Chapter 18

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    I growled angrily as I threw a flower pot against the wall. I hate them! I'm so angry with myself for ever getting tangled up in this mess. The only good thing about it was it brought Jimmy and I closer. He was only trying to protect my kids and I. Jimmy of course was fine with going through with the facade, but I couldn't bare to give them what they wanted. I would fight it till the very end. Jimmy thought It was best if I moved out of my house to make it harder to track me down. I knew it was true, I just didn't want to believe I'd have to go into hiding so they don't sue me. It's almost enough to make me do something unforgivable to them. Jimmy said he'd be over to help me get my things together later.

   I held my children in my lap trying to calm myself down. The air had a sort of chill to it that was indecipherable. I felt a kind of cold that seemed incurable. I began to wonder if my children felt it too. I left them on the couch as I got up to close the windows. Hermelda was somewhere in house cleaning as I was nearly having a panic attack in the living room. I had been so happy recently and it's like all these fears and anxieties returned in an instant. I have no escape from this. The producers are right about something though, this will definitely ruin my career. There's no more Rose Gold. Jimmy and Roslyn would never be introduced on stage together again. I had my run and now it's over. Everything is over.

    "I'm just so angry," I said to Jimmy. "I know," he said as we began to pack my things. "I'm sorry," he said. "I know." It's going to be a long night. I had placed the children on a blanket in the floor in the room while Jimmy, Hermelda, and I worked away. "Mama," I heard Scarlett say from behind me. "Hold on sweetie," I said as I packed up a box. "Mama!" I heard her shout again. "Just a second," I said. Suddenly I felt a small hand on my leg and I looked down and gasped. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed. "Scarlett is walking!" I shouted excitedly. Jimmy and Hermelda cheered as I picked her up. "My baby girl is walking now!" I said as I looked to the blanket to search for Raven but he wasn't there. "Where's Raven?" I asked. We quickly started looking for him but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Finally I heard Jimmy said he had found him. I ran down stairs to see he had crawled up on the counter and had his little hand in the cookie jar. "What do you think you're doing Mr?" I asked playfully as I went to grab him. "How did he get all the way down here?" I asked. "The boy must've got his walking chaps over a hankering for cookies." Hermelda said as I laughed."Scarlett's only 2 and she's already snitching on Raven," I laughed. "I guess we'll have to keep a better watch over you two," I said looking between them with a smile.
   I guess this is another phase in my life. The end of an era if you will. It's just something else I'm going to have to push through. I'm officially out of a job, but at least I have my children and a couple of great friends. I've been through so much in this past year I feel like I can do anything.  Jimmy was driving the twins and I back to the house after we got ice cream. It's been a long day and I guess I'm ready to put an end to it. We decided it would be best if the kids and I went to stay with Jimmy for a little bit just till I got myself together. We would have to find some way to fight whatever repercussions came from doing what I did. Of course the producers won't be happy with me, but I couldn't care less. Jimmy on the other hand has been busy recording for his first album. I was proud of him, at least one of us will make it. "Do you feel alright?" I asked him as he winced in pain probably from brain freeze. "I feel wonderful," he said making me laugh. "You love that word don't you?" I said. "That's the word that comes to mind whenever I think of you." He smiled at me. "I'm really proud you stuck up for yourself Roslyn," he said suddenly to me. "I didn't have the guts," he said. "We're going to fight this Ros. I'm going to make sure you become a biggest star there ever was. People will never forget your name," he said, and just like that I think I fell for him.

    Jimmy went to sit on the couch while I went to put the children to bed. "I'll just be a second," I said as I took them upstairs. I gave them a kiss on both of their heads and wished them goodnight. They fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. I'm so fortunate to have such beautiful children. I began to get a eerie feeling but I shook it off. That chill from earlier returned. An odd noise from behind me startled me. I turned around and shrieked in terror as I saw Hermelda holding her throat with bloody hands as she tried to say something. Blood gushed from her throat to her clothes and she suddenly fell to her knees. Her eyes were wide with fright as she continued trying to speak. "R-Run," she finally managed to choke out. I cried as I tried to hold her wound to prevent her from bleeding out. "No Hermelda please," I cried.  Her eyes stayed wide open and her body fell limp in my arms. "Hermelda? No Hermelda!" I wept in tears. I didn't have time to grab my wand before she died in my arms. "Oh Hermelda," I cried as I gently laid her down on the ground. I took my fingers and closed her eyelids wondering what happened to her.

A loud noise from down stairs made me dart up from my position on the floor. Covered in blood I looked back to my sleeping twins and closed the door behind me and locked it as I left the room. Jimmy's down there, I can't just leave him. I quietly crept down the stairs in the darkness. It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the largest knife I could find. "Jimmy?" I called out. I heard another noise in the front room where I was making my way to. Jimmy had been sitting on the couch before I went to put the twins to bed, but he wasn't there anymore. I looked around in the darkness until I finally saw something. The moonlight illuminated a body laid out sprawled on the floor face down in a motionless heap. "Oh God Jimmy!" I cried out as I ran up to him dropping my knife on the floor. "Jimmy!" I cried as I tried to roll him over. His eyes were shut and his face looked peaceful it was as if he was asleep. I tried to shake him as if he would wake up but I felt no pulse in him. "Please," I cried.

"He won't wake."

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