Chapter 31

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   Fall leaves crunch beneath my feet as I make my way inside from the back yard. The children had left one of their favorite toys out here. The cold fall air nipped at my bare shoulders as I made my way inside. His followers buzzed around the mansion early this morning making me believe something important was happening. I definitely made sure to wear conservative clothing today. I don't want a repeat of yesterday. I quickly made my way up the stairs and to the play room. The children were busying themselves with their toys so I sat at the piano I had moved in from the odd placement of the library downstairs. "When the rain is blowing in your face," I sang as I played the proper keys. "And the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love," I continued singing the song that I had began writing. I sighed as I couldn't seem to find the words to sing about love if I didn't feel it. I stopped focusing on the song and switched to a classic.

I felt so much peace in being able to sing once more. It was my favorite form of expression. Listening to my records over and over can only please me so much. My thoughts were interrupted by Scarlett beginning to cry. "Mama!" She cried loudly as I began to stop playing. "What's wrong?" I asked her as I got up quickly rushing to her side. "Raven took my toy!" She cried. "No I didn't this is my toy!" Raven argued visibly upset. "You both have your own toys, there should be no need to fight over them," I said as I picked up Scarlett and sat on the bed with her. "How about your dolly?" I asked her wondering where it went. "I lost it," she said between tears. "Then we're just going to have to find it," I told her, and so began the great dolly hunt. The children and I searched high and low for the blasted doll but it was nowhere to be found. I know Scarlett isn't going to be able to sleep without it tonight. You don't think she will notice if I just buy her another one right? To do that I unfortunately need a certain someone's permission. However I don't particularly want to see this person out of embarrassment from yesterday. I guess I have to do what I have to do for the sake of my child.

Unfortunately Tom wasn't anywhere I searched so he must be in his room. I told the kids to stay in the play room as I made my way to the other side of the mansion where his room sat at the edge of an otherwise empty hall. I slowly rose my hand to knock on the door but heard no response as I rapped upon it. I knocked once more but settled on the fact that he wasn't here either. Unless he's ignoring me like I know he would. I suddenly opened the door and looked inside but he wasn't here. The room was quite dark but well kept and organized. Come to think of it I haven't been In here before. Mischief pulsed through me as I took a step inside. What kind of things could he be keeping in the large trunks that laid at the foot of his bed? I rubbed my hands together as I spotted a small jewelry box on the dresser. This looks even more intriguing. He doesn't wear jewelry, I thought as I walked towards it. It couldn't hurt to look right? Slowly I lifted the top of the jewelery box and peered inside at its' contents. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't the time turner that I had used to come here to this time period. I gawked at the long lost object and grabbed it from the box analyzing it. The golden object looked battered and broken as if it had been experimented on or broken intentionally. How did he get his hands on this, I lost it ages ago. Or at least I thought I did. I turned it around in my hands still feeling the magic that radiated from the object, maybe it's not completely broken. Why would he keep it? Had he ever used it? It definitely needs some fixing up, but maybe just maybe it has enough magic in it to work once more. The idea of the future suddenly seemed tempting as I put the necklace back into its place in the box. Next to it I spotted something else I hadn't seen in a very long time. I couldn't believe my eyes as I spotted the letter I had given Tom the day I arrived in this strange time. Come to think of it I've never been made aware of its contents. Curiosity struck me as I moved to pick up the letter that was addressed to Tom Riddle. The dark mark shown on top of it reminding me of his interest that I caught with the symbol that day. I wanted so badly to know what the future Voldemort had written Tom to make him accept his new fate as a father. I wondered what he could possibly say that convinced Tom that his future self had really planned this. I wondered what the letter said about me and what roll I'd play. I turned the envelope over in my hands and began to pull out the letter when I suddenly heard footsteps.

Quickly my shaking hands stuffed the letter back into the glass box and I ran into the closet closing myself inside. I realized I left the bedroom door open and he's sure to have questions. I nestled myself into the corner of his closet and hoped he wouldn't come in here. It was dark in here I noticed as I heard him walk into the room quickly. Maybe I'll get away with this, I thought but of course I was wrong. I just had to step on a fallen photo frame making the crack sound echo throughout the room. He is sure to have heard that. I quickly hopped up on a box and faced his coats and began acting as if I was organizing them. I heard the door open but I acted as if I hadn't heard it as I continued to "reorganize" his coats. "What are you doing in here?" I heard him ask and I acted as if he startled me. "You scared me," I said as I got down from the box. "I was putting away laundry and I saw your jackets were all messed up." I said as I picked up a heap of clothing from the floor that I had probably knocked down. I just hope I was convincing enough. "You know we have house elves for that," he stated suspiciously. "You know I like to do the house chores myself," I said while making my way to the door. My eyes drifted to the glass jewelry box to see it slightly ajar. I clenched my jaw shut as I cursed myself for not closing it correctly. Before he could notice I stopped infront of it and faced him. "I was actually meaning to ask if you've seen Scarlett's doll," I said holding up the heap of clothes with one arm. "You know she can't sleep without it," I continued to talk as my other hand reached behind me to properly close the box. "Have you tried accio?" He asked entertaining my distraction. "Of course but it seems to have disappeared," I lied as my fingers reached to find the lid of the box. "Could you try?" I asked as my fingers finally fastened the box shut. I sighed in relief and took a step away from the dresser. "Well if you happen to find it let me know," I said quickly before nearly running from the room. That was definitely a close call. I guess I got away with snooping this one time, but I knew it was too good to be true as I heard him call my name from behind me. I can never get away with anything! I turned to see him holding out the doll to me. "Perhaps you should brush up on your magic," he said referring to my failed attempt to accio the doll. "Perhaps," I simply replied as I took the doll from him. Maybe I'm getting better at this whole sneaking thing. After all you learn a few tricks living with the sneakiest trickster of all. However as I left him all I could think about was what was in that letter.

Make sure to check out the next two chapters! You're in for a real treat! Happy Halloween!

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