Chapter 29

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    Why Tom insisted on going so early was a mystery to me, but I'll take what I can get. I of course woke up two hours before we were due to leave so I could get the kids and I ready with time to spare. For some reason I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I'm just nervous Tom is going to find some way to ruin today. The closet was full of beautiful clothing, but I couldn't find a dress that looked just right. I finally settled on an emerald green dress that fit me quite nicely.

It showed a little too much cleavage than im comfortable with, but I settled for adjusting the neckline every now and then to conceal my breasts in a modest fashion

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It showed a little too much cleavage than im comfortable with, but I settled for adjusting the neckline every now and then to conceal my breasts in a modest fashion. When I finished my makeup I put curlers in my hair and made my way to the twin's room to get them ready to go. "Good morning." I sang as I entered the room. I softly shook them awake and then helped them get into their clothes. I'm going to need to get them clothes today as well even if that wasn't in Tom's plan yet. It was getting dangerously close to the time Tom wanted to leave so I rushed to pull out my curlers from my hair and style it. "Are you two ready to go get new toys?" I asked them with a smile. "Yay!" The children cheered excitedly. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, that must be Tom. Before I left the room as promised I put my wand in my bag still wondering why I'd need it today. I walked to the door and opened it to exposed an all black clad Tom Riddle. He eyed me up and down before speaking. "We are due to leave in five minutes," he said. "We're ready to go," I said as I led the twins out of the room.

"We will be traveling through the Floo Network," he said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. "Isn't that dangerous for the children?" I asked him worriedly. "Not anymore dangerous than any other method of transportation," he said to which I gave him a weird look wondering why he always had to be so cryptic. "It's perfectly safe," he said with a sigh as he saw my hesitation. "Fine," I said as I grabbed the twin's hands. "Stay perfectly still okay? Raven hold your fathers hand, come in closer," I said as they walked into the fireplace together. "Scarlett you'll go with me next. Where is it we're going?" I asked Tom. "Markman's alley," he said to which I furrowed my eyebrows. That's on the other end of England! "Okay then Raven take some floo powder and do exactly what your father tell's you okay?" I said before giving him a kiss on the head. "Say Marksman's alley loudly and clearly when I count to three you will also throw the floo powder down," Tom said sternly. "Do you understand?" He asked his son. "Yes!," Raven said eagerly. I stood in front of the fireplace nervously as Tom counted it down for Raven. Just as Tom instructed Raven followed his directions and they dissapeared into green flames . I took a sigh of relief though I won't know the outcome till I arrive. "Alright Scarlett same rules apply," I told her as I moved to walk into the fireplace, "I don't want to I'm scared," she said backing away from the fireplace. "Don't you want to go pick out some new toys?" I asked to which she nodded. "Raven went with daddy they're at the toy store waiting for us," I said trying to convince her to do it. "Will it hurt?" She asked timidly. "Not at all sweetheart," I said as I walked forward and took her hand in mine.

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