Chapter 6

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3 months later
"You can't be serious Oscar!" I yelled angry that he'd have such a crazy idea. "The Rosettes have been number three on the charts for a month straight! Just us three, a trio," I stated in irritation. "You've done well but I think we can get you to number one, now I think it's time we make you a quartet." They had put their foot down, they made their decision. It turns out all woman groups aren't as popular as the men groups were. We were doing so well I just don't see why we need a change. This could jeopardize everything. "You haven't even been told who would be joining," Pete said trying lighten the tension. "And who might that be?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"Jimmy Thorn."
In a month's time our acts were to be merged together. I just knew I'd become one of his backup singers and he'd be the star. I couldn't be more angry. Tonight was our last night as a trio. I put on my bright blue dress and got ready for the show.

I wish I could experience this feeling of pure adrenaline all the time. Nothing compares to this. The nightlife always drowns out the sorrows of my past. All the parties, the booze, the men it was something I had never experienced in my life. I wanted it to last forever. I never want to die. "You were great tonight," I was ripped from my thoughts by a voice. "Thanks," I said hardly acknowledging Jimmy. "Look I know you don't like the idea of the merge," he started. "Actually I loath it," I said as I slipped on my jacket. "I'm not a bad guy to work with," he said as I walked passed him out of the room.

   "Look I'm not trying to steal the spotlight away from you," he said taking ahold of my wrist to stop me in my tracks

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   "Look I'm not trying to steal the spotlight away from you," he said taking ahold of my wrist to stop me in my tracks. I looked down at his hand on my wrist and quickly shook it off. "Then don't," I said, looking up at him one more time before leaving. Who does he think he is? All these guys in the music industry think they're so good. "I'll see you Sunday," he called out from behind me, causing me to roll my eyes. We were supposed to start rehearsing as a quartet on Sunday and I really dreaded it.

   I arrived home and paid the nanny for watching the twins. It's like I never get to see them anymore. We've been traveling so much I have hardly had a second to myself. Yes I'm still in the old dingy apartment, but I've been able to quit both of those horrid jobs. The gigs pay decently, but not enough. I just need to hold out for just a little bit longer. In the nursery were my beautiful twins. It was like a big secret to everyone aside from the Leto brothers, Deena, and Shirley. I didn't mind people not knowing about them. I wanted more privacy for my twins, I felt it was safer that way. The Leto's feared it would ruin my career, but I feared it would put them in danger.

   A bath is exactly what I needed to relax my aching muscles. I undressed and sat in the warm water. The room was dimly lit with just a few candles, I can finally breath. I feel like I'm so close yet so far. Women of this time weren't taken seriously. Being as successful as a man in the 40's is difficult no wonder they had to bring a man into the group. We were going to be called Jimmy and the Rosettes for now on. So much for not stealing my spotlight.

     I looked at my body in the mirror wondering if I was pretty enough for the spotlight. All the women in the industry are so gorgeous it kept me wondering how I could make myself better. I decided to stay the same bombshell blonde as always, much to the Leto's distaste, but I couldn't help but wonder if a change would help me compete with the other girls. Maybe my breasts aren't big enough, or maybe I'm not curvy enough. My body bore two children, of course I'm not gonna look as good as the other young women, but that didn't stop me from wondering about the augmentations everyone talked about so much. They say a little nip tuck can fix anything. Maybe if my breasts were more perky like before I had to breast feed then I'd be better. Maybe my lips could be a bit bigger, or maybe I could wear more makeup. The more I stay around the music industry the more I began to judge myself and think I needed to be perfect. The more I looked in the mirror the more things I found wrong with myself. One things for sure, maybe I'll look into the breast lift Deena suggests.

Maybe my insecurities are deep rooted from my seemingly perfect childhood. Maybe they have to do with my failed marriage. All I know is if I want to make it big I have to do everything I can to maintain the image of perfection. I will do anything to progress in this industry and by that I do mean anything.

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