Chapter 20

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Air. Finally I had air in my lungs. I can breath. I can- I woke with fright from my slumber. It's as if I've just woken up from a nap but it felt strange, I felt cold and empty. I rubbed my arms to try and chase away the cold but it was incurable. Where am I? How long have I been asleep? Memories of the face of Tom Riddle flashed in my mind. I gasped as I saw a dark figure dart across the room in the corner of my eye. It sent shivers down my spine. I blinked rapidly and looked around to see it was just me in a a dull grey room with just the stone slab I was asleep on. I furrowed my brows at my place of slumber. What is this place and why is it freezing cold? I rubbed my bare arms in an attempt to chase away the chill that caressed my body. I noticed I was clad in a simple black dress that I don't recognize.

I know, I know you must follow the sun
Wherever it leads
But remember
If you should fall short of your desires
Remember life holds for you one guarantee
You'll always have me

   These words echoed in my head like a distant echo. They seemed so familiar to me yet I couldn't place them exactly. Attempting to put the pieces together in my mind made me have one question. Where are my children? I got up quickly and maybe a little too fast. My legs faltered and I fell to the ground. I feel like I haven't used my legs in ages. I slowly got up and began to wobbly make my way to the door. To my surprise it was unlocked. Stepping outside the room I looked both ways down the hall. I don't recognize this place, but it looks quite lavish. I would be in awe if I wasn't confused as to how I got here. I tried to connect the dots in my head but every time I saw a flash of a memory my head would erupt in pain. I saw flash of light in my head, and then I saw my children. A man's face flashed into my head. He looked so familiar yet I don't recognize him. Then I saw Tom's face frozen in anger. He did this to me, but what exactly he did is still a mystery to me.

I began to quickly make my way down the hall while fighting away these flash backs. Every time I saw a memory I'd nearly fall over from the pain inside my head. I need to find Raven and Scarlett. What the hell did he do to me? I began to feel nauseous as more visions flashed in my mind. I saw Hermelda's blood covered body and I began to feel sick. What's happening to me? I began to hyperventilate as more and more thoughts raced through my head. The corridor seemed to go on and on probably because I was limping. That's when I heard the sweetest little voice I've ever heard wake up my soul. "Mummy?" I stopped in my tracks and spun around. A little girl stood before me but I didn't recognize her. "I'm no-" suddenly her features started to seem familiar. Far too familiar to my baby but this little girl looked to be no less than 5 years old. Her curly hair gave her away and I wanted to scream.

This can't be my daughter

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This can't be my daughter. My daughter is only 2 years old! I began to tear up not believing his could be my her. I hesitated before I finally spoke. "Scarlett?" I tested breathlessly to which she smiled and ran launching herself into my arms. I looked down at the brown haired girl in wonder. How long have I been asleep? "What year is it darling?" I asked in horror. "Ms.Parkinson says it's the year 1950 mummy. I've missed you so much! Father said you'd be awake soon! Raven!" She shouted loudly but all I could focus on was my heart breaking in half. Tears pooled my eyes as I realized what he did to me. He robbed me of three years of my children's lives. "Oh my goodness," I cried. "What's wrong mummy? Aren't you happy to see me?" She asked. I looked down at her and hugged her tightly in my arms. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, she's so beautiful. "Mum?" I heard a male voice ask from behind me. I turned and saw my little Raven staring at me in awe. I'd recognize those onyx eyes anywhere.

 "My little boy," I sobbed as I held out my free arm to him

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"My little boy," I sobbed as I held out my free arm to him. He smiled excitedly and ran crashing into my body. "Let me look at you two," I said pulling them back to analyze their faces. "You're both so beautiful," I said as I cupped each of their cheeks. I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheeks as I stared at them. "Don't cry mummy we got to see you all the time. Scar and I play in the cold room sometimes," Raven said. "What do you mean baby?" I asked. "You were asleep for a long time. Sometimes father would let us visit you to see if you would wake up. You were really sleepy mummy," he said. My poor children.

   I feel sick, I just want to cry and scream. This is his punishment for me. This is a nightmare, it has to be. I'm going to hurt that fowl little ingrate!! "Come with me we're getting out of here," I said taking each of their little hands in mine. I don't know where I am but I want to be as far away from that monster as possible. "Where are we going mummy?" Scarlett asked. "I don't know," I muttered as we weaved through the complicated hallways. "Where are we?" I asked out loud as I kept going. I can't risk him doing this to me again. I started to pick up my pace as I started to become more and more anxious. "Mummy don't you want to see father?" Raven asked. "How do you get out of here?" I asked ignoring Raven's question. "Why do you want to leave mummy?" Raven asked. "We can't stay here we need to go home," I said. "Home?" Scarlett asked. This is the only home they know and it makes me want to cry. "What did he do to you?" I asked suddenly as I spun around and kneeled down in front of them. "What did he tell you?" I asked grabbing each of their hands and looking at them seriously. "Who Mummy?" Raven asked. "Your father," I said through clenched teeth. "Mummy you're hurting me," Scarlett said to which I eased my hold on her arm. "I'm sorry baby," I said as I gave her a kiss on her head. "Did he tell you about dark magic?! Has he showed it to you?!" I feel like I'm going insane at the thought of him having the children while the sick loon froze me on a slab of concrete. "What are you talking about mummy?" Scarlett asked with wide eyes. "We don't see father much. Sometimes he comes home," Raven said. "He brings us chocolate frogs!" Scarlett said excitedly. I sighed and eased off of them this is crazy talk.  "I need you to listen to me carefully," I said trying to focus them. "When is the next time you're supposed to see him?" I asked. "Ms.Parkinson said father is to return today with presents!" Scarlett gushed. I noticed they don't particularly talk about him with much excitement. I don't understand how he hardly sees them. Who watches over them? Why do they keep mentioning Ms. Parkin- my thoughts were interrupted by a loud annoying voice that I unfortunately recognized. "Children! Children you need to come back here this instant!" The short black haired girl I had known in Hogwarts raced from around the corner till she froze at the sight of me as I stepped in front of the twins. Why is Gertrude Parkinson watching over my children?!

I've had this chapter written out for a few days now sorry it's late I've put a lot of thought into part two of this book. Hope you like it ❤️

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