Chapter 26

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     I dreaded seeing him. In my head when I thought of him all I saw was a monster, but when he came into view he was the same Tom Riddle I met nearly 6 years ago. Though I was absent for three of them thanks to him. You could imagine my surprise when he wasn't alone at the dining table. Gertrude Parkinson sat at his side cheerfully scarfing down about a pound of sausages. When she saw me she nearly choked. "Not happy to see me Parkinson?" I asked as my children ran to their seats at the end of the long table. "That would be an understatement," she said as she wiped the grease off her chin. "Believe me the feeling is mutual," I said as I went to sit near my children. "Adults sit at the head of the table," she nearly scolded. "I rather not," I said without sparring her a glance. "No wonder the children are so rebellious she refuses to  display basic manners and etiquette." She said haughtily. I tightened my grip on the knife that I was using to cut Scarlett's pancakes. "Funny you should mention manners Parkinson. Don't you think leaving food for everyone else would be courteous of you?" I spoke as I eyed her plate full to the brim of food. "Oh and you missed a spot." I said tapping my chin in the area she had a dap of syrup on. She glared at me and aggressively wiped her chin.

Tom continued to look so unbothered as he devoured his meal. Why is she even eating with him? Suddenly he looked up from his breakfast and spoke. "Did you enjoy the show last night?" He asked. "We won't be having this conversation in front of the children," I said sternly. He wanted to get a rise out of me, but I won't give that to him just yet. I need to hold it together even though I felt immense anger. "They're not completely oblivious to how disobedience is handled." He said. "Yes I have you two to thank for that," I said obviously displeased. "Scarlett stop playing with your food," I heard Parkinson scold. Was she trying to display some kind of authority? She's quite misguided if she thinks she has any say in my children's lives, not anymore. "Parkinson," I said with a fake sweet smile. "You have no say in what my children do or don't do. If I hear you try and correct them or scold them in anyway it will be you on that table next that's a promise," I said ending my statement with a dangerous glare. She was obviously bothered by this. Probably because her self importance felt threatened. "I practically raised them. I bathed them, I clothed them, if it weren't for me they'd have no structure!" She said raising her voice. "So much for a father," I said glaring at Tom. "You have no authority over them, in fact you've shown yourself to be unworthy of any kind of interaction with my children at all. Scarlett hasn't had her hair brushed in weeks, their clothes are tattered, they're drinking out of shoes for goodness sakes! You thought you were raising them? Never have children, because you don't know a thing about doing so. I'm here now leave the mothering to me." I said dangerously. "I may not know your place here," I said looking between the two of them. "But stay in it," I said turning back to my breakfast. "I'm their live in nanny," she seethed. "Well you're fired," I said withought any hesitation. "And as for you we need to have a talk," I said turning to Tom who sat in his seat virtually unbothered. The children and I got up from our seat as we finished up. "Come find me when you drop the dead weight," I said to Tom directing my cold stare at Parkinson. "Goodbye father," Raven said waving to him. "Goodbye father!" Scarlett cheered. "Bye ugly!" I had to refrain from laughing as Raven said that. She gasped dramatically and her eyes went wide. "Are you not going to correct him?!" She nearly screeched to which I shrugged. "You've been called worse," I said before turning and walking off with each of my kid's hands in mine.

"Mummy where are you taking all our toys?" Raven asked as I gathered all the tattered old toys into trash bags. "You two are going to get brand new toys. They're going to be clean, and shiny, and you're going to love them," I said as I threw the teacup shoe in the bag."But I like these toys mummy," he sulked. I turned to him and put the bag down. "Raven I'm going to buy you the most wonderful toys money can buy and you won't miss these things one bit." I saw his face begin to light up and I smiled. Can it be a toy car?" He asked cheering up. "Darling you can have the whole racetrack," I said as I continued to clean the room. "Could I have a new dolly?" Scarlett asked while bouncing around the room. "Of course my darling." It's obvious I do not want this place to be their home, but for now we have to make do in fear of their father. It truly confuses me how something so pure and innocent could come from someone so evil.

It was late when I finished cleaning up the playroom and their bedroom. I heard nothing from Tom in this time span so I figured I would take care of the toy situation tomorrow. He's probably tangled in his freaky antics. Not that I want to see him, but I have to have a few words with him for the benefit of my children. After bathing my children I helped them get into bed. They laid beside each other cuddled up like two precious angels. After a run for water I sat at the end of the bed waiting for them to fall asleep. "Mummy will you sing me to sleep," Scarlett suddenly said interrupting my thoughts. "Of course my love what song shall I sing?" I asked leaning foreword to move her hair from her face. "A song about angels!" She said gleefully."Angels? Hmm let's see. Close your eyes my angel babies," I said before I started to sing to them.

As I finished I waited a moment to see if they were asleep or not. Their breaths were steady and their little eyes didn't pop open. I got up from my seat on the bed and kissed each of them on the head. I grabbed the pitcher of water from the desk, and left the room moving quickly and quietly as to not wake them up before closing the door behind me. "You still sing them to sleep," a voice said from behind me startling me, causing me to drop the pitcher of water. It shattered all over floor . I turned around quickly to spot Tom leaning on the wall beside the door with his arms crossed. "You scared me," I said before kneeling down to collect the glass, suddenly the broken pieces moved from my hands and formed the shape of the water pitcher mending itself in front of my eyes. "Don't you remember you're a witch?" he said as he walked forward to grab the repaired pitcher. "You've never allowed me to forget," I said as I took the pitcher from him. "Perhaps this will jog your memory," he pulled my wand from his jacket pocket and held it out to me. I looked from him to my wand and for a moment I reached out for it, but I retracted my hand quickly. I looked down at the pitcher in my hands and turned away from him. "I can't," I said walking towards my presumed bedroom. "Don't tell me you've decided to quit using magic all together," he said in a cold voice following closely behind me. Just seeing my wand sent a whirlwind of emotions through me. All the terrible things I did, all the blood I have on my hands. Magic reminds me of sadness and hurt. It's been so long since I've used it. I placed the pitcher on the dressing table in the room and thought for a moment before turning to face him. "I think there are more important things to disscuss don't you?" I said watching as he twirled my wand between his fingers. "Oh?" He said in a way that made me want to rip my hair out. "Yes in fact I have a lot to say so might as well get comfortable." He looked at me with amusement dancing in his eyes and though I know he was aware of my anger I don't think he's prepared for what's going to happen next.

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