Chapter 19

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    His voice was as sharp as a razor. Just as I was sure Jimmy was dead I was sure this person in the darkness is my long lost husband. His voice sent a shiver up my spine chilling me into place. I couldn't move. Here he was after all this time. Back to yet again ruin my life. My mind was going a hundred miles a minute yet all I could focus on was Jimmy's lifeless body in my arms. "What did you do to him?" I asked the darkness although I already knew, I just didn't want to believe it. "I do believe you've heard of the killing curse. If I do remember correctly you yourself have used it a time or two," his voice sounded so condescending and tantalizing I wanted to scream.

   I cried as I stared at Jimmy's handsome face that was barely lit up by the moon and I longed for him to open his eyes so I could see his beautiful ocean blue pupils once more. "Look at you crying over a filthy muggle. How dare you bring my heirs around such filth," he was seething in anger. "Get up," He said but I was too numb to make any moves or to feel anything except devastation. "I said get up," just as he said this my body moved on it's own by his accord. "Whatever happened to death do us part?" He said coldly, I heard his foot steps in the darkness but I couldn't move I could only face away from him. "You left," I said, I could feel him behind me. "Imagine my reaction when I saw the headlines in the paper 'Roslyn Goldsworthy to marry a filthy muggle'," venom seeped from his voice and in truth I was afraid but I was also angry. "Only you can make headlines?" I asked referring to all of his trouble I've read about in the paper. "I'm making history you're making an abomination!" He seethed. "Was It not good enough for you the first time? You had to come in and ruin my life again?!" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes. "They were my friends! Jimmy was there for me when you weren't! You were gone chasing power and he was here doing what needed to be done," I said angrily but he seemed eerily calm. "Do tell me Roslyn, what exactly was that." I glared at the moonlight lighting up the room and said the honest truth. "Taking your place," I sneered just as I felt my body be released from his spell.

   I felt myself drop to my knees once more infront of Jimmy. I reached out to touch him but I was stopped by two pairs of feet walking out from the shadows to stand in front of me. Slowly I looked up from his dress shoes to see a monster. I slowly got up from beside Jimmy and faced him. I faced the same demon I escaped a year ago. The same handsome face I had once known seemed to have a different effect on me now. His eyes weren't the same to me anymore. He stared down at me in malice. Something changed in him and I no longer felt what used to when I looked at him. "You've done what you came to do, now go," I said, backing away from him. "And why would I do that?" He asked. "Because that's what you're best at Tom, leaving," I said creating more distance between the two of us. "And let you raise them as muggles?" He scoffed referring to the children. "Magic is only good for the good it can do," I said, repeating to him my mantra I've lived by for a while now. "When did you become so daft?" he sneered at me. "The day you left I got wise. Hey and while you're here," I said walking to my closet. "Take these," I said tossing a box on the floor infront of him. "I have no use for these things anymore," I said motioning to the box filled with memories of him.

   He looked down briefly to the open box and pulled out my horcrux. "You have no use for the most important object in this house," he said holding the necklace between his fingers. "No, in fact I'd like you to destroy it. Burn it, break it whatever you have to do I want it out of exsistence," I said angrily. "You're under the impression that you can erase your trail of dark magic by getting rid of the result,  but you'll never erase what you've done," He said knowing the effect his words would have on me. "I know, but at least I can try to make up for it," I stated. "You can't hide from Roslyn Riddle, she is your past, present, and future," he said as he took a few steps forward. "I'm not the same person I was a year ago. I was foolish to ever wait around for you. I made something of myself!" I heard him scoff. "You call you wailing into a voice box making something of yourself? If I do recall correctly you're the one who left," he said. "Because you're unstable, the twins needed somewhere safe away from you and so did I. The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner." I said truthfully. "So you hid away your wand and traded it for a muggle life. Pathetic," he said while glaring at me with a look of disgust on his face. His intimidating presence made it difficult to muster up the courage to banish him from my life once more. I looked to Jimmy's body on the floor and somehow felt stronger. "I want you gone now, and take that abomination with you," I said referring to the necklace, before turning away to walk up the stairs. "Now if you'll excuse me the twins are locked in a room with a corpse thanks to you," I said looking down at him from the stairs. "Oh and next time.... stay gone," I added watching as he glared up at me with his piercing ice cold eyes. No trace of anything but the ghost of hatred could be found on his face. He was nothing like who he used to be. He was no longer Tom Marvolo Riddle, he was Voldemort.

   I hurried to the twin's room and closed the door behind me. I leaned my back against it and sank to the ground. I covered my mouth with my hands trying to choke back a sob. Seeing him after all this time brought a whirlwind of emotions to me. Of three things I am certain, Jimmy is dead, and so is Hermelda, and horrifically the children and I are not alone in this house. I need to get out of here. I got up quickly and moved to their cribs where my sleeping children were. I looked back and forth between their sleeping forms before I decided to pick them up and hide, but before I could the door flew open with enough force to break it into pieces. In came the father of my children with his wand pointed directly at me. I had one hand on each of the cribs as I begged the heavens above that he wouldn't hurt us. He wore a look of anger that could never be matched. "Do you really believe I'd leave you here to live amongst muggles any longer?! I left you here believing you would be smart enough to not want to become a disgusting muggle yourself. Since you've shown you can't behave yourself you've given me no choice," he said as I panicked in fright that he was going to kill me. "Please don't-" I tried to beg but I was interrupted by a bright light shooting out from his wand causing me to fall to my knees as the light hit my chest. The air left my lungs and I felt myself growing stiff. I tried to take one more look at my children as a tear fell down my cheek. "Don't you worry, the children will be very well taken care of," he said before I no longer had control of my body. I fell to the ground face down stiff as a board. All I could hear was the distant echo of a song. It was the song Jimmy and I first sang when I had my first connection with him, when I really saw him for the first time. This time it was different and only I was singing in the dark. That song would play over and over for days, months, and years.


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