LI- Imagine being an Easterling and saving Legolas

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Imagine being an Easterling and saving Legolas

Note: When the characters are having a conversation, that is the way I wrote them to speak. There are no typos. Enjoy! 

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From a young age, everyone treated you differently. Unlike they, you had pointy ears and sharp blue eyes. The human children used to make fun of you whenever they got a chance. Yet those two differences were nothing compared to the fact that as they grew of old age and passed, you remained looking young. You were immortal and for that, you were the Easterlings' greatest asset. You were The Wise One. The one who would pass on their stories generation after generation. The one who taught the Easterlings old skills passed unto you by their ancestors.

Being The Wise One, your task was to learn everything about the Easterlings, including their way of combat.Though you were an excellent warrior, you never used your skills for malice. Not even against the wretched orcs that seemed to be around camp more often than not. They were not fond of you and surely did not trust you and for that, many of the Easterlings began doubting your loyalty. You were an elf and could surely turn against the Easterlings to protect your own, or so the orcs claimed.

The Easterlings found you abandoned as a baby, that is the story they tell. They were the only family you knew, so how was it possible for you to turn on them to protect others you had never seen in your life? The idea was foreign to you.

The camp was awfully dusty as you walked out of your tent. Young men and women ran to and fro, getting ready for another raid. You secured your head wrap around your mouth and nose, making sure the wrap sat comfortably below your blue eyes rimmed with black coal. You walked toward an older man that was filling his pack with necessities.

"Where'll yuh all be goin' this time?" you asked him.

"Pass Mirkwood Forest," he replied with the same lilt as his ancestors, one you had adopted. He glanced only once at your face. Not many of them could ever meet your eyes.

"So far from home?" you questioned. "May the ancestors be with yuh all," you said, bowing your head slightly. The man appeared to have replied in the same instant you stumbled forward. Something had hit you on the shoulder.

"Ulzûr! We might just fine some elves ter kill," a young guard said to another. They cackled at the prospect though you paid no heed to their awfulness. Instead, you dusted your black robe and secured your head wrap once more.

"Yuh fools! Yuh do not kner what you wish fer. If I were yuh I would start askin' the ancestors that we don't encounter any," said the man that now had his pack situated behind him. He shot you an awkward glance before leaving you behind.

Encounters like that weren't uncommon for you, unfortunately. The orcs began untrusting you in recent years, but the young warriors? They had never done so.

Like usual, the young were sent off to the raids followed by the older commanders. Everyone else in camp like the elderly, families, Chieftain, and yourself were left behind. No one ever invited you on a raid and you never offered. You were not ignorant of the fact that the Easterlings were dangerous people. The more you could avoid seeing them in action, the better.

You followed the young warriors toward their location of departure where The Elders were waiting for you to chant to the ancestors for a safe and glorious raid. Like any other time, you were the one to begin the chant.

The majority of the camp had gone back to their own tasks save children by the time The Elders were halfway through their part. Sporadically, all the children left before the chant was completed. The same would be repeated every day for as long as the warriors were gone.

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