Chapter 7

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"That's not how I wrote the song," I argued with the raven haired man for the fifth time today. "Don't you think it sounds better that way?" he argued back. "No I don't think I do, not at all," I said ripping the song sheet out of Jimmy's hands roughly. "This song is important to me and I won't have you ruining it," I said defiantly. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. The Leto's were beginning to get annoyed with our bickering. "Will you two quit bickering like an old married couple?! Roslyn give the kid a chance," Pete said annoyed with us. Of course he wouldn't take my side. "Fine since your songs are so perfect let's hear one then," I said while crossing my arms. He gave me confident nod before picking up a guitar. "It's a duet," he said as he handed me a paper with the lyrics and began to play as the band followed his lead.

I absolutely hated the fact that the song didn't sound too bad. I began to sing along with him and boy did the Leto's eyes light up. They saw money.

The quartet started to seem more like a duo as Jimmy and I took the lead. I tried to ignore the envious looks from the other two girls, but I did sort of feel bad for them. Jimmy may be a pain in my side, but the crowd does love him. He brought much more attention to our group, and I loved that. It came about one day that we were invited to audition to be the main event on a show called "Downtown Dreamers," we had a chance to be the stars of the show. This is it, this is how I can change my life. If only I didn't have to drag Jimmy around with me.
"We've been rehearsing for hours!" Shirley complained. "If you kids want a shot at the big times we have to practice nonstop. Anyone who's anybody is gonna be there. Some of the biggest names in the industry will be auditioning!" Pete began to rant about the importance of this audition. In truth I was deathly tired, but I wanted it to be perfect even if I did feel ill from my most recent procedure.

I had my first cosmetic surgery 4 days ago. The Leto's were against it as they didn't want to take a break from rehearsals and shows, but I assured them I'd be well fast and so I was. Or at least I made them think I was. At least I'll be able to wear a halter top without my breasts sagging like two bags of oatmeal. They were bigger and more lifted. They were perfect, and so was I. I powdered my nose while looking in my compact mirror admiring my complexion when I spotted Jimmy's reflection behind me. "Yes?" I asked as I closed the mirror. "You don't look good," he stated. "Excuse me?" I asked insulted. "Don't take this the wrong way darlin' you just look a little pale," he said looking down at me. "I'm fine," I said moving to walk away. "No you're not," he said moving to stand in front of me. "You were out for only a day after your procedure. That's not enough time," he spoke. "How did you know about that?" I asked but he ignored me. "I can see how you wince every time you stand up too quick, or how you flinch when you pick something up," he seemed almost genuine, but I know better. "Who told you about the procedure?" I asked angrily, it was supposed to be a secret. "Let's just say your doctor did some excellent work," he said with a smirk to which I scoffed at him. "Pig," I said as I walked to the bathroom. I was beginning to think he just wanted me out of the way so he could fully take over the group.

As much as it irritated me to say it I actually am in pain. I pulled down my top to look at the source of my anguish and saw the fading wounds were bright red and possibly infected. I winced as I touched my breast feeling how tender and swollen it was. This is what I get for trying to be perfect. "Owe," I softly cried as they grew more irritated. "Roslyn?" I heard a knock at the door. "Are you okay?" Why can't Jimmy just leave me alone? "I'm fine," I lied as I lifted my blouse back up. "We're taking a break we have to be back in 10 minutes just thought I'd let you know," he said. "Thanks," I replied through my teeth that were clenched shut in pain.
"Another day another dollar."

    My condition grew worse and though I knew I should go to the doctor I had no time. It was a constant rehearsal or another show. At this point I feel like my boobs are going to fall off. I cried quietly as I wrestled with my dress to fit over my sore chest. Tonight was the night that could officially make me a star. I'm not gonna let a little pain weigh me down. "Hey you don't look so good," Deena said from behind me as I applied makeup at the vanity. "I didn't get much sleep last night," I said which wasn't a lie. The pain kept me awake all night. I was trying to cover up the dark circles under my eyes, but they were so prominent almost like bruises. I've had an awful cough since last night and I feel like I'm freezing yet sweating at the same time. "It's the big day!" Jimmy exclaimed as he walked into the dressing room. I winced both in fright and in pain as his words made my head spin. I held my head in my hands as I tried to pull it together. "Roslyn are you alright?" I heard Jimmy ask but I ignored him as I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet cover as I tried to get my heart to stop racing. This cannot be happening. I need to do something, anything. I'm so out of touch with my magic I don't even have my wand with me to do any kind of healing incantations. I never even thought about it till now. I need to pull it together. "Roslyn? How are you doing? Can I bring you anything?" I heard Oscar ask from the other side of the door. "I'm fine," I managed to squeak out. "You guys are on in 20 minutes, I'll leave some water outside the door for you," he said. If only all I needed was water.

     I walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to try and cover up my imperfections as the other girls sat anxiously waiting to go on. I finished getting ready and stood up, maybe a little too fast. "Hey Roslyn-" I heard my name but it was almost like a distant echo I looked towards the person and gasped. He was here, Tom Riddle he looked the same as the day I saw him last he was so blurry in my vision I almost couldn't make out his face anymore. Fear rushed to my body as I couldn't hold myself up anymore and fell into his arms. He called my name over and over in panic but it wasn't his voice and these weren't his arms.

   I was brought back to reality as my eyes snapped open to see Jimmy looking down at me in worry. "I'm fine," I said trying to get up. "No you're not!" He said stopping me. "Let go of me," I demand as Oscar and Pete ran in. "This isn't good," Oscar said with worry in his voice. "What's wrong with her?" Pete asked. "She's been sick since the surgery because you two had her up and running from the moment she was off that operating table." Jimmy sounded angry as he said this. I hadn't wanted anyone to know, I was trying so hard to be perfect I neglected my health. "We need to get her to a doctor," Jimmy said. "No," I argued, sitting up. "You can hardly walk," he said. "Roslyn can you go on?" Oscar asked with urgency in his voice. "Yeah, can you sing?" Pete asked. "Yes I can," I said using a chair to balance myself, fighting off my urge to sleep. "Are you insane she just fainted?!" Jimmy said to the two brothers. "I can do this," I said to all three of them. "This is our one shot and after the audition I'll go right to the hospital," I said. "Roslyn-" Jimmy started to argue but I interrupted him. "It's my choice," I said sternly. "You guys are up next," a stage hand said poking his head in the door. "I'll be fine," I reassured them. "That's the spirit!" Oscar cheered. Though I don't think I even believed my own words.
The show must go on.

———————————I can't stop updating! I have so many ideas! For all my Tom lovers out there don't worry you're in for a treat 😉

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I can't stop updating! I have so many ideas! For all my Tom lovers out there don't worry you're in for a treat 😉

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