Chapter 24

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   Beth and I descended the large staircase into the foyer which showcased just how magnificent this house is. Dark oak and black iron fixtures decorated the downstairs elegantly.

In the center of the foyer was a large fireplace, hanging from above is a chandelier which held the only glow to illuminate the the otherwise darkened room

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In the center of the foyer was a large fireplace, hanging from above is a chandelier which held the only glow to illuminate the the otherwise darkened room. If the circumstances were different I believe I'd be in awe at the architecture. This place must be worth a fortune, though I know it's current owner did not acquire it with money.

I grew a little nervous as we pressed on throughout the building. There's a million things I'd like to say to this man yet I can't think of any of them. We finally reached a pair of double doors tucked deep within a long dark hall.  Though the night he cursed me into a deep slumber is foggy, I remember enough to know the anger he had for me. That anger is sure to not have subsided.

    In fact I too have a bone to pick with him. The slimy bastard took three years from me. He can't even buy the children suitable toys! It's easy to see he's neglected the most precious gift he's ever been given. Everything he's ever done was for power, never for anything else. He's always wanted to benefit himself. Part of me refuses to believe it was always this way. I want to believe he actually loved me at one point, that this wasn't just all fake. Though I know Tom is an excellent liar you just can't fake passion like that. At least I couldn't.

   He threw me aside and froze me in time to get me out of the way. I guess I didn't quite have a roll to play in his game until now. The question is why. Anger began to course through my veins once more as I dropped the coat off of me exposing my black dress. I stood up straight and took a deep breath. Let's see what he thinks of this. I'm back you git.

   Beth pushed open the door and I strutted in with power in my walk. The room was completely silent and I could feel eyes on me. It wouldn't be the first time Ive had to do something like this. In fact the first time was in front of all of the people who sat in these chairs. I recognize a lot of them from Hogwarts. I guess they never escaped his trap. One person I was glad not to see here is Milly. I'm happy she and her husband aren't tangled in all of this mess. She's probably living a happy life. Something I could only dream of.

   I finally looked into the eyes of the snake sitting at the head of the long table that sat all of his followers. He looked at me unfazed perfectly poised and composed. However his eyes say something different, they paint a picture of something else maybe amusement? Maybe smugness? "Nice of you two to finally join us," he said shooting an icy glare at Beth. Maybe we are late? "Roslyn join me up front would you?" He said motioning to a chair to his right. He looked different. Though he's always been stern his appereance seemed to match his strict personality.

    The room was quite cold and ominous. What else could I expect? I know what goes on between these four walls. It was as if everyone was waiting for something. They all sat up straight with vacant expressions. I made my way to the front of the table and he got up making me stop in my tracks. He began to pull the chair out for me and I looked at him strangely before going to sit down. In the middle of the table was large wooden box that radiated awful energy throughout the room. Something seems so strange. The vibe in the room is reminiscent of when I was told I would be going to the past to have his children.

I was on edge and Gertrude's glare from right across from me didn't help. All I could offer her was a smug smirk as I noticed the bruise under her eye. Why on Earth is she sat next to Tom? Why would he even want her there? I wanted to hit him, I wanted to hurt him somehow. The anger within me was unmatched to anything I've experienced when it came to abhorrence. He of course gravitates to the front of the room pulling all attention to himself. "I can see it on your faces you all wonder why you are here today." He spoke as he sat in his grand chair at the head of the table. I hated being so close to him.

"It has come to my attention that we have a pair of traitors in our midst," his expression changed from calm and cool to disgusted in a split second. I know that look all too well. His jaw clenched in anger as he continued. "There is no question as to what punishment is deserved by those who choose to switch loyalties. You will all be pleased to know that the culprits have been dealt with. Betraying me will only have one out come especially when you begin to work against me." It was a threat, that was easy to see. I'd hate to see the poor souls that chose to work against him. "I assume you would all want to witness what happens to anyone that is found guilty of such things, and to that I say it would be a pleasure to showcase my display of what is the only way to handle betrayal." With a flick of his wand the wooden box on the table collapsed and out fell two bodies battered and bloody. I covered my mouth and nose with my hands from shock. A man and a woman laid dead on the table and all I could think about is how the woman on the table is the girl that helped me get through my year at Hogwarts, and assisted me in giving birth to my twins. My dear friend Milly laid in a lifeless heap with her presumed husband. Tears blurred my vision as I looked up to steal a glance at Gertrude who looked at the bodies emotionlessly. I stood up so quickly my chair fell backwards. "Let this be a warning to any of you who decided that your allegence no longer lies with me," at the end his eyes moved to meet mine. This was a punishment, a message, a threat. "You unimaginable Bastard," I whispered as he smirked in my direction. He wants to take everything from me.

Here it is finally. Sorry for taking such a long break from this story, I'm currently working on it. Don't forget to check out my newest Tom Riddle love story "She's So (Le)Strange" Thank you for reading -AlanaRiddle

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