LI- Imagine Legolas showing PDA toward you with Thranduil present

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Imagine Legolas showing public displays of affection toward you with Thranduil present

Thranduil was not your king, and he was not a friend. He was Legolas' father, and that meant that somewhere along the line, with or without his blessing, he would be your father-in-law. At the rate that you were getting along with Thranduil, it was more probable that Legolas and yourself would marry against Thranduil's wishes.

For reasons that you did not know, Thranduil was against your relationship with his son. It was your best guess that the Elvenking did not like you for being a half-elven commoner. Little did you know that Thranduil was fond of you. The reason for his disapproval of you with his son was far beyond anything you could have ever guessed.

Thranduil sat on the head chair of the dining hall, speaking to you without making eye contact. You sat in the chair next to him, trying your hardest to pay attention to the conversation he had started several minutes ago. He had personally requested your presence alone, but Legolas was having none of it and would not leave.

Legolas sat beside you looking bored, much different than the King's emotionless expression.

"Even against my wishes, you bo—" you heard Thranduil say, but your attention was on his profile. You could see where Legolas had gotten his good looks from, but you could not fathom how Thranduil always looked cold and Legolas friendly. Thranduil turned his gaze toward you, and you looked away, mildly embarrassed at being caught. He had stopped talking, and besides you, Legolas nudged you on the shoulder. You turned to Legolas. He rose his eyebrows, urging you.

"Pardon?" you asked when you finally realized Thranduil had asked you a question and was waiting for your reply. Thranduil's expression turned cold.

"Legolas," he said, turning his stare at his son, "your presence is not needed here." He gestured toward the double doors, prompting Legolas to leave. Legolas sat straighter and stared back at his father.

"I am staying here," he told the king.

"Well, it would appear that your partner cannot function with your presence," his voice grew louder. Thranduil took a breath to compose himself.

"Fine," he surrendered after a moment of silence. He stood quickly from his chair, placing distance between you. His robe glided swiftly behind him as he turned his back on you both. His hands interlocked behind his back as he spoke.

"It would appear that many eligible elves will be attending the ball, and they do not seem very keen on your relationship with my son—" he had not bothered repeating the question he had asked you earlier. Legolas began getting restless., shaking his leg violently under the table. You placed your hand on his knee to get him to stop. He stopped, giving you a quick smile before leaning in and kissing you.

"Have you got any clue what my father is speaking of?" he whispered in your ear. You bit your lip to keep from giggling. He reached forward to tickle you, but you jerked away quickly. You glared at him, silently telling him to knock it off. Legolas lifted both his hands in surrender, and you relaxed in your seat. A yelp almost escaped your lips when he picked you up and sat you on his lap.

"If your father sees us, it will be off with my head," you whispered in his ear.

"I would never let that happen," he replied. He leaned in and kissed you more deeply this time, his fingers brushing at the hair above the nape of your neck. You knew this was dangerous, but you could not give up the chance to kiss Legolas's sweet lips. You could only hope that whatever Thranduil was dragging on about was not too important.

You broke apart just in time, but you were still on Legolas' lap when Thranduil turned around. Taking in both of your disheveled looks, the King stared disbelievingly. His jaw clenched, the back of it twitching.

"If you both want to act foolishly, then I will treat you both like so," he hissed as he turned toward the doors and walked away, all the while Legolas chuckled beside you. All your hopes of Thranduil accepting you as an in-law vanished. However, the regret only sank in after you had been caught. The good thing was that you'd have a lifetime to get on Thranduil's good graces.

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