Chapter 9

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A knock on the door woke me from my nap. Getting up from bed I hugged my robe tightly to my body as I went to answer the door. It's probably time for the rent. My first night back home seemed to be dragging on forever. As I opened the door I was shocked to see Jimmy with flowers in his hands. "How did you know I lived here?" I asked shocked he was here. "Uh actually Oscar told me," he said sheepishly. "I wanted to come give you these, and see how you're doing," he said as he handed me the roses. I furrowed my brows and looked down at the flowers. "I'm fine, listen you didn't have to come all the way out here," I said confused about why he would take the time out of his day to come see me. "It was no trouble at all, I was in town," he said looking past me into my small apartment. "Neat little place you got here," he continued as I looked down in embarrassment due to my living conditions. "Thanks...hey I heard about the show, congratulations," I said trying to hide my devastation. "Yeah about that I'm sorry about the way things went down. If it helps you were their first choice," Jimmy said shocking me. "I was?" I asked incredulously. "Why are you so surprised? The audition went great," he said with a smile. "I guess I don't really remember much about that night," I said, disappointed I had blown my big opportunity. "Well maybe you and I could talk about it over dinner sometime," he looked nervous as he said this and in truth it truly caught me by surprise. I wasn't quite sure what to say. "You don't have to say yes right away ya know? Maybe when you start feeling better and all," he said after I didn't say anything. "Well I'm flattered you came all the way out here to see me Jimmy," I said changing the subject. "Yeah don't mention it ya know just checking in on you," he said nervously. "Well I guess I'll see you around," I said. "Only if I'm lucky," he said with a grin. We said our goodbyes before I closed the door and I threw the flowers on the counter. Of all the people I expected to show up to see how I was doing I certainly didn't expect Jimmy Thorn.
It was midnight, the darkness of my apartment was dimly lit with candles. In the center of the living room was my old cauldron I dug out of the closet. It had been so long since I made a potion it would be dangerous with me being out of practice, but drastic times call for drastic measures. I sat crisscross on the floor with the potions book open to a healing potion. "Wormwood, Dittany, Dragon liver..." I muttered out loud. There's only one place I can get any of this...

It's no secret I am in bad health, but I called the nanny to watch the children while I went on this task to obtain the ingredients for the potion. This is my first day home from the hospital, my plan is to get well and show up at the production house's doorstep and beg to be reconsidered for the part. First I have to brave my way to Diagon Alley. I must look like a wreck because I sure feel like it. It's a long way from muggle London to Diagon Alley, but I'm not gonna find any of the things I need in muggle territory.

"What'll it be miss?" A man asked me from behind the counter at the shop. I listed what I needed quickly so I could return and make this potion as soon as possible. The man went to go find them while I stared out the window watching as the magical beings went on with their lives. It seems that magic had been left in the past for me. It's almost as if living a muggle life was easier. In my line of site was a shop that represented a great sadness to me. Borgin and Burke's stood as shanty as ever just a few shops down. I swallowed hard as I analyzed it wondering how long he stayed working there after I left or even if he still worked there. Half of me almost wanted to see if he was there though I knew he probably wouldn't be. My thoughts were interrupted by the clunk of a heavy bag being dropped in front of me on the counter. "Will that be all miss?" I nodded, handing him the money. I almost want to go snooping around these parts for any sign of him, but the first sign came to me on accident. The newspaper read 3 wizards had been murdered not far from here. Reading that made me paranoid. I can't return to these parts it's not safe. I'm not sure what he will do to me when he finally comes, but I have a feeling it won't be very nice. I think maybe it's time I make a change of location I've outgrown my place anyways.

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