Chapter 27

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   He sat on the edge of the bed in wait. I walked forward and snatched my wand out of his hands and then proceeded to check his jacket pockets for his. "Where is it?" I asked as I feverishly went through his pockets. "Looking for this?" He asked as he suddenly produced his wand from his fingertips. I retreated my hands from him and then snatched the wand from his hands and for some reason he let me. He put up no fight in fact he looked quite entertained by my efforts to suspend his magic ability. I think he found pleasure in knowing he could gain it back effortlessly, but for some reason he chose to humor me. I walked to the closet and threw both wands inside and slammed the door shut standing in front of it. "Are you finished?" He asked crossing his arms in front of him. "No," I said as I pushed the side table in front of the door. "Because someone," I started as I hopped up on the table and crossed my legs. "Has a nasty little habit of putting me to sleep when he's unhappy." He kept straight face emotionally unbothered by my statement.

The room was silent for a moment as I gathered my thoughts. I didn't know where to start but I had one question bouncing around my mind. "Why?" I managed to choke out breathlessly. "Care to give context Roslyn?" He asked in an irritating manner. Right there's far too many things to go over. I chose the worst of it all. "Three years," I seethed. "You took me from my children for three years," I said trying to refrain from breaking down as I thought about it. "How could you do that to me?" I asked as he stared daggers at me. "If I remember correctly it was you who took them from me," he said to which I rolled my eyes. "I took them for their own safety and mine as well. You weren't in your right mind and frankly I still don't think you are," I stated glaring at him. "The children are unharmed aren't they?" I shook my head raking my hands through my hair, is he insane?! "I'd hate to owe that to Parkinson of all people," I sneered thinking of that lousy woman watching over my children as I was frozen in time. "You and I both know how easy it would've been to track us down, I mean you did eventually when you decided you weren't done screwing up everything I put into place for the well-being of Raven and Scarlett!" I couldn't stop my anger from rising as all the memories bounced around my mind furiously.

"I went looking for you," he said simply. "Months into your disappearance I started checking in on you. You can imagine my surprise when I found you in a muggle flop house, singing for their entertainment," he seemed very displeased as he said this. "You were beautiful, you looked happy clad in a short black dress, men fawning over you like a common muggle strumpet. So I left you to your own devices watching as you singlehandedly made a spectacle of yourself," he spoke with such disdain as if I had been plotting against him. "So because of my chosen career path you chose to put me to sleep for three years?!" I asked incredulously. "I had to erase every trace of you. Three years ago I gained many enemies that were aware of your existence." He said making me even more confused. I tried to think back to that night but it was so foggy. "That doesn't make any sense," I said attempting to put the pieces together somehow. "I needed people to believe you were dead," he said emotionlessly. "And that took three years?" I said obviously not believing a word he said. "Let's stop pretending like this wasn't some kind horrific punishment for whatever you think I've done to you. If it was about faking my death Hermelda wouldn't have died in my arms that night, and on top of that you made a point to murder my only friend and showcase it like it was some prize! I don't know what made you hate me so damn much that you've taken it upon yourself to singlehanded destroy every single ounce of happiness in my life, but it ends now. I'm over it so get it off your chest right now tell me why you actually did this to me," I demanded angrily. Im so over and done with his cruel games.

He suddenly got up from his spot on the bed. "I never hated you." He said. "That woman was a worthless muggle that walked in at the wrong time witnessing me using magic her death was unavoidable, and your little friend Mildred was peddling information to the ministry." I shook my head at him. "But you knew it would hurt me so you took pleasure in it. I can see right through you though you think I can't. I know you better than anyone and I can tell when you choose to rewrite the narrative to make me question what I know to be true. You took me out of the equation because you couldn't stand that I was finally happy, and then you chose to wake me up when I was needed so tell me why am I awake if you made the decision to remove me. Better yet why am I still alive?" I refused to accept his poor explanation for ruining my life. I know him better than this. "You think you've gotten it all figured out don't you?" He asked as he walked towards me. "Three years was me being generous I could've easily made it thirty. Yes there is an explanation for your awakening, but I believe tomorrow would be better matched for that." He said to which I laughed the most manic laugh I've ever heard. "Something funny?" He asked. "You're a flaming psychopath," I said as I shook my head in disbelief at him. "For so long I thought I could change you like I could help you somehow, but you're so narcissistic you don't see an error in your ways. Forget about me your children should be your top priority! How could you neglect the two most important things in your entire life?" He made no effort to speak or react in any way. This made me angry as I thought about how neglected my children were.

I got off the desk and moved towards him quickly. "How could you do that to them huh?!" I yelled, pushing him with all the force I could muster. "Roslyn," he said threateningly. "What are you gonna do put me to sleep? Take me away from them for another three years? You didn't just take my children from me, you took their mother from them," I said near tears. "How do you live with yourself?" I said barley above a whisper as I searched his eyes for any sort of remorse. "You just do," I said nodding my head as I accepted this new information. I finally accepted that there is no help for this man in front of me. I bit my lip as I looked towards the ground not knowing my next move. "I may have made a lot of mistakes as a wife and even as a mother, but I always tried my best." Tears were now falling onto my cheeks as I moved the side table away from the closet door. I walked inside and retrieved both wands taking them into my hands. "I won't make the same mistakes again," I said, walking up to him and handing him both of the wands, looking into his eyes wishing I saw any kind of emotion other than boredom or disdain, and for a moment I thought I saw something redeemable like a look I saw so long ago now. His eyes almost read softer to me now but I know better. He didn't care, he couldn't care, he wouldn't care. I turned from him and walked towards the door opening it up waiting for him to leave. He looked from me down to the wands in his hands. He took mine in his right hand and set it down on the bed before placing his in his jacket pocket. He walked to the door and then suddenly turned to me. "All of your belongings have been stored away in the attic. I have business to attend to tomorrow; you'll be under strict supervision." Of course he had to end this night with a threat. "Sleep well," he said before going off on his merry way to do whatever evil men do.

I took a deep breath as I closed the door. Everything in me wanted to scream at him that he was an evil monster, but I knew it wouldn't do me any good. I knew he'd just find it amusing. He always loved to get a rise out of me. That's what he lived for, making people upset and then finding a reason to hurt them when they tried to stand up to him or make a move against him. I moved against him and I received my punishment 3 times over. As sick as it was I still found emotional release in his presence. Something about him still felt like home and I hated it. All of me still craved for the family I once had, but it's been broken for so long now I hardly remember what it felt like to feel safe. Now I know I can never go back or reclaim what I once had. Things are much different now. I am a different person than I once was, and he is a snake. The unfortunate father of my children. The reaper of all my happiness yet the center of my world.

Ever since I took this mission I was doomed to have my life revolve around him, and that has to change.

Something about this chapter had me crying midway through writing it. Let me know if you feel the same. THANK YOU so much all of you guys who continue to comment and vote, it really motivates me to continue to write. Thank you to CrescentRoseEmber  for the music suggestion. You've been the absolute best with ideas and motivation thank you so much.

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