LI- Imagine not knowing Legolas and him trying to protect you...

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        Imagine not knowing Legolas and him trying to protect you but not wanting his help

You pulled your hood further down, making sure no one could see your features. Getting comfortable, you bent your knee and rested your left foot on the wooden bench in which you sat while leaning your back against the concrete wall behind you. You had chosen to sit on the bench in which you always sat. The one furthest away from everyone in the tavern. The lighting was always dimmer on the side of the shanty building you were sitting, which further concealed you from prying eyes. There were only two reasons why you were here, and they certainly were not for drunken males to flirt or pick on you which was something that often occurred whenever they found out that the person behind the hood was female.

You glanced around, taking in the same dirty, scruffy faces of men you had seen here before. There were occasionally one or two dwarves and a group of hobbits and today was not an exception. As if on cue, your gaze moved toward the entrance and lingered there as you took in the elves that were now entering, accompanied by a tall man with dark wavy shoulder-length hair. You had seen similar looking men and could only assume he was a ranger.

Elves were not common folk that would linger around these areas, so you found it very peculiar. There were about four, all equipped with bows you knew they could utilize flawlessly. There was one elf in particular that caught your eye. He was the only one in the group with golden hair. Feeling your gaze, the elf turned toward your vicinity. He could not see your face, but you still lowered your head further and turned to look in the other direction.

Brawls were normal occurrences in this tavern or any for that matter, so you thought nothing of it when you began hearing an angry voice shouting and then laughing at the insulting things that had come from the same voice. You drunk your ale and tried minding your own business, but it was hard to do with the shouting man. When you heard him say "old man" you looked up to find that a burly male of about six feet was, in fact, picking on someone of approximately eighty years of age who could no longer stand upright. Your blood boiled at sight, but it made you happy that the eighty-year-old was insulting the bully back.

No one seemed to take heed of the situation, but if they did, you knew they would not intervene no matter who was fighting. You would not have intervened either if the men had been about the same age. When the bully got near the old man, ready to strike, you shouted out.

"Shouldn't you bothering someone your own size?" you asked him with the male voice impression you had perfected. He growled in annoyance.

"Someone like you?" he grunted. Well no, you thought. You were not at all his size. Even as you sat, anyone could see your frame was much smaller than his. You were not surprised that the man was not intelligent enough to see that and you had also known that speaking up would most likely lead to him wanting to fight you instead, so you stood slowly, ready to face the consequences. You looked around the room and found that most were staring at you.

"Not exactly," you replied sounding bored. He began approaching in a curved manner, almost as if he were walking around a circle. You walked the other way. You did not want to stay trapped against the wall behind you. The man laughed, thinking it a sign that you were frightened which you were not. Although, you did have to admit you were slightly nervous.

You looked at him intently, getting yourself ready for a fight. You placed your left foot forward and the right one behind you to balance yourself. Without any sound or warning, you felt your hood being pulled backward. Before you could do anything or think about holding it in place, your face was exposed, and your long hair flowed down from your hood in a long cascade. You cursed under your breath, but you did not turn to look at the culprit. After your hood was pulled, you heard some audible gasps of shock and a sound of a bow being drawn followed by the sound of a calm voice.

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