Chapter 10

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It's as if my life is finally coming together and I've nearly shaken off all the heart ache that was brought upon me at the beginning of this year. My life was becoming everything I had ever dreamed of. "Hello my little babies!" I exclaimed as I arrived home after a night at the studio. I greeted my dear nanny Hermelda. I was so hesitant at first on getting one but she has been great so far. "How were they today?" I asked the 52 year old. "Angels as always, you and Jimmy were so lovely tonight. The children and I watch your every show," she said in her thick Irish accent. "The children are quite lovely Miss Roslyn," she added. I took a look at their sleeping little bodies and smiled. I started to exit the room when I hissed in pain as I nearly tripped over something sharp. I looked on the ground and furrowed my brows when I saw the bracelet Tom had given me laying there on the floor illuminating the room with a soft glow. "Hermelda where did you get this?" I asked, wondering if the old woman had been going through my things. She walked in the room and looked at the object and shook her head. "That's the first time I've seen that Miss Roslyn. Beautiful bracelet you have there," she said coming closer to admire it. I'm not sure why but I automatically believed her. She had been watching over the children successfully for 4 months now with no problems. She even keeps the apartment clean and buys groceries.
   I looked at the bracelet with worried eyes as I can't imagine how this made it's way out of the very back of my closet. "That'll be all today Hermelda, goodnight," I said rushing her out of the apartment. As soon as she left I ripped open the closet door pulling out every box until I reached the one I had put everything that reminded me of him in. It was as if nothing in this entire closet had been touched. It's almost as if this someone had used accio to find it and place it here. I swallowed hard as I received awful vibes from this bracelet that had just been sitting on the floor of my children's room. I harshly threw it in the box and sealed it with about 100 strips of tape. I couldn't stop sealing it over and over as tears clouded my vision. The bracelet represents nothing but heartache to me now. I don't know why I hold onto it. I'm not sure how it got out of the box and ended up on my floor, but I do know it's time to find another place to stay. I had been saving money to buy a house for me and the children and I think I'm nearly there. I definitely don't need any of Voldemort's foolish shenanigans to jeopardize all I've done so far to take back our lives.

  That night I wrote a song. One of the most emotionally draining songs to write and sing, but I wanted to share it with the world, and so I did.

The producers loved it and so did the audience. People started referring to me as "the flower" and I didn't mind. Although what that song represented to me brought me heart ache it was also a great lift in my career. For that I was proud.
"Hermelda would you fetch me my evening gown? I want to look my absolute best for my meeting with the producers," I said as I applied face powder. "Yes miss Roslyn," she said walking to my closet. "I'm feeling the color pink tonight, do you agree?" I asked referring to the color of the dress. "I think this color looks splendid on you," she said laying out my clothing on my bed. "The new house is absolutely wonderful," she said referring to our new location.

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