Chapter 5

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It was an all out music show. I didn't know much about muggle music at this time, but the other singing groups sounded so good, and crowd went wild for them. The three of us were clad in dusty rose colored dresses with rose gold features.

They were a little too extravagant for my taste, but I'm sure they looked nice on television. Our hair was done in long curls, and the makeup we were forced to have caked on was a little over the top for my taste. My waist was cinched so much in a corset I felt like I was gonna pass out. "Nervous?" I heard a male voice ask from behind me. "No," I lied, turning to see a man maybe in his late 20's. He had a head of jet black hair and bright blue eyes. I recognized him from the act before us. The crowd loves this guy. "No need to lie to me Rose," he smirked bringing a flash flood of memories to my head of a certain man who wore a smirk constantly. I shook those thoughts from my head and turned back towards the stage. "I'm not," I simply replied before I heard the host announce us on stage. "Break a leg out there," he said, before leaving back stage. I waved him off as I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

   The girls put a hand on each of my shoulders telling me to go on. "I'm gonna barf," I muttered before taking a deep breath and walking on stage. "Smile," Deena whispered to me. I must've looked like a deer caught in headlights. All eyes were on us as we took the stage. The lights were so bright I could hardly see, but I'm ready to do this. The crowd was completely silent as the music started. The band proceeded to play yet another song that reminded me of Tom. In this moment I am tempted to think of him and what he was doing, but I pushed past it in an instant. I know it would cloud my mind. I cannot blow this.

It was different than the music musicians played before us. It was upbeat, and the choreography was given more thought and well planned out. I tried my best to smile charmingly through all of it. Halfway through I started to get more comfortable. I had put so much time into this routine I knew it like the back of my hand. I sang with everything in me truly feeling the words and expressing true emotion. Before I knew it we had finished, and the crowd was on their feet cheering. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I looked out to see so many pleased faces. It was the most amazing experience of my life.

   "Great job out there," the man from before said with a wink as we passed each other back stage.

   "Great job out there," the man from before said with a wink as we passed each other back stage

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"Jimmy Thorn is so dreamy," Shirley sighed as he walked past us. "Is he famous or something?" I asked wondering if he was a new act too. "Have you been living under a rock?" Deena exclaimed incredulously. "His songs are always number one he's the up and coming leading man of the decade!" Shirley said. "And the most eligible batchalor," she continued. I looked back at the man who was currently talking with the back stage manager. "I had no idea."

   "You girls did absolutely fantastic out there!" Oscar exclaimed when we reached the dressing room. "I smell money!" Pete exclaimed opening up a bottle of champagne. Your first successful gig is being broadcasted on the television as we speak! By this time tomorrow I just know we'll have a number one." I couldn't contain my excitement as I rushed to see how my children were doing. "Although I do think we could make some adjustments," Oscar spoke. I didn't listen as I creeped up on my sleeping babies. I'm going to give them the best life that I can. I can't wait to see where this is going to lead me.

"Mr.Leto!" A man exclaimed running into the room. "Hey Lenny how's the crowd!" Oscar asked excitedly. "Angry," he stated causing a mass confusion. "Why would they be angry?" I asked. "They want to hear 'Hopelessly Devoted To You'," he began. "A lot of them drove all the way out here just to hear it live." He said shocking me. "Well then we'll give them what they want," Pete said looking towards me. "What? But I've never preformed it live I haven't rehearsed it." I said nervously. "Do you want to disappoint that crowd?" Oscar asked looking at me letting me know I didn't have a choice. I'm so flattered they came out to see me, but it also makes me very nervous. I know the song, I mean I wrote it for crying out loud. I can do this. "Will you girls sing back up?" I asked them so they wouldn't feel left out to which they agreed. "Okay I'll do it," I said. "Well then let's get you back out there!"
Every time I walked passed a tv store a repeat of the show was playing. It was an incredible feeling. They loved us, they People started to recognize me everywhere I went. More shows invited us to perform, and more opportunities for fame were thrusted our way. It was almost too good to be true. Three months down the road would I find myself in a a position of major change that would shift my life completely, forever.

 Three months down the road would I find myself in a a position of major change that would shift my life completely, forever

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