Chapter 8

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It was finally time and though I felt like I was going to pass out I had to muster up as much energy as I could. I took a deep breath as I balanced myself up against the wall. A trio of women were singing 'Ave Maria' on the stage and in all honesty they sounded very good. The song we were to perform had Jimmy as lead and us girls as the background, thankfully as I'm not sure I could handle a solo, I feel like the world is spinning. "As soon as this is over take her to the hospital," Pete said to Jimmy reaching to feel my forehead for a fever. I didn't make a move to even protest. "Jimmy And The Rosettes," Someone called. "Go on up," they said to us as the women cleared off stage. "Hang in there," Jimmy said before leading us to the stage.

Four men sat in the audience staring at us expectantly. "This is called California Dreaming," Jimmy said nervously.

Some where in America a place called California existed with all the most beautiful movie stars. That's where I wanted to be. That's where my dreams would come true. It was like a fever dream as the music played. The room swirled around with colorful dancing lights. I looked far off into the audience trying to get the room to stop spinning but all I saw were eyes. Deep onyx eyes staring at me with malice. Eyes that had once stared at me with so much compassion. I felt myself faulter only to have an arm wrapped around me to steady me. It probably looked like it was scripted as Jimmy held me during the instrumental part of the song. I looked back out to the audience and the pair of eyes multiplied by 20 he was there and then he was right in front of me. He wore a smirk but in an instant he was gone. I never stopped singing as swirls of green danced around the room. Then it was all over and the room was silent, the song was over. The judges looked at us like they were studying us. Jimmy let go of me but stood close. I was happy it was over I know I definitely need a doctor after all that hallucinating.

One of the judges spoke finally after a few awkward minutes. "I want to see the two of you sing a duet," he said motioning to Jimmy and I. I swallowed hard and looked to Jimmy who looked very worried. "Let's do 'Time's a wastin,'" I said to him acting as if I was fine. He gave me an 'Are you sure' look and I gave him a reassuring smile like I was fine. He nodded and informed the band. The other girls walked off stage and it was just us. I can do this.

The colorful patterns returned, but I tried my hardest to keep up with the song as my eyelids grew heavy. My heart beat accelerated and all I could see was Tom Riddle in a dark room. I could feel his dark energy radiating off of him. I blinked away the image as I kept singing with Jimmy. I need to keep it together, he's not here. He's never coming back. "Let's go times a wastin," we finished the song strong. They all looked at us and I couldn't tell what they were thinking, but I knew I needed to get out of here before I fainted again. I felt Jimmy's arm around me once more. "Interesting," one of them said while writing something down. "We'll call you." The lyrics of the song were still ringing in my head as if it never ended. "A cake's no good if you don't get the batter and bake it," I heard as Jimmy rushed me off stage. "And life's just a bubble if you don't take the trouble to make it." As soon as we got back stage I felt myself go limp in his arms, but the song never stoped replaying in my head. "Is she okay?!" I heard someone ask. "Move! Move! Move! We gotta get her to the hospital!" The song was still playing in my head till it just all went blank.

I find him. When my mind is at rest there he always is. His presence lingers in the dark corners of my mind. His smile, his laugh, his sarcastic wise cracks, his accusations, his criticisms. There in the darkness of my mind I will always find him. He will always be there.

Finally in the darkness there was a light aching to penetrate my eyelids. If only they weren't so heavy. They became lighter all of a sudden and I was able to slowly open them. In that instant my body was on fire. My chest was engulfed in a blazing flame and I knew it was all my fault. I wanted so bad to be perfect, I did this to myself. The light flooded in from the windows of the cold room. All I could think about were my children. How long have I been out?
"A few weeks?" I asked visibly upset. I can't be bed ridden for a few weeks! "Doctors orders kid I'm sorry,"Oscar was the one to break the news to me. I had developed a serious infection, and I needed to take antibiotics I was very sick. "What about the show?" I asked with the knowledge that I had been out for three days. "Look you're lucky to be alive," he said. "Oscar," I said demanding to be informed of the status of the group. He sighed and sat down at a chair beside my bed. "They want a duo, a male and a female," he said. "Well did I make the cut?" I asked him hopefully. "I'm pushing Deena for the part," he said looking down. My eyes went wide and my temper was aflame. "You're too sick to perform, they need someone in two days," he said getting up. "Oscar I can do it," I said angrily. "No you can't, you need time to heal." He argued. " Oscar-" he cut me off. "No is no Roslyn I'm sorry, there will be other opportunities. Get some rest." he said before leaving. Tears clouded my eyes as he left. This was my one shot and I went and ruined it. My dreams are crushed yet again, but I can't let this get in my way. I won't.

 I won't

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