Chapter 38

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Prior to Tom Riddle's escape:

I fought my way through the aurors and somehow managed to flee to the upstairs where my children were. I know I am being followed. I finally reached their room to see my scared children hiding beneath the covers. I placed a protective charm on the room before tending to them. "Raven, Scarlett we need to leave now," I said sternly as I quickly grabbed them a couple of coats. "What's happening mommy?" Raven said with tears in his eyes. "Nothing baby we just need to leave ok? I need you to be a big boy okay?" I helped them into their shoes and then I stuffed some of their things in a bag before running to the window and sliding it open. It was then that I heard the clash of spells colliding with the door. "Mummy!" Scarlett cried. "Shhh I need you two to be quiet," I said as I pulled out my wand and made sure to create a soft landing for us below. "Come on," I said, gathering them by the widow. "On the count of three I want you to close your eyes and pretend you're a bird ok? Can you do that? A beautiful bird that has big lovely wings." I said this with tears in my eyes trying to mask my panic. While I didn't fancy the idea of throwing my children out of a window I needed to think fast. "Raven you first okay? I'll be right behind you," I sat him on the window seal and gave him a kiss before counting down. I knew how scared he was, hell I was scared. "I don't want to mummy," he cried. "I know baby but please just trust mummy. I love you both so much everything is going to be ok. Come on I'll help you 1,2,3" I said before lowering him as low as I could before releasing him. His cries petrified me to the bone. I felt awful for him. "What about daddy?" Scarlett cried. "He's waiting for us at the bottom," I lied as I tried to comfort her a little. I hated lying to my kids, but it's easier than telling her he probably left us behind. I took Scarlett in my arms and placed the back pack on me and jumped without a second to spare. "Are you ok?" I asked Raven quickly. He kept crying but I had no time to console him. "I'm so sorry," I whispered before taking each of their hands and running off into the dark woods behind the mansion. I began to wonder where the hell Tom was and why he and his followers weren't taking care of these jerks. When I ran away from his grasp I fully didn't expect him to follow, and he didn't. I grew angry at the thought that he left us to fend for ourselves after all the trouble he went through to keep us in this mad house.

For an hour I've tried to find my way out of these woods and my children were complaining nonstop. The night air was freezing and we were all stumbling around tiredly in the dark. Finally I sat them below a tree as I tried to catch my breath. I didn't know where to go or what to do to find Tom but then I had finally realized that I had done what I had initially intended to do. I escaped. It took a moment to process it, but I was just given the get out of jail free card I had been waiting for. Yet still I didn't know where to go. I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. I couldn't go back to my old life that much was true. I have nothing, no money, no friends. The only person that could keep me safe just so happens to be my worst enemy. I'm pregnant and alone with my other two children and I have no idea what to do. That's when my mind snapped to someone who loved me or at least did at one point, that man from the record, Jimmy. I have to find him, I'm sure he will help me. If only I could remember where he lived or at least what he looked like, suddenly I heard voices from not far off and in that moment I realized I was being hunted. I guess I'm going home. Home to find out who this mystery man is. Home to find answers.

When we finally got out of the woods I would estimate we spent no less than three hours lost and by the time we got out it looked like we were on a bad side of town. The sun was beginning to rise in the sky and I knew the darkness could no longer conceal us. I couldn't take a moment to rest as I thought about the two parties currently hunting us down as we speak. I'm sure Tom would wonder what happened to us after he threw us to wolves. Nothing surprises me coming from him anymore, but it did anger me that he put his own children in danger. If I can get to muggle London I can collect the money I concealed on the property of my old house. I just need to find a way to get there first. "Taxi!" I yelled out as I flagged down the car, and so began our journey home. "I'm tired mummy," Scarlett said barley being able to keep her eyes open. I sat in the middle of the back seat of the cab with each of my children on either side of me. "Get some rest the both of you," I said as I rubbed each of their shoulders comfortingly. "Where's father?" Raven asked to which Scarlett looked up at me sadly. I looked at both of their worried little faces and suddenly I felt a pang off guilt for hiding from their father. This feeling was quickly extinguished by the thought that we had abandoned us. "You will see him soon." This wasn't a lie even I knew this isn't the end of Tom Riddle. No matter where I go or what I do Voldemort will always be lurking in the shadows.

    As the sun began to shine brightly once again my thoughts drifted to the man I was looking for. I had a name but no clues as to where I could find him. I wonder what the muggle world thinks of my disappearance. All I know is that I can't just waltz in 3 years later like nothing happened. I just have nowhere else to go. I am a wanted woman in the wizarding world that much is true after I had to fight my way through arours. I never thought I'd be wanted by the law. It's just another thing I have to thank my lovely husband for. I finally had a moment of peace as my children slept. I felt terrible for them having to witness that. Now I can start to process the fact that once again I am with child. I remember when I was pregnant the first time back when Tom and I were at Hogwarts. Though a lot of those days were miserable I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my lips, I am reminded that there were good days. Though my birthing story left much to be desired, I would die a thousand deaths for my children. I would die a thousand deaths for you my sweet baby, I thought as I rubbed my stomach. No matter what the terms of my children's existence are, nor the father, my love runs deep for all three. Welcome to the family little one, you're in for a wild ride.

Sorry I'm a little late guys I had orientation yesterday and I start my new job today so I'm excited!

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