Chapter 23

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      I sat in the warm bath while the woman who I've learned is named Beth waited in the bedroom.  I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them. The room was quiet but the noises in my head were so loud. Something seemed so different now. Something is just off. I keep seeing things and having these odd scenes play out in my head. I keep trying to remember exactly what happened the night he froze me in time but it seems so foggy. I can only remember bits and pieces it's like something is missing. I picked up my head and gasped when I saw the water in the tub was jet black. Quickly I jumped up with fright. I looked back down at the water but it was transparent once again. I growled in frustration and rubbed my eyes sitting back down in the bath. I swear it's like I'm living in a nightmare.

    Beth pulled and prodded at my scalp Fixing my hair up for whatever was going on tonight. He wants me to attend some sort of meeting? Probably to publicly shame me for not being what he wanted me to be. Although I have no idea why he would care that I'd look presentable. "The lady of the house had many suitable dresses for you to choose from," Beth said as she finished getting me ready for tonight. "Had?" I asked out loud although I know now how this mansion fell into Tom's possession. If he wants me at this meeting I'll make sure to make quite an impression. I walked into the large closet full of many colors and styles of clothing. This woman definitely loved dresses. I looked around at all the articles of clothing and smirked when my eyes set on a black evening dress. "I hardly think that would be an appropriate dress for the occasion," Beth said as I slipped the form fitting dress off the hanger. "Wouldn't that be better suited for the bedroom?" She asked worriedly. "You're probably right," I said as I slipped my robe off. "That's why it's perfect." Let's see how he likes this.

   ' She's back' I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror

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   ' She's back' I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror. I darkened up the makeup Beth had applied to my face a bit and rustled my hair. It feels good to be back. I slipped on a long black over coat before Beth took me to see my children. "The children should be in the play room," she said as she led me through the halls. I tried to memorize the path to any exits I saw but there were so many doors and a ton of hallways it's so easy to get confused. This place is like a maze. Picture frames of unrecognizable people covered the walls. It made me pity the poor souls who lost their lives so Tom could possess this place. Finally we reached a door that was slightly ajar and I could hear them laughing making me smile. "I'll return for you when it's time to go," Beth said before leaving. I pushed open the door and the children looked up at me excitedly. "Mummy!" They exclaimed, jumping up into my arms. "My babies," I said littering their little faces with kisses. The room was dull and grey with not much in here but a few old toys here and there. "You call this a playroom?" I asked standing up and looking around the dimly lit room. "Mummy will you play tea party with us?" Scarlett's asked to which I smiled. "Sure! Where's your tea set?" I asked as I sat down at their little table in the middle of the room. "These are the cups," Raven said pointing to an old shoe and a candle with a deep dent in it. I furrowed my brows in disgust. "And this is the pot!" Scarlett said holding up a dirty little bowl of murky water. "You drink out of these?" I asked disgustedly. "Would you like some tea?" Scarlett asked while pouring the water into the shoe. "Actually why don't we play with your dolls," I said, taking the bowl out of her hands. "Remind me to have a colorful discussion with your father later on," I said as I collected the dirty makeshift toys and put them outside the door. I'll make sure to throw those out later. "This is Laura!" Scarlett said putting a dirty old doll in my hands. The hair was made of straw and she looked like she'd been through a hurricane. "Where did you get these filthy things?" I asked as I looked at the rest of the ancient dolls. "We found them in the attic," Raven said. "What were you two doing in the attic?" I asked worriedly. "Sometimes Raven and I hide there when we're scared," Scarlett said causing me to frown. "Why should you two be scared?" I asked to which they both wore sullen looks to the sudden question. "Sometimes Father's meetings get loud," Raven said. I grew so sad for my children who have been alone all this time to brave this awful storm. "Ms.Parkinson usually comes and finds us and punishes us," Scarlett said making my blood boil. "So what is she like your nanny now or something?" I asked with distaste towards my troll looking ex classmate. "Father put her in charge of us when he's busy," Raven said. "Ha over my dead body," I said. "For now on she no longer is allowed to watch over you, and especially isn't allowed to punish you," I proclaimed. "We missed you mummy," Scarlett said with a smile lighting up her face. I picked her up and she buried her head into the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms around me. "I'm here and I'm never going to leave you," I said as Raven hugged me. The love of a child is the most pure form of love I've ever known.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and it opened to reveal Beth. "Ms.Roslyn your presence is required downstairs," Beth said to which I waved her off. "I think I'll skip the meeting," I said as I held my children close. "I strongly suggest you don't," she said walking in. "Please we must go we mustn't be late," she said hurriedly. "Please don't go mummy," Scarlett said as she clung to my chest. "I want to stay here," I said defiantly to Beth. "Please Ms.Roslyn it's not just your life at stake here," she said with worried eyes making me sigh. She's probably under strict orders to bring me to this pathetic meeting. I don't fancy having anyone's blood on my hands. "You two stay in here. I'll be right back okay?" I said as I placed Scarlett down. "No! We want to go with you," Raven cried. "I can't bring you, but I promise I won't be gone long," I said giving them each a kiss on the head. "Please stay in here and when I get back we'll discuss getting you two some new toys, how does that sound?" I asked, watching as their little faces lit up with joy. They deserve that and so much more. Now to see what exactly this "meeting" is about.

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