Chapter 17

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     It's been a week since Jimmy and I went out and honestly I can't stop thinking about it. I felt like a teenager fantasizing about a musician on television. It was a nice break from the constant anxieties I face on a daily basis. It's almost as if the happy experiences with him was enough to drown out the pain from my previous life. We had a show to do tonight and I'm so nervous because I haven't seen him since that night. Usually I see him somewhere around here backstage but not today. We were opening the show tonight it's odd that I haven't seen him.

It was about time to go on when I finally saw him on the other side of the stage. He looked a little off. He sort of smiled at me before we were announced on stage. They gave us a real sappy love song for us to sing this week.

I was background for Jimmy but I don't really mind. We're equals on this show. He truly does have a beautiful voice.

Everyone in the live studio audience cheered for us as the song ended

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Everyone in the live studio audience cheered for us as the song ended. We were about to leave the stage when Jimmy did something strange. He doesn't usually thank the audience after our song. However this time he thanked everyone for being here today. "I've had some of my most wonderful performances here. I can't thank all the folks out there enough for all the encouragement they've shown Rose and I," He said. All I did was smile as if this was supposed to happen. "However I am sorry to say tonight is my last night performing for all of you." I furrowed my brows wondering why he was saying that. No one told me any such thing. "However there's something I wanted to do in front of our amazing fans. Meeting my singing partner Roslyn has been one of the best things I have ever done. The moment I laid eyes on you was the moment I knew I wanted to do this". He said as he got down on one knee infront of me. "What are you doing?" I whispered furiously to him. "Roslyn would you make me the happiest man in all of London by becoming my wife?" I am completely mortified. This was the first time he actually made eye contact with me. He held out a velvet box with a ring in it.

   The crowd screamed in excitement shouting at me to say yes. Hundreds of eyes were on me. I looked from the camera that was recording live and then back to Jimmy. This is going to ruin my career if I say no. People will hate me. They'll talk about me terribly for the rest of my life if I turn him down. I have no other options, he planned this. My heart beat accelerated with the anger coursing through my veins. "Yes," I said behind clenched teeth. I tried to look convincingly happy but inside I was seething.

I'm going to kill him! He smiled happily and slipped the ring in my finger before I convincingly smiled and kissed his cheek

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I'm going to kill him! He smiled happily and slipped the ring in my finger before I convincingly smiled and kissed his cheek. The audience went crazy screaming excitedly. He placed his arm around my waist as he waved to the crowd thanking them. I am beyond aggravated.

I furiously left the stage in a hurry as he followed me. "Roslyn!" He called from behind me as I walked into my dressing room and slammed the door. I cried angry tears, I'm so angry with my lack of say in the fact that I just got proposed to on television! "Roslyn? Please let me in," he said knocking on the door. "Go away!" I yelled angrily as I packed up my things to go home. "Roslyn I can explain," he said a little more quietly from the other side of the door. "Spare me the details," I said as I opened the door and pushed past him. "Roslyn please!" He said grabbing my wrist stopping me from leaving. I spun around and slapped him across the face. "Don't you dare touch me! How dare you do that to me! You knew I wouldn't be able to say no!" I yelled at him as the back stage crew watched us. "Roslyn just let me explain," he said while rubbing the place where I slapped him. "Explain what? How you don't take no for an answer?! I go out with you one time and you take that as an okay? Are you insane?!" I all but screamed. "What did they offer you?!" I yelled. "What?" He asked as I pushed him back aggressively. "You know what I mean! What did they say they'd give you if you did this?!" The producers knew they'd get their way. He sighed before speaking. "A record deal," he muttered quietly. "I thought so," I scoffed at him. "Hope it was worth it," I said before walking off. "Roslyn they made me do it okay?" He began to run to catch up with me. "Listen to me Ros," He said grabbing me by the shoulders. "They can't make you do something like this Jimmy you should've said no!" I was so infuriated. "I couldn't okay!" He said raising his voice. "Dammit Roslyn they made me do it!" He exclaimed. "They said If I didn't do it they'd release a story about you and the twins," he started. "The story would be aimed around making you look like a lady of the night," he said for lack of better term but I knew what he meant. "Those bastards," I said before pushing past him to go find the producers.

I finally found them in a room having a cigar. "How dare you do this to me!" I yelled when I found them. "If you four think you can dictate my life you have another thing coming!" I yelled, slamming my hand down on the table. "It was strictly-" I interrupted Donald. "So help me God if you say it was strictly business again I'm gonna scream! "Business" is not meddling in someone's life to get views and sales! You won't get away with this!" I threatened. "You'd risk breaching your contract?" Marcus asked threateningly. "I don't give a damn about some idiotic contract you fool! I don't care about my career! In fact I'm done! I refuse to abide by some contact written by four sexist pigs. You all remember this I'm going to shut this God forsaken place down. So you all can take that contact and shove it up your arse because I'm done. " I said with venom in my voice as I walked away. "We'll take everything you have if walk out that door," Milton said suddenly surprising me that he'd be the one to say that. "I'd like to see you try," I said before walking out. What a bunch of evil bastards. I watched as Jimmy went in after me and said for them to kiss his arse. I would've laughed if I wasn't so angry.

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