposite side of the kitchen island.

"You are so slow," he giggled.

"No, I am not," you said defensively and ran toward him. He ran to the other side, the island still blocking you. You chased him again around the kitchen and out the door. After taking three more turns, you were finally able to catch him.

"Tag," you laughed and turned, running in the opposite direction of Legolas and into a room. "You are the slow one," you yelled behind you, causing him to pucker his lips. You ran, looking over your shoulder as Legolas followed to tag you, with a grin on his face.

In a second, his mouth that had been turned upward into a smile, quickly formed into the shape of an "O." Before you could glance in front of you, you bumped into something hard. The force made the table that you had crashed into move, causing the white vase delicately designed with golden swirls that sat on top of the table to begin moving from side to side until it finally gave in and toppled down to the floor. You watched as the vase fell and fell and finally hit the ground with a loud shattering noise when the vase broke into a hundred pieces. The noise echoed off the walls of the chamber.

You looked at Legolas with huge watery eyes. Neither knew what to do nor say. There was a sound of footsteps walking toward the room, and your bottom lip began to tremble.

"I am scared, Leggy," you told your best friends. He grabbed your hand in his and stood in front of you protectively. His father walked in and inspected the room in search of the noise source. When his gaze fell to the shattered vase, his features became harsh. He turned to look at you and Legolas. You hid behind Leggy and peered at the King behind his shoulder.

"I thought I told you not to play in this room, Legolas," said the King in a cold voice. You could feel Leggy's hand begin to tremble. You both had been having such a good time that you had not noticed you had ended up in Leggy's father's room.

"I'm sorry, Ada," Legolas responded in a shaky voice.

"Who was responsible for breaking the vase?" he asked, looking at both of you in the eye. You whimpered.

"It was me, Ada. I broke it. I am sorry. I did not mean to do it," he said, taking the blame for you. You wanted to say that it had been your fault. You did not want Leggy to get in trouble because of what you did, but you were so scared that whatever you had been planning to say vanished when you looked at the King's angry stare.

"It was my mother's and cannot be replaced, Legolas. I hope you know the damage you have caused. You will stay in your room until I deem it otherwise. Understood?" he said in a stern voice.

"But Ada, plea—" begged Legolas with a shaky voice.

"Go," the King ordered. Leggy stood staring at his father for a moment. You could not see your friend's face, but you hoped he was not crying because of you. Legolas gave your hand a squeeze and walked past his father. At the door, he turned to look at you with the saddest expression on his face. You ran to catch up to him, but his father's voice stopped you.

"Legolas is not allowed to speak to anyone for now. I will be sure to speak to your parents about your actions as well. Go on," he said, motioning for you to leave. As fast as you could, you ran from the room and your best friend. You promised yourself that one day you would make it up to him.

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