Chapter 28

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In the morning I got up and got dressed for the day. Last night was emotional on my end that much I am sure of. I've finally accepted the fact that things can never be as they once were, but I guess I've known that for a while now. I was told my belongings were in the attic so that's my goal for today. Something that might give me a little more normality. As I made my bed my wand came rolling out of the blankets. I took a deep breath as I looked at it laying on the floor. Slowly I bent down to grab it. A surge of electricity bolted through my fingers as the wood touched my hand. I turned it over in my hand and stared at it for a moment. "Magic is only good for the good it can do," I muttered before tossing it in the drawer of my nightstand. I'm not ready. Two pairs of little feet echoed down the hall rushing with urgency in my direction. Before I knew it my two little ones were barreling into me excitedly. I laughed and hugged them close. "When are we going to get new toys?" Raven asked. I thought about it for a second and unfortunately we'd have to get Tom's permission to go out. "How about tomorrow?" I said without thinking to which the children cheered excitedly. I'm sure I can swing that, hopefully, maybe. "What are we doing today mummy?" Scarlett asked. "Well my baby today we have work to do," I said as I led them outside of the room. "I know you two know where the attic is let's go," I said to which they eagerly obeyed and ran in the direction of the presumed attic.

   "You two play up here?" I asked through coughs from all the dust. I walked around the dark contained area that was full of boxes. "Only when father has friends over," Scarlett said as she hopped up to sit on an old tattered chair. They definitely aren't friends of his. "There will be no more of that. This place looks like an injury waiting to happen," I said as I pulled a tarp off of a bunch of dusty trunks. "You two stay right here," I said as I spotted a lantern on a broken down cabinet. When I lit it up I began to recognize some of my items. I smiled as I saw my old record player. I blew the dust off of it and set it up. "Rose Gold," I read the record sadly. "What's that mum?" Scarlett asked pointing to the baby pink album in my hands. "Once upon a time your mummy was a star," I said softly as I reminisced on the days of my dreams coming true. It seemed so long ago now, and of course the twins wouldn't remember. "A star like in the sky?" Raven asked in amazement to which I laughed. "No baby like someone who sings for people," I said trying to explain what a star was to Raven. "I sang for crowds of people and they loved it. The crowd would cheer every time I walked on stage," I said sadly as I peered down at the record. "I want to be a star!" Raven exclaimed proudly. "It's not all sunshine and rainbows kid," I said truthfully as I put the record on. "But you can be anything you dream of," I said as I tapped him on his little nose. "This was the first song I ever recorded," I said as I played "Hopelessly Devoted To You" on the record player.

I listened with a sad smile as I day dreamed about the past. "What does it mean?" Raven asked. I sighed and walked over the trunks with my belongings. "It's about your daddy," I said before opening the chest and pulling out some of my old clothing. "Father has his own song?" Raven asked awe stricken making me smile at his adorable little face. "Does he demand you two to call him father or what?" I asked wondering why they always referred to him as 'father'. They were both so intelligent and well spoken for their age it shocked me. "Ugly said it's more proper," Raven said to which I snorted. "That woman's gonna have a stroke if you call her ugly again Raven," I said holding back a laugh. "I thought that's what we were supposed to call her," he said innocently, maybe that was bad on my part. "Okay well how about only when it's the three of us then," I said roughing up his hair. "Oh and you both are five you don't need to worry about being proper. Call him daddy or Mr.Grouchy Pants if you want," I said without thinking. "Actually maybe don't call him Mr.Grouchy Pants he probably won't like that one," I said worrying for my children if they pushed him too far with that one. "Perhaps papa would be a more polite alternative." Although I wouldn't care what they called him I'm raising two very impressionable children that should be taught to respect people. There's also that fact that their father is unfortunately unstable.

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