Chapter 39

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    The cold wind whistling through the thick forrest made a shiver run up my spine. A surge of euphoria coursed through my veins as I once again stood in front of my mansion in the hills of muggle London. If I'm being quite honest I never thought I'd see this place again. The once beautiful and lively estate looked run down and abandoned. The yard looks severely unkept and the whole house itself had a dark consuming aura around it that I couldn't quite place. Perhaps it's because to me it symbolizes a life lost, it's almost like I died in this house, and then again maybe I did. I feel as if I've died many times in this lifetime, but this one was the hardest. Letting go of all I had has been a hard process for me. It's been 5 long months since I've been awake after Tom stole three years from me. Tears pooled in my eyes as I thought about the horrid events that took place three years and five months ago. "Where are we mummy?" Scarlett asked. It made my heart nearly shatter when she said this as I had believed this is where we'd hopefully spend our lives. "Home," I softly whispered as I took in the sight of the large house I had once been so proud to own. Though I know we cannot stay it doesn't stop me from wishing we could. I let go of my twin's hands and walked over to a large rock I had hid an extra key under hoping it was still there. Surprisingly there it was still a glittering gold just like the last time I saw it.

    I prepared myself mentally before unlocking the door and leading my children inside. You could imagine my surprise when I saw that everything was exactly as I left it aside from most of my personal belongings. My custom made royal purple velvet drapes were covered in dust as was the rest of the house. I rushed forward and spread them open to let some light into the dreary abode. I took a look around as I fondly recounted all the beautiful memories I made here. I watched my children as they began to walk around and observe the house. It makes me wonder what our lives would've been like if Tom hadn't have come for us. That thought makes me realize that he is sure to think to come here first to look for me. I instantly sprung into action. Under the grand piano there laid an exquisite Persian rug which was made to conceal the floorboard which covered the money I had hidden. With a bit of magic I moved the piano and gained access to my money. After fighting through the aurors it would seem my aversion to magic has taken a backseat. I counted the money quickly and assessed that this would be enough to get us out of town. I packed a bag of useful things as quickly as I could. It pains me to leave this place once again but something within me makes me believe that I'll be back. I tied a scarf around my head and put on some sunglasses to shield my face from prying eyes. I don't want my presence known here, it would be in the media within the hour. Before I left I had a thought about Jimmy. I had assumed he would help us, and I had a feeling I could trust him. What would he think if I just showed up three years later out of nowhere? Maybe it's better I let him go on living his life. He's probably happy with a wife by now. He's probably better off without me. I took a deep breath and looked around one final time before leading my kids out and then kissing my hand and touching the door frame wishing I could stay longer.

     I know what happened to me, but I can't help but wonder what the world believed had happened. I wanted to ask someone about Rose Gold but I was fearful of recognition. I wish there was someone I could ask, someone I could trust. Suddenly Jimmy entered my mind once again. I just need to know who this mystery man is. I made the split decision to make my way to the local library for information. I know I need to get out of town, but I just can't leave without knowing. Quickly I was able to locate the library and thankfully it was quite empty. "Where would I find the newspapers from 1946?" I hurriedly asked the librarian. She looked at me strangely before pointing towards the back. "Mummy I'm hungry," Scarlett whined loudly, "we will get something to eat after we're done here," I shushed her. "You two sit right here don't move a muscle I'll be right over here if you need me," I said as I placed two children's books infront of them. They happily picked up the books and I was relieved they were behaving well so far. Towards the back of the library there were huge books containing every newspaper that came out each Sunday of the year. "Let's see 1946,1946,1946," I muttered as I looked for the right records. Finally I located the dusty book and dragged it out of the shelf and onto the table. I flipped through the pages rapidly until I reached November. There was a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I slowly flipped through the pages wondering if I truly wanted to know the truth. "November 27th 1946," I said out loud as I finally reached the page. My eyes instantly found a picture of a man with his arm wrapped around me. I didn't recognize the handsome man that stood beside a smiling image of me. This is him I just know it. Suddenly my heart sank as I read the headline. "HALF OF TELEVISION'S FAVORITE COUPLE FOUND DEAD, THE OTHER MISSING"
I swallowed hard before proceeding to read the column with tears in my eyes.

Police are in search of television's "Rose Gold" in association to the discovery of the body of Jimmy Thorne at Gold's place of residence. Police arrived on scene and were able to pronounce Jimmy Thorne dead at the scene. We await the corner's autopsy report in hopes to shed some light on this horrific occurrence. Officers are looking to Rose Gold as a possible suspect on account of her absence. This is an ongoing investigation if you have any information please contact the local sheriff's office.

   Jimmy Thorne is best known for his role on "Downtown Dreamers" alongside Rose Gold as the main attraction. Just this week Jimmy Thorne gave a very public proposal to his now fiancé Rose Gold that sent ratings skyrocketing. People from all over London tuned into watch the couple perform every night. Jimmy will be missed.

      I could hardly hold myself up right as I read this. Jimmy and I were engaged? People probably think I killed him, there is a manhunt for me here in this city. There's only one person who would've done something like this. Tom Bloody Riddle. I need to get out of town fast that's when I heard a voice from behind me. "Roslyn."

Oh no

Hey guys sorry it's late. I wanted to say thank you for all the congratulations comments they really mean a lot to me. My first day at work was a success and I enjoyed it. I hope you're all doing well.

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