Chapter 21

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"Roslyn you''re awake," she said hesitantly as she eyed me up and down. "What do you mean awake? What do you know?" I asked with a glare. "Why don't we get you washed up," she said reaching for my arm to which I moved away. "What happened to me?" I asked with rising anger. "I think it would be best if we wait until-" I interrupted her. "Gertrude," I warned. She sighed and looked down. "He didn't tell me why he did it just that he needed to.....put you to sleep," she said. "Put me to sleep? For three bloody years!" I raised my voice. "Roslyn please calm down," she said. "Would you be calm Gertrude?! We're getting out of here," I said grabbing my twin's hands and rushing forward.

   "I don't think that's a good idea," I heard Gertrude say. I ignored her as I kept on my pressing for an exit. "Roslyn I can't let you do this," she said running out in front of me. "Who's going to stop me? You?" I asked, challenging her. "I'm under orders to do so," she said pulling out her wand and pointing it at me. "What so you're his little henchmen now huh?"  I glared at her and sized her up. I may be rusty with my magic but let me show her how we do it in Windon Heights. "Hey lovelies why don't you go gather your things so we can go." I said to which they obeyed seeing as I was dead serious. "You can't tell them to-" she wasn't even able to finish her sentence before I pounced on her causing her to scream. "What are you doing?!" She screamed as she tried to fight me off. "How dare you pull a wand on me in front of my children!!" I yelled. "If you're tough enough to hex me you're tough enough to fight me!" I yelled angrily. "Mummy!" I heard Scarlett yell as Gertrude and I wrestled around on the ground hair pulling and punching. She must've overheard us, but I was busy focusing on beating the hell out of this troll. The aggravation of this situation fueled my anger. Gertrude yanked my hair and I growled and punched her. I sat ontop of her as she tried to push me off and attempted to fight against my harsh blows. She tried to grab her wand that had fallen beside her but I grabbed it first and my first instinct was to use it as knife for some reason. I held it above her head ready to impale her with it when I heard an angry voice that I sickeningly recognize. "What is the meaning of this?" He said making me seethe in anger at his presence. "You," I said as I glared up at the evil man before me. He looked irritated yet slightly amused. I looked down at Gertrude with a smug look before getting up off of her. "Forget how to use a wand?" He asked sarcastically as I looked down at the mangled magical object in my hands.

I tossed it on the ground as Gertrude jumped up and hurriedly ran in front of me right up to Tom

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I tossed it on the ground as Gertrude jumped up and hurriedly ran in front of me right up to Tom. "She attacked me! I tried to stop her from leaving with the children and she tackled me!" She exclaimed causing me to roll my eyes. "He doesn't care," I said as I moved my hair from my face walking up to the fowl git.

"And if you EVER pull your wand on me in front of my children again I'll finish this like we do in Windon Heights," I said with a glare directed towards the short haired troll

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"And if you EVER pull your wand on me in front of my children again I'll finish this like we do in Windon Heights," I said with a glare directed towards the short haired troll. "As for you," I said turning to the smirking Slytherin decendent. "You can wipe that smug smirk off your face because I'm holding myself back from doing the same to you. You have 5 seconds to explain before I snap and punch you too," I said viciously as I pulled my hair back getting ready to pounce. "Wouldn't you rather see the children?" he asked snidely as if nothing had happened. "Are you insane?" I asked rhetorically with an angry growl. "Tell me what you did!" I demanded as I snapped and pushed him. "Tell me right now!" I yelled. "It would be smart to keep your hands to yourself don't you think?" He said virtually unmoved from my physical assault. "Actually I don't considering the fact that I've supposedly been asleep for three bloody years! What did you do to me?!" I all but yelled at him. "Careful sweetheart I woke you up I can easily put you back to sleep," he said but all I can see is red. Evil thoughts flashed in my mind and all I could think of is hurting him. "I'd like to see you try," I said as I grabbed a picture frame off the wall and shattered it on the floor picking up a shard of glass. "I am not playing with you!" I yelled nearly about to stab him with it but in one fluid motion he had his wand in his hand freezing me in place. "Physical violence will never be any match for magic," he said smuggly. "Why don't you be a man and put down the wand and fight?! Is that beneath you? Or are you afraid that we'll see you're actually weak without magic?!" I shouted as I struggled against the magical hold on me. "He glared at me as he moved the wand so I was thrown against the wall. I stared at him and suddenly began to laugh almost manically. "Is this the best you can do?! Put me to sleep and then hold me here so you can keep me incapable?! Is that what you want?! To control me? I've had enough of you! Let me go now!" I struggled but it seemed like the invisible restraints grew tighter. "Be a man and fight me without magic. Why don't you even the playing field and lower that wand huh? Why don't you show me how tough you really are?" I said with a smirk knowing he was nothing without his wand. "Put her back to sleep," Gertrude said to which my sight snapped to her. "That's it I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as I pulled against the restraints with all my might. "Let me go!" I screamed. He still seemed so calm I just wanted to murder him. "Something isn't right," he said as he walked to the other side of me. All I can feel is the rage coursing through my body. Black shadows like the one from earlier danced around in my vision. What's wrong with me? "Perhaps a nap should help," he said. "Don't you dare," I threatened. "Rest well Roslyn." I screamed as I felt a rush to my body robbing the energy from me. I felt my body fall to the ground as he released me. I tried to fight the fatigue but I felt my body go limp. The last thing I heard was my children calling out for me.

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